Noah jumped on her back and started to punch her in the temple repeatedly.Haru just sat on the ground and watched.
Haru grabbed her leg with the earth under her.Noah then punched her in the spine and made a huge explosion.
The skulls on Haru hands start to glow and then he started to run at her and kicked her in the mouth then he grabbed her and punched her in the head.
Noah cracked his knuckles and said,"Well come on then.. what are you waiting for attack me i ain't scared of a mangy mutt or what ever you are."
Noah gave her a cold mean look.Noah put on his gloves and his hands started to glow.Haru caught them and he threw them on the ground.
Haru and Noah threw 2 stones at Kasha and said,"Dont what ever us and we would like you to arrange it please.Haru said,"Yea make it.. a Mexican theme with a little pirate theme going on got it?.".Noah and Haru started to laugh.
Noah stopped and looked at Kasha and said,"Look! he cant stop Haru and I we are a team me and him together is a mischevious combination".Noah smiled at Kasha.
Noah yelled back at Kasha and said,"Xemnas cant tell me what to do i have my own mind!".Noah coutinued to run through the hallways.
name:Haru Francis age: 11 gender:Male personality:Haru is quiet and smart.Hes some times cruel but hes really nice its just that he dosent like to show it.Also hes very mischeveous and Clever and knows how to sneak into things and hes kinda a pervert. appearance: except he only has yellow eyes no pupils and dog ears. weapon: A katana with a long black marking on it.With a little white on the side and the Engraves on it says Death other:
OOC: thats ok IC:Noah coutinued to pet her and then he got up and started to run around in the school.Haru followed.
Noah scratched his nose and then his hand slipped and it slammed on the ground making a loud explosion.Haru took of Noahs gloves and he put them in his pockets.Noah shrugged his shoulders and started to pet Kasha again.
Noah face lit up and he started to pet her and said,"Wow a talking dog...".Haru crosed his arms.
Haru and Noah were around the school and then Noah saw Axel figthing some Dusk.Noah went behind the Dusk and he smiled.Noah hand started to glow and he punched the dusk making a huge explosion.Haru started to clap.
-crawls on the floor all banged up like- helppp xD
Normal Talking Donald
(im gonna make a new character)) Haru flew out side and he leaned against the door.Haru started to look around. Name:Noah Age:14 Weapon:Explosion Gloves with a skull on it Power:To make explosions Personality:He likes to cause to cause huge explosions.He has a very short temper and hes very cocky. Haru saw Noah walking towards him.Haru gave him a hug.Haru said,"hey bro welcome to the school...".Noah smiled at him and he walked into the school.
im gonna write a DBZ story..
im the new member :D im waiting for the PIC
Haru said,"its down the hall then left got it?".Haru smiled at him.
Haru slammed into Demyx and said,"sorry".Haru smiled at him.