What's with the name change?
I got a haircut :P And I'm mad again.
Me too.... Get's really boring....
Fine, just beng bored.
Wow, nice. I've just been hanging around my house talking online. o.O
Lol what's up?
It is. :( Anyway, thanks again for the U.N.
Your own business? What do you mean?
Nevermind the "s" word, then. xD Pantolonius poopicus!
Yeah... He kept pointing out the wrong stuff I did while dueling and I had enough of it after I made a card for a firned and he gave me like 4...
My best friend and I had a fight. Jaden Yuki.
I'm mad. :(
You too. Love your name
Thank you for the user note, by the way. It made me feel good inside xD
Lol, this is late but, good, you?
Don't worry, I bet you've done fine. Lol.
Hey DP, What's up?
Nothing, just dueling, flirting, the usual You?
Had to do a little cleaning, but otherwise just dueling.
Not surpised xD Your welcome! So what's up?