myou merged with the crowd of people waiting to hear the report from the leaders.
myou sighed and closed her messy locker... she walked out onto the grounds and started to play with her hackysack (sp?)
ooc: what is going on?
wow it looks really good! i love your style of drawing ^^
myou walked through the halls rather bored...her back pack was tosses lamely over her shoulder as she walked to her locker (do they even have lockers?) ooc: srry i didn't know what to say
ooc: i hear you...
*Name- Myou *Age- eight *Gender- female CLOTHING head(hairstyle, headbands etc.)- sometimes in a ponytail and she wears goggles on her head, (she has red hair) *Upper- she has a black no-sleeve shirt and fishnet gloves *Lower- shorts that go down to her knees. she has suspenders that hang from them, a few chains that conect to little loops on the bottom of her pockets, and a belt to keep the shhorts on her waist. Feet- sneakers *Eye color- Green Theme song- numb (linkin park) *History- shortly after myou was born her parents died. she was cared for by her older brother until he too died from something (i don't want to think of that something) leaving her all alone. afer his death she tried to prove to him that she could be a good little sister (she thought it was her fault he died). Traits(personality)- she is tomoyish and loves to fight... (not kill). since her brother raised her she sort of acts like one of the guys. she does have a few feminine (sp) traits, like she can cook and is kind, etc... Pet(s)- none wakaru
i think it looks very cool! i love the way it is white on black not vise versa... in my oppinion i like the second one better, the face of the girl however is a little too light in the second one. if you are sticking with the first one you could add something under her arm or something it is a little bare there, but try not to crowd it... other than that i tink it looks PERFECT! XP
some poem i wrote for my friends... they are in a relationship drama and bug me about it... hope you like it ^^ The earth is cold and the trees are bare The branches will sway with the wind that's everywhere The path ahead is so hard to see It winds and bends but where it ends depends on me I do what I must for now and trust in my heart If you trust in your heart you'll find out we can't be apart Lead me away from here Away from the voices that ring in my ears Which of the voices am I supposed to follow? I feel like an empty shell all hard and hollow Please, please, show me the light when I'm in the dark A ray of sunshine or a rainbows arc... Help me, help me live or help me die I'll wait in my room and watch the time fly by
ooc: okay then *ish waiting*
Name: Myou Akuma Age: 17 Gender: female Appearance: Appearance2: Personality: Myou is unaturally shy. she is quiet which usually makes many underestimate her power... which is actually a lot. When Myou does make a friend, however, she is VERY talkitive... (like me!) those who do become her friend she will protect with her life XP. she is kind and is an animal lover unlike her demon she is not greedy or cold. (i don't know whatelse to say... if you need any more on personalility then tell me) Bio: Myou's parents died shortly after she was born leaving her brother to care for her. as a child she was always bubbly and full of life, but after her brother was killed when their village was destroyed... myou was the only one left from the village... since then she had lost her will to live resulting in her shyness... (i think that is a word) Abilities/Powers: she is good with swords and martial arts. she can minipulate the shadows to completely hide herself. also there is a forbidden tequnique tshe knows... it allows the user extract part of the soul and use it to aid them in battle... like a boost of energy or a healing technique. she can't do anything with fire yet... only when she is in her demon form Demon's Name: Ryuu Gender: Male Appearance: Personality: Has a knack for mischief, he is cold, evil, and is ruthless... he wont pity any Elemental Energy: Shadows and fire... (can i have two?) yami ryuu akuma
myou hurried to the meeting praying she wasn't late... unfortunately the meeting had already begun. "what is going on?" myou wondered aloud
that is really cute ^.^... i can't find anything wrong with it...
i like the idea and stuff.. there is a few gramatical errors in it, but they can easily be read over, over all it is still VERY GOOD! ya see that is my thing... i correct grammar, punctuation the way things are said, blah blah blah... the borring stuff... hey you should read mine... it is called darkness fades... it isn't edited yet so there are a lot of grammar mistakes...
well congrats it worked ^.^!
ooc- when are we going to start? is there a certain number of people that have to join... btw i love your L siggie!
*stares* whoa you are really good at describing stuff! me it is just ideas, that flow into my head and wont cease...
oooh that is cool :P you should write more!
can i join? Usrname : amythest Name : myou Age : 25 Race : panther Apperance : History : N/A (i don't want to think of one) Personality : she is shy and quiet, that makes most underestimate her power (which is alot), but she still doesn't like to use her full power Other : she is a really good fighter and is a member of the panthers
ook... that was the prologue by the way... the begining is a little borring but anyways... Meeting in the Clearing מ Chapter 1 The willow tree stood alone in the clearing that was in the heart of the forest. The tree’s branches swayed with the wind an occasional leaf would twirl from it’s home. A soft fog cloaked the clearing in a misty haze as a small group of around seven people stood beneath the center tree in a small circle. All of the people, man and women alike, were clothed in white, silk cloaks. Their hoods were pulled up around their face preventing anyone from identifying them. Each of the people was slim, tall, and had a katana (a long thin sword) sheathed at their side. One by one the swords were unsheathed, the blades glinting in the moonlight. Once every last katana was drawn the person at the beginning of the circle took her free hand and removed her hood and recited her name, “Youchi, Aryame,” she said. Youchi had short blonde hair and fair skin. Her lips were pale pink and her eyes a shade of yellow. Then she unfastened her cloak and let it fall slowly to the lush grass, revealing a pale yellow dress. The person beside her pulled off their own hood and recited their name as well, “Kaen, Zokusei.” His face was slender and he had tan skin, his black hair blanketed his dark brown eyes as he stared around the circle. Kaen shrugged off his own cloak and received, “Welcome Master Zokusei,” from the first member of the group. The process continued until it reached the last person. “Yuai, Getsuei,” she said. Yuai’s skin was pale and her long sheet of silver hair flowed down to her back, it flew around her head slightly as if a light wind was always present. She, however, was wearing a silver circlet with a light blue diamond embedded into it. Her eyes were whitish-blue and observed the rest of the faces in the circle. She was the youngest among the nation leaders. “Welcome, Master Getsuei,” Youchi said. “Now, we may begin. Mentaru Herusu!” Youchi’s sword began to glow white. “Tenkuu Koori!” “Sousei Daichi!” “Kashou Nenshou!” “Jimen Sansai!” “Tou Chiyu!” “Getsuei Kikan!” Yuai yelled out her sword name just as the others before her had. Her sword shivered and turned into a rock hard, mirror-like substance. She lowered it and thrust it into the ground. The group members soon did the same. “The katana are now in form, please lets continue.” Youchi said solemnly kneeling beside her sword. “Our existence has been threatened by the humans with whom we share our planet. I now pronounce all spirits, from the seven nations to keep their race a secret. Humans shall not know of our existence and spirits are not allowed to mingle with them. There shall be two separate worlds for now and forever. Anyone caught with a human must suffer a penalty.” The seven nations raised their right hands. A flicker of sadness was seen on Yuai's face as her hand quavered into the air. “Aye,” was heard around the circle. “Recite your element as you touch hands to the person beside you. Light,” Youchi said grasping Kaen’s hand. “Darkness,” Kaen took the next person’s hand receiving a “Fire,” in return. “Earth.” “Water.” “Healing.” “Wind,” Yuai said softly as she took Youchi’s hand, hesitantly, completing the circle. A light from the center of the circle rose up. It let of seven beams of light, each one touching one of the seven nation leaders’ hearts. As the white light made contact with them it began to grow engulfing the nation leaders, the forest, and the world. When the light faded seven bodies were laying face down on the grass, they were not dead but they were all unconscious. The spell they used, used up every last drop of their energy resulting in the loss of their consciousness. Next to each of the nation leaders was his or her sword, which stood in it original form. מ Yuai arose from her position on the ground. She rubbed her head massaging where it had made contact with the grass. Her eyes darted around her surroundings looking at the empty forest around her. Yuai stood up slowly, her body was still weak from the spell they had done. Her glance fell upon her katana sticking out of the ground. Its blade was no longer shining as it had done the previous night; instead it was quite motionless just staring blankly at the heavens. Yuai’s slender fingers soon grasped the sword hilt. The blade shot from the ground at her touch and began to heat up warming her body. Yuai, however, was used to this and just sheathed the katana quickly. She walked from the glade after she picked up her silk cloak from the ground. All that was seen of her was a whip of the white cloth before it disappeared completely. Yuai quickly turned invisible and walked through the low mist that had settled over the forest. She couldn’t help thinking about the spell she had cast. Yuai continued to walk through the forest unnoticed and invisible. She stopped in front of a sturdy rowan tree. She blinked and turned visible again; Yuai rested her hand on the rough bark. Welcome home, she thought as she began to sing. A sweet wordless tune rang from her throat. The melody made the branches shake and an occasional leaf flutter to the ground. Soon, the whole tree was vibrating rapidly. When Yuai stopped singing, a door formed at the bottom of the tree. With a quick glance over her shoulder she pulled open the door quickly closing it allowing the door to sink back into the wood. The door opened to a gigantic room, which was quite larger than the tree as a whole. It was a wonder how it fit inside of the tree. Anyways, the room had a flight of stairs that slowly descended downward farther into the ground. Yuai did not hesitate to walk down the stairs. Once she had reached the bottom she came to a corridor with three tunnels each more forbidding than the last. Yuai walked toward the middle tunnel but instead of walking into is the touched the ground at the base. The hard dirt melted away revealing another flight of steps leading further away from the surface and farther into the heart of the earth. This time when Yuai reached the end of the stairs there was no door or another tunnel instead it lead into a rather small town. The buildings were white and unlike most would suspect there were little kids with the same pale skin and wispy hair as Yuai, wandering the streets laughing as they played their game of tag. Yuai smiled to herself and walked down the street, as she passed all those in the streets pointed and ran up to her side. “Princess Yuai has returned!” one of the people in the crowd yelled smiling at her. Yuai couldn’t keep herself from smiling back and said, “Hello, did you miss me?” Yuai felt a slight tug on her cloak and she looked down. A little girl stood there, one arm wrapped around a teddy bear with her thumb in her mouth. “Pwincess Kywuka?” she asked not taking her thumb from her mouth. Yuai kneeled beside the little girl and smiled warmly, “Yes?” “I’m gwad you’re bawck,” the little girl sighed hugging Yuai. Yuai picked a nearby flower and put it in the little girl’s white hair. “You know what? I’m glad I’m back too!” she stood up and looked at the ceiling. Since they were underground it was not really a sky but it was enchanted by Yuai to look like it. Clouds floated by and the town was well lit just like a normal one. Yuai walked toward the biggest building and pulled open the door. She looked at the heavily furnished hallway. Yeah, Yuai, welcome home! Yuai thought again this time not as enthusiastic since that meant she had to face the thing she had been dreading. “Milady?” Yuai turned around quickly; the word had caught her unaware. “Yes?” “You will be meeting your fiancé in about ten minutes,” the guard said then he left. I wonder what he is like, she thought I’m only sixteen and my mom has set up an arranged marriage. Why couldn’t she have waited till I was at least twenty-one? Sometimes I wish I were just someone else. Yuai walked solemnly to her room. She slipped out of her previous clothes and into something a little more comfortable: a white no-sleeve turtleneck. It cut off above her stomach, which was covered in white bandages. Her skirt was also white and could easily be moved around in. She did, however, fasten her cloak around her neck and her sword around her waist as she set off from her room, rather grudgingly, to meet her husband to be. Yuai sulked down the stairs, her skirt flowing softly behind her. When she reached the end of the hallway she was greeted by… “Kaen? What are you doing here?” Yuai asked putting her hair behind her ear despite her effort it fell back into her eyes. “Oh, you have met?” Yuai’s mother asked appearing beside her. “Yeah, he is the head of the darkness nation. What is he doing here?” Yuai asked even though she knew the answer to the dreaded question. “This is your fiancé,” her mother replied. “Um, Mom, can I speak with you for a second? I’ll be right back,” she added to Kaen. Once she turned the corner Yuai put her hands on her hips and stared at her mother in disbelief. She sighed as if to say ‘hopeless’. “What? Your marriage will unite our countries. Besides he is eighteen only two years older than you,” her mother said trying to sound reasonable. “Mother! What do you expect me to move to the darkness nation?!” Yuai whispered appalled at her mother. “Of course not darling, he is moving here! Do you expect to have a long distance marriage? Honestly,” her mother made Yuai angrier by the moment. Yuai’s fists clenched and wind started to howl around her. “I’m only sixteen and already your forcing me into an arranged marriage! What is that only because I am the only heir to the wind—? Oh hello Kaen,” the swirling wind stopped immediately as Kaen entered the room. “Is there something wrong?” Kaen asked. “Oh, no, no not at all,” Yuai said quickly as she walked up to join Kaen casting an angry look over her shoulder at her mother. “I think we are supposed to be having lunch in the dining hall.” Yuai said turning her attention back to Kaen. Yuai guided Kaen toward the dining hall and tried to strike up a conversation, “So, where were you born? I’m sorry that was a really stupid question,” Yuai said desperately trying to make small talk (she was failing horribly though). Kaen smiled, to Yuai’s surprise it wasn’t cold like she had expected. It actually did quite the contrary it made her feel warm. There was one table in the center of the dining hall; the rest was full of dancers and waiters pushing carts of food. Kaen pulled out a chair for her to sit in. “Thanks,” Yuai took her seat. “You aren’t at all like I expected,” her eyes got wide after she said that. “Not that I expected you to be bad or anything!” she added as quickly as she could. He laughed, “It’s okay. The darkness nation isn’t cruel or anything, that is just the first assumption everyone gets after hearing the clan name. The only reason we are called the darkness nation is cause we manipulate the shadows, like this for instance,” Kaen whirled his right hand in a circular motion. In his shadow’s hand was a rose, which he extended to Yuai’s shadow. Yuai smiled. “That is so sweet! Can you show me how to do that?” “You look nice when you smile,” he said leaning across the table to push her hair behind her ear. Yuai blushed and bit her lip while she turned away. “Awww, your shy,” He teased. “So tell me about yourself.” “What do you want to know?” Yuai asked skeptically. As she said it one of her eyebrows rose and she crossed her arms in a defiant manner. “Well, I met your mom, so tell me about your dad,” he said suggesting a random topic. Yuai looked down and turned away. “You don’t have to answer that!” Kaen said quickly. “No, its okay, you’ll find out sooner or later anyway. The person you met wasn’t my mother. My real parents died shortly after I was born and my ‘mother’ is a nursemaid who brought me up when I was little,” Yuai answered. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” said Kaen. Yuai shook her head, “It’s all right all I need is a little space though. I’ll be back before dark. Someone can show you around this place, it’s so big so you might need a guide.” Yuai forced a smile and stood up. She pushed her chair in leaving Kaen in the dining hall. She walked through the halls halting only before two double doors that lead outside. She pulled them open and walked outside of the castle as it began to sprinkle. Yuai closed her eyes after she looked at the tree in the exact center of the garden. It stretched all the way to the sky its branches connecting to the high ceiling. She extended her arms in each direction as if she wanted to fly away from her problems. She let the water droplets fall on her and didn’t mind that the wind around her was blowing her hair and clothes in every direction. Yuai fell to her knees and stared down at the grass that glistened with the rain. Just as she had cleared her head, Yuai heard the grass crunch beneath someone else’s feet. Yuai shot up and turned around. She cocked her head, “Who are you?” Yuai asked the new stranger that had appeared. The girl had short white hair and deep, blood red lips that were formed into a not-so-pleasant smile. “Who are you?” she asked again. “No one of concern,” the stranger replied. “What do you want?” Yuai asked her fingers curling around her sword hilt. She took a small step away from the newcomer. “Nothing you could give me,” she said simply, not bothering to show any respect to Yuai. However, something made her look up at the person she was talking to. “Hold on a minute,” the girl eyed the circlet around Yuai’s head. She smiled evilly. “Ah, so you are princess Yuai.” “What do you want?” Yuai repeated a little louder. She let out a short diverse laugh before answering, “Everything.” She then disappeared and appeared beside Yuai. “Surely that isn’t too much…” the outsider whispered in Yuai’s ear before striking her with the hilt of her sword, knocking her unconscious. “Yes, and you’re appearance will help me along with that,” the stranger no longer looked as she had done before. Instead she was in the form of Yuai, “Oh, and before I forget, I’m Aori…” Aori picked Yuai up and threw her over her shoulder “You are going to go for a ride,” she said to Yuai, as she turned the two of them invisible. Aori did not go back into the palace; instead she went over to the only, and biggest, tree in the garden and sang to it. A smooth doorknob appeared in its bark just as the original one did. She pulled it open and quickly went inside. Once she was in the tight room she pulled the door closed and became visible again. She began to climb the stairs that lead to the surface. “I am sorry about this, princess, but I can’t have you interfering with my plans. You are probably going to die anyway, besides it will look suspicious if I” she smiled nastily, “No you, come back with blood stains down your front.” She said to Yuai even though she couldn’t hear her. Aori stopped at the top of the stairs. There was another door. She pulled it open and walked out of a small sapling barely taller than a full grown human. Aori closed the door and was positioned to lay her down but then she stopped… “You should know better than this Aori, when she wakes up she’ll just go back down the stairs,” instead of putting her down she threw her over her shoulder again, and began to walk far away from the sapling. Aori made a soft mist at the edge of the forest and laid Yuai almost out of the woodland. “Nobody will find you here, and there is no way that you will find it back to the wind nation…” Aori didn’t bother to take Yuai’s sword away. “And the best part is,” Aori turned invisible and stabbed Yuai in the stomach before leaving her unconscious in the mist. “No one is even going to be looking for you…” plz don't steal this i worked hard on it... and ya it is kind of long this is all un-edited so there may be some grammar mistakes...