Haru teleported in front of Nuthura fast.Xehenort/Haru said,"dang... hes awake".
Haru was still turned around and he teleported infront of raxbend.
Xehenort/Haru was walking down a road.A great power has been awakend.The Real Haru appeard infront of Axel in them in a black spandex and a black helmet on his head.Haru had 2 keyblades in each hand and he held them backwards and he had on a black raggedy scarf.
Character name-Haru Age (optinal)-11 Race (Hedgehog, Human, Fox, ecindna(Spelling?) u get it right?)-Hedgehog Choice of Weapon(or skill type wep. Up to 2 weapons))-Gravity Description-Haru is like a cmbination of Shadow and Sonic and his hair is like super form but its green. Extreme Gear (optinal HAS to follow point rule) -Top speed Type (Speed, flying, power(Name for Gear can be made up) )-flying Element-Explosions
Gave the man a bigger grin and said,"whats your name?".Haru poked him in the stomach.
Haru was crawling in the woods when he popped up behind 2 people.Haru smiled at them and said,"Hi! im Haru nice to meet you!".
((were is this taking place?))
((how do you want me to start))
Name:Haru Francis Age:11 Weapon:A sword with bandages around it Element:Fire Hero or demon:Hero Other:
i got a idea... the Evil Haru isnt the real Haru but the shell of the real Haru the Real Haru dissappeard after Nuthura went into the pod but he returns!
Haru was walking around Twilight Town.Haru was training by him self.Haru turned around and saw Xarend and yelled,"Yo!."
Form for character: Name:Haru Age:18 Biography:Haru was figthing in the war with his girl friend.A explosion Occured and his girl friends life was taken.Haru was devestated so he went into hiding trying to send his pain to others. Appearance: Weapon/Weapons: those 2 flame swords,
Haru fell on his knees and started to scream and a larger black aura came from his body and then Xehenort started to take full control.Haru jumped in the air and jumped into Doyxc and he slashed him in the shoulder.Haru jumped behind Nuthura and slammed the keyblade in her back,
((didnt i make a character on this can i keep him xD))
Haru grabbed his head and started to scream in the air.Haru said,"Nuthura! help me!".Xehenort coutinued to try to take control of him and said,"Shut up fool and stay in there!.
Haru threw his hand out at Kasha and a tree branch grabbed her and threw her out of Noah's way.Haru broke the elemental rock shield and a another tree branch grabbed Noah and threw him.Haru smiled at Lexaues.
Noah got up and then he jerked his hands back and he screamed in the air forcing more power into it.The Dome broke through the wall and it coutinued to expand.
Noah put his hands togetther and said,"this is my new move..I WILL...DESTROY YOU..".Noah put his hands on the ground and a dome starts to form around him.The dome started to expand making everything explode in its path.
((i Forgot All About This Thread :( ))
Haru slammed his sword into the ground practicing his moves.Haru kept slamming it on the ground and earth spikes came out of the ground.Haru sticked his sword in the ground and tree branches came out of the ground.