Could I have an invite to Kingdom Hearts and Christianity please?
I speak English and little french.
Saelis got up and walked over to Yen Sid. He sat down before him and asked him "Is there anything I can do to help sir? Missions, worlds, etc.?"
I've seen the DVD version yeah. I always liked Yazoo. "Don't cry, Loz."
Saelis stands a few feet away, looking around the room. There were more KeyWielders here than he had thought previously, more than he thought had existed. He walks to the other side of the room and sits, opposite of Luna, and begins to think of his family, back in Retiarra, and silently sheds a few tears.
Cloud.Vs.Sephiroth That and on the motorbike fight.
So me and a friend are looking for a good manga that we haven't read. We've read: Bleach Naruto +Anima Rosario Vampire Yu-Yu Hakusho Slam Dunk One Piece Inuyasha Thanks for your help.
Doest thou remember moi?
Aurelio Voltaire Hernandez, he's a gothic writer and is very talented, and not too bad at stand up himself ;)
Three Days Grace; Pain, Animal I have become, and others. Coldplay; X&Y CD
Honestly, the only reason I wouldn't want to achieve premium is because of that horrid shade of color they have for your name when you get it. ~It used to be Rainbow Color~
Not really sure.
"Yeah well, if my world's dark then let me know when you find light." he said coldly, and began to walk away. 'Dammit dad.' He thought. Why did you have to die?'
"Why? Humans will be humans. They all have their bad sides, their dark personalities. THAT, exactly, is where Heartless come from. They're abundant on my world." He said coldly, and turned away from Luna.
Ah, well then.
"Not where I come from." Saelis said bitterly. "My world is a frozen wasteland, where the men are captured and forced to fight in gladiator battles to the death." he said, forming a fist. "I hate it. It's a hell, not a world."
"Heartless," Saelus began, "are monstrous creatures created by the darkness in people's hearts. They have no heart, so they steal others to 'fill the void.'" He looked at the sun. So bright....
Saelis nodded. He stopped walking and looked out the window at the warm sunlight suddenly emerging from behind a cloud. The warmth made him feel much better, and he almost forgot about the troubles back at Retiarria. "But yes." He said with his eyes closed. "Heartless.
Oooooh, I see.
Wait, where do you live?