Not that I'm aware of. I removed everything related to photoshop when I uninstalled and reinstalled. Fonts in general. Though lately I have been using a font manager, though I don't see why that should make Photoshop crash. CS2. I'm not really interested in getting any of the newer versions, the additions are barely noticeable IMO.
That picture is hot.
Don't really care, Riku pretty much sucked in all games. Though i would say Riku from KH1, not because of the way he looked (he looked like an idiot, as did all the main characters) but the fact that he made more appearances. In KH1, he was an arrogant ass that needed a sock in the kisser. In KH2, he was a sympathetic wuss who kept complaining about how much he sucked. Not to mention the entire homosexuality of the scenes between both him and sora. So there was never really a progression in his personality. :x
Nothing, they were idiots. Sora mainly did the fighting with the flashiest stuff I could buy, whilst Donald and goofy tried mindlessly hitting them like blind little girls. =^O^=! Poor things, I almost felt sorry for them. Remind square to give them a more advanced AI next time.
So yeah. Lately(And by lately, I'm referring to the past...two weeks) my photoshop has been consistently crashing on me. The problem in general, and stimulus for this, is when I select a text layer, highlight the text, and then click on either one of the colour pallets(to change the color.) it is here, that photoshop completely locks up, and my work is lost.(Yes, I know I should save, but I'm terrible at memory. >_>) I've tried reinstalling, changing the settings in photoshop itself, and googling my problem, each coming up with no luck. I'm pretty desperate now, anybody know if they could help me with this?
Maybe because they can be ****ing huge and eat your clothes. D8<
Butterflies are cute, compared to their evil counterparts, Moths. I hate them things. >:C
Seconded. But then again, that's the only song I've heard from them. And that was a guitar hero cover. o.o
Astounding. I do thank you guys, you've been almost too helpful. <3
Actually, that was a mistake on my part. xD Usually I use apostrophes for speech marks because I'm used to that, I always used to do so when taking part in Roleplays. My english teacher did suggest that a while ago. but I barely know the ins and outs of the book publishing business. I wouldn't know where to start. Plus, I don't think I'm good enough to be writing professionally, I usually do it as a hobby and a cure for boredom. ._. And I put them on the internet to get feedback and criticism, in hopes to improve my writing in the near future.
I actually agree, though like everyone has said, it depends on the situation. Like if you're in a group of friends who likes the same girl, and one of your friends gets to her first, then yeah. But that might be because I'm just a competetive guy. >>;
Nah...I meant that I didn't know that KH-V had RP sections. ...Or I just didn't notice the section until now. xD
YOU DO ROLEPLAYS HERE? ... Thats news to me.
...We don't need books to tell girls that. If a guy has a 'sensitive' side, he should be able to show this to the girl, both physically and verbally. If anything, reading romantic books is probably a bonus.
Oh yes, very serious. So I'm gonna fly all the way to Jamaica now, and ask for a ragga artist to put lyrics over my track. brb guys.
Congratulations, you're an ass.
I'm sorry, I was just so hungry.
That's a spiffing group of people right there. =^--^=
Does anyone know where the frick you can get good accapellas. Ideally ragga ones. EDIT: Don't say Jamaica.