die sai! no that would be bad even though he annoys the crap out of me he is one of my favorite character.... DIE SAI...i have no idea why i said that... uh oh... cofee is getting into my system....
ooc: not soaked in yet so you are fine when it does feels sorry for you ooc: hey we have the same number of posts *chucks bouncy ball at clouds buddy head bouces off* mwahahaha
ooc: oh crap what
*is bored waiting for hyper coffee to soak in* is going to change avvie really quick
im sorry...
tnx..... *drinks super hyper coffee* i wonder what this does going to my other board
hey you changed your siggie! i think
*writes poem after drinking depressed coffe* i stare blankly at the black vlevet sky, choking back the tears i am longing to cry the stars and blackness swirling around me im looking ahead but i cannot see i hear the ocean roar and the wind that sighs while a blanket of lies sheilds my eyes i am running from the future no past what if there is more to life than death at last? the destiny that awaits me is short i am drifting away from the deserted port i cannot stop get off or run away all i can do is delay time delay....... weird......................
hey it is raining again! *opens window and sticks head out*
eeeeeeeevilll! i have mocha! *drinks coffe explodes laughs evilly for no reason*
i like creaticve stories that don't copy something else theyre orriginal! :D
your following me... *chucks soda can at clouds buddy* soooooooooooooooooda
point proven.........
congrats ds! what are we congradulating her for? oh and you have to send me the pic u want me to draw of katara,
so it really has nothing ti do with kingdom hearts
okay, how did u know i was here?
i have no idea and ya you are STALKER!
ooooooooooooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ^^
chucks cookie at head, i am happy today ^^
stalker! thnx