OH THE WONDERS OF WHAT BOREDOM CAN DO TO YOU I like blackcurrant. Me being an idiot and looking like I've saw a ghost. Same thing as above. Me embracing my Final Fantasy X game, which I would guard with my life. >:O
Chapter 2's up. ...Meh. It wouldn't kill you to give more feedback, you guys. >>;
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...;_______;! Damn! I'm really sorry to hear that you're leaving... You were like...My first friend on here. xD Come back as soon as you can. Or I shall be an unhappy squirrel. You hear? >:C
I concur. I would have also said Mario Kart Wii, but that doesn't really have much motion in it. Apart from steering.
What was your first impression of me? What's your current impression as of now? Is cake the sexiest food that ever existed?
...Oh, Sup.
Haha. Thanks guys for actually bothering to give advice(I didn't think I'd get any. xP) Not particuarly. My personality did change recently though(And by recently, I mean about a year ago) due to the result of a...clash between my parents. Yeah. I find listening to music in somewhere ambient(like a forest, or just looking up at the sky at night) pretty helpful when trying to identify just what's going on with my mind. It's probably lovesickness, lately I've been going through phases like that(Last year I had 3 intense crushes >_>)
No. Your taste in women is terrible. Mikuru all the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
Since when was Kairi hated? Did I miss something? IMO Sora should be the scapegoat for hate, I can't stand how his personality changes from whiny and annoying in KH1, to arrogant and plain dumbfounded in KH2.
...I couldn't sum it up better myself.
Must people have such large signatures On topic - Yes, I agree, ARMAX does own.
Okay, so if this is the wrong place to post this, mods, you can move it. I have a feeling it is the right place though. So yeah, the problems with life I have right now, is not anything irrational or major, per se. It's the fact that my attention span has lowered to such an extent that I can't get immersed in anything without finding myself being bored of it so very...very quickly. When I was young, I always liked to play RPGs. I would spend hours playing final fantasy games, Vagrant Story, you name it. Hell, I even used to play sonic battle(which is an epic game) at bedtimes to the extent that I could barely keep my eyes open anymore. I also loved to write, I would write so much, anything that popped into my head, really. Also, drawing, dispite the fact that I couldn't draw to save my own life(and that fact has still not changed). I don't know where it all became different. I've been trying my hardest to get involved in something, a hobby, and stay with it, and get interested in it, but no matter how hard I try I always seem to get extremely bored of it within a majorly short period of time, and try to move onto something else. Said thing happens again, and I do it again. And again. It's like a viscous cycle. I still write, but nowhere near to the extent of how much I used to. Plus, it's not really spontaneous...I have to get inspired, or someone'll have to suggest it. I think it might be because something's...missing from my life, I dunno. Anyway...Yeah, what do you guys suggest that I can do, to become more interested in things again?
...You seriously are pretty. :3 I just wanna hug you! xD
Hay Thar. Welcome. Read the rules, post alot, be active, you know the drill, homeboi. :3
WHY THANKYOU KIND SIR, I'M QUITE PROUD. XD Cheers xD; xD;; Thanks. I wasn't stoned. xDD; I was Just tired, plus I couldn't hold the camera without shaking which is why the focus is bull. :c
I r infecting ur forum wit mor picturz of...juvenility. ...I love that jumper so much.
Because it's not everyday that I find myself watching anime for 5 hours nonstop.
I've been watching death note episodes for 5 f*cking hours now and I'm still going. I can't stop watching it. ;_;
I say we eat him.