Haru and Joshua was walking on a road when Haru gripped his chest and screamed.Haru fell down on the ground.Joshua yelled,"Haru are you alright!?!".Haru didnt answer and Josua picked him up and started to run looking for help.
Haru screamed really loud in the hallway and he walked next to Lexauees class room door and he leaned against the wall.
Haru nooded his head and the he started to run the hallways.
Haru crossede his arms and said."Need help?"
Haru smiled at him and said,"cool my name is Haru."
Haru didnt see Lexaues scream at him and chase him.Haru said to him self,"What a strange teacher..".Haru walked next to Lexaues and said,"Whats your name?"
Haru ran Behind Lexaues and he tugged on him.Haru smiled at him and said,"Your Ugly".Haru sticked his tounge at him and started to run.
i friggin hate that bam commercial espeically when the guy was rapping he was like repeating going BAM! BAM! BAM! LIME STAIN i was like WTF IS THIS these are trying to rap!.i was so mad i actually threw my cup at the TV and the tv screen cracked and the glass broke. so we had to get a new TV
yea i know my mother slapped me
(ok im bored no other shinigami is here with me)
(khoma did you make your character?)
one time i was screaming and crying when i was 6 cause i had a dream that i was going super saiyan 3 and a crap load of hair was coming out of my head and it was hurting like hell and i was screaming like goku did.
OOC:how do you want me to start?
Haru smile turned wider and said,"nah i dont really care about them."Haru crossed his arms and looked at xemnas with the same face.
Haru smiled at xemnas and didnt say anything.Haru crossed his arms and moved back.
Haru ran to the school field and he jumped infront of Xemnas.Haru saluted at him and he started to chuckle.
no heart shut up :D and death wait for it to start
it has been a frutiing day
Haru saw Axel teleport behind kasha wondering if hes going to attack her.Haru yelled,"hey! what are you doing?"