You're up.
Alright good, I'll get on that.
Why are people just sitting there staring at the roleplay instead of posting?
"Er....a lucky geuss. That kind of description sounds like it would fit a Clayton." He turned to Kel. "So you are Kel, then? Pleasure." He said. "Now, however, I must be going, I need to talk to Msr. Yen Sid." He walked into the main hall, and approached Yen Sid, bowing low. "Master Yen Sid, It's quite the honor."
Yeah I realize that now.
I know, but thanks for telling me.
Saelis nodded to the man who had just emerged from down the hall. "How are you? Saelis DiAngelli." He introduced himself to the man. Another friend? Or a rival?
"Clayton, you say? Tall man, annoying mustache, greying on the sides of his hair?" He asked suddenly, his entire focus on her words. This, he thought, might be interesting.
Not anymore, no. I just wish people were on to RP.
I've gathered that so far Alright.
So what's up?
"Ah, you've locked a keyhole?" he asked. "What world? I wasn't aware a path had closed." He looked deep in her eyes to tell if she was truthful.
"Then I'll wait. Actually, I'm a Warrior, but I seek his help for personal reasons." He said, continuing to look around. "You said there are other Keybladers here?" He asked, not looking at her.
"Hello." He said, returning the smile. "My name is Saelis DiAngelli. I have come for training with Msr. Yen Sid, could you help me find him please? I can't seem to located him." He said while looking around the inside of the tower. "Oh, do forgive me, I seem to have lost my manners. And what is your name?" he asked inquisitively.
I know what you mean.
Pretty good, and you?
Great, thanks. Are you new?
Saelis got up, away from the girl. He let out a very loud call "Can anyone hear me?" He heard it vibrate up the walls and up into the higher reaches of the tower.
Hey there fellow RP-er! xD
Saelis pushes open the large double doors of Yen Sid's tower, coughing in a shower of dust as it rains down upon him. "Hello, anyone home in here?" He calls out into the darkness. With no response, he walks in and looks around. He see's a younger girl in the entrance hall and walks over to sit by her. "Hello, I am Saelis DiAngelli. Have you seen Msr. Yen Sid?" he asks politely as he sits down next to the girl.