its pretty good! i like it keep writing...
whoa it really reminds me of naruto... its good anyway, keep writing!
well i saw a fan fic my friend made so i started to write and then this happened... hope you like it ^^, it isn't edited so ya... please reply though מ The Girl in the Mist מ A wordless, sweet melody rang through the thick, silver mist. The tune was distant and mysterious as if it were sung by the wind that whispers a soft serenade. A figure appeared on the horizon. He looked completely normal except for one thing. His eyes were wide and glassy staring strait ahead through the dense mist. His pupils had dilated, so only a sliver of his light blue iris was visible. To add to his bemused expression his mouth was hanging open, though only slightly. The melody that was flowing through the mist rang in the man’s ears. He seemed as though he was under some sort of weird hypnotism since he kept walking further into the denser part of the mist. The way he walked looked as though he was trying to determine the exact place where the beautiful piece of music was coming from. As he approached the center of the mist the singing stopped. The form of a girl glided forward toward the, still mystified, man. She had a beautiful, slender figure with pale skin. Her hair was white and faded easily into the wind surrounding her. The blood red lips rested below her nose were formed into a sweet smile. The girl had hard black eyes that stared at the man; his eyes had relaxed and he was now looking at the young beautiful girl that had just arrived. He returned her smile and took a step toward her. The girl’s smile wavered as he continued to near her. She took a step backward smiling again. Her eyes closed slowly while she opened her mouth. The girl began to sing the same wordless melody that was heard in the mist. At once the man’s pupils dilated and he put on the same bemused expression. The girl opened her eyes and watched the man as he began to tremble. She stared him intently continuing to sing her entrancing melody. He shivered again; a long thin thread of yellow light came from the mouth as he fell to his knees. She stopped singing and the man toppled over unconscious. The girl then beckoned the thread of light toward her. Once the light was in reach she took it in her hands and welded it into an orb of spinning yellow light. She smiled again and brought the orb to her mouth and swallowed it. The girl let out a short diverse laugh and pulled her white, silk hood up. She turned around and walked through the mist disappearing softly into the wind before she was out of sight. The unconscious man was left in the mist his memories of the girl and the mist completely wiped from his brain. But he was also missing one more thing; three years of his life had vanished with the girl in the mist… if i get replies i'll write more... if not, well you get the idea
can i join? Name: Yuai (female) Age: 18 Look: Can chat be in Teal?
ooc: hey the reason i wasn't on for a really long time was cuz my computer crashed and we couldn't restart it for weeks it svcked! anyway i have no idea what is going on so if i am a little out of it... i don't really care...
ooc: i have no idea what is going on... srry was grounded for a week
ooc: okay then...
ooc: srry i haven't been on or so long... i was grounded from my computer for a week... i have no idea what is going on...
ooc: what has happened? i don't feel like reading 5 pgs
ooc: omg that is freaking funny!
read the rules and have a lot of fun. mostly the fun part ^^
orihime walked down the hallway. ooc: i have nothing to say
ooc: i like cookies like gaara! can we stop oocing now? i don't even remember what is going on in the thread...
ooc: what are you srry about?
ooc: you and you, both of you! i am haper! hyper and happy mixed together! and i am at school!
ooc: hey nice new siggie and avi ^^
ooc: so is my sis... she doesn't have to take her finals... im envious
ooc: wow you peoples talked about nothing...
ooc: well i kinda, no had, to have a reason to leave the castle grounds... XP
"hhhmmmmm...." yuai said. "okay he can be the baker!" ooc: *gasp* i have to go in like 5 min...