I see, better than my summer
Eenope. Its gonna be boring.
I see. Well sounds interesting.
We seem to have stopped at 79.
Oh that's cool.
Heeey! I remember you!
Absolutely nothing.
Hey! You there! Do you remember me?
I see, then.
You're still in school?
Not really, pretty boring actually. What about you?
Yeah I'm like that too. So...
Well I've seen you twice today, so ^.^ I'm fine, what about you?
Hey there. I've seen you posting alot so I thought I'd drop in and say hello.
Probably just relax at home and play my computer. I don't have much else todo, besides going to the skatepark thrice a week.
I always liked Ventus, maybe just because his speed, maybe just because he looks like my favorite character, but he always was my favorite.
Now I like RoxNam just as much as the next fan, but anyone wonder what could have been between Olette and Roxas? In the first Seven days, she was giving Roxas some pretty odd looks.
Hey there, welcome to KHV, listen to the rules, pay no attention to Shadox, blahblahblah[/boringintro] Anyone welcome to the site, you need a friend or just someone to talk to look me up, I always welcome talk.
Saelis saw a man with sunglasses on enter the room and slightly stagger on Anora shoulders. He nodded at him to show he had acknowledged his entrance and started walking toward him to introduce himself before realizing he was in pain. He stopped in his tracks and quickly deflected a conversation on Luna. "Were there black shapes, kind of monsters when you saw you world destroyed?" He asked.
we're gonna make a large comeback soon.