^ Is Actually Kira. EDIT: lol BBCode typos.
I used to love the comics, I still read some of the "Garfield Classics" books I collected over the years today, it's good for a quick laugh. The film was pretty disappointing, but movie adaptions of comics have never been at an all high standing point for hollywood from what I see. I had to give Bill Murray kudos for his voice acting though, that was exactly the voice I imagined Garfield to have.
XD Fun. Sup?
OHai. Ditto. XD If only it didn't exist.
Ex's And Oh's - Atreyu
Hot. blank****ingspace
I used to watch Mona The Vampire(8D), and I thought it was better than twilight. Go figure, I guess.
By elevator decapitation. <3
They've both sold themselves out like nobody's business, but I would go with Beyonce. Her time with Destiny's Child is a time not to be forgotten.
I Would probably tell the person that I love that I loved them, seeming as I havent done that yet. Then probably say farewells and stuff, it's a tough situation to think about.
Soupface. .
Internet relationships are a complete controversial subject when talked about by ignorant people(Which is your typical everyday person in this world.) People believe that the majority of internet users are paedophiles, and this idea is given to them via news stories and extremely exaggerated documentaries. So to be honest, it doesn't come as much as a surprise that they immediately get that impression. So yeah. I would advise to both ignore them, Tell a friend(or someone you can trust) about it, and tell your abusers that it really isn't any of their business whatsoever.
...Since when did listening to death metal make you suicidal anyway...?
Woo. Finally. >:O I'm okay, Bored. School. Coursework. Ect. You?
Megaman NT Warrior(Rockman.EXE). .______________. And Sonic X. Occasionally. ...*Glares.*
Time wont erase what happened.
Gentleman - Venetian Snares
Religion is completely based on both ignorance and stubbornness. And that's all I have to say. EDIT: Okay, Because some anonymous *** had to go and De-Rep Me, I thought I'd just say that this is my opinion, and I am completely entitled to it. You don't like it? Go throw yourself in traffic. <3
I sort've find it funny. I did a case study on the company only a few months back. I never really shopped there either, apart from buying their cheap DVD-Rs and CD-Rs which I'm going to miss so very much. ...Well, theres always tesco. 8333 Baa.
Loves Kittens.