what do you mean by title?
Excuse me can i join the KADAJ FAMILY RAAAAAAAWR
didnt you say that already
both you can have a DBZ character and a Made up
i didnt say 11 i said 10 :D
one time i made a DBZ story when i was small but i threw it away
yea true true since its summer and all of that
Writing was always my weak spot in school i didnt really i have no problem with punctuation and i started foruming when i was 10 but i made good stories my teach said that i have a good imagination
ok then couple of more people
shhhhh dont tell im under aged im 11 >.>
ok your in but you need another Andrioid character like the character you made for Super andrioid
well i probaly should have sticked to Empire Hearts but i made a Bleach and Kingdom hearts combined and nobody joined but a dude stole my idea
oh wait like a DBZ but with different characters like DBZ AF
its DBZ :/ nobody likes DBZ
everytime i make a RPG thread nobody joins they only join one of them i made called Empire Hearts.I made a bleach and kingdom hearts rpg combined thread and nobody joined but this dude stole my idea and made a KH and Bleach rpg combined.Just now i made a DBZ rpg and i really put my brain in it and my head is hurting now and still nobody joined this always happens to me i put hard work into something and it dosent pay off i mean COME ON! i join other people RP'S
Haru Age: 11 Race: Human/Demon(Transform into demon at brink of death) Weapon: Fernir and Sleeping Lion combined. Bio: Haru got his keyblade when he was 9 figthing with someone with a keyblade. Played By: Bryan
OOC:Hey guys do you wanna join my DBZ RPG while we have the Transformer RP?
Haru got up and brushed him self off,"what happened?".Haru looked at Phisoxa and said,"your alive!!!"
Joshua saw Phisoxa.Joshua ran up to her and said,"Please help my brother Haru!"
The Story Read it and Relax.. Kid Buu has just been defeated by Goku and Vegeta. The universe has been safe, and quite calm for some time. The time period in which our story takes place during the ten year gap between the ending of DBZ and the start of DBGT. But technically, it takes place in the future. Capsule Corporation had just invented one of the most advanced piece of equipment they have ever made. Just like the time machine built for Trunks, Bulma devised a Time Room, where anyone in the room at the time could teleport into the past or the future. All of the Z warriors had come to celebrate, and Bulma was even going to give a demonstration, such as going into the future 100 days. But instead, a mistake was made, and sent them into the future by 100 years. Now the Z warriors are stuck in the far future, where Earth still remains to be in peace. But little did they know, their travel into time and spaced opened a portal for which dark and mysterious beings had been stuck in for millions of years was stuck, and was now released. The Z warriors also find out that most of them have lot, or forgotten their powers, An effect caused by time skipping. Now that you have read the stories READ THE DAMN RULES :D 1.) Don't Spam (Unless it's in the Spam Section. That's why it's there) 2.) No disrespecting other members based on race, religion, where they live, etc. 3.) All cursing is allowed, but please don't let every other word be '****'. 4.) No god moding 5.)You can have 2 characters 6.) you must get approved by me to get a transformation or il do planet traveling Races: Saiyan Namek Half-Saiyan Namekian changling Earthling Legendary Saiyan Oh and one more thing if you want to make up Transformations sure be free to do it. Character Template: Name: (No last name required) Age: Race: (Earthling, Changling, Android, Saiyan, Half-Saiyan, Namekian) Good Or Evil: Description: (You may get a picture of your character or describe how they look) Personality: (How your character acts and thinks) Biography: Powers: (Everyone starts out with the ability to fly and basic ki blasts. Other abilities must be approved by me) Money: 500 Zenie Transformations: Thats all you may now post -Hits the Gong and yells in japanese- i worked very hard for this so join!