Haru smiled at him and said,"Tsk Tsk you should not fall asleep you never know something might spring at ya".Haru looked to the left and said,"Ok lets go!".He started to run to the leaf village with speed.
Haru said ,"Hmm Naruto nice name my name is Haru Takashi... Well right now im heading to leaf...".He started to scratch behind his head and chuckle.Haru stared at the ground says,"I can show you the way to the leaf village if you want".
As Haru was running through the forest He saw a boy with yellow hair.Haru turned his head to the boy as he was running through the forest.He slammed into a tree and he fell on the ground rubbing his head.Haru got up and he stared at the boy with yellow hair again.Haru yelled at the boy,"Yo!!!".Haru gave the boy with yellow hair a wide smile.
((Ok were you want me to start?))
Name: Haru Takashi Age: 11 Weapons: Kunai, Sand Shurikens Gender: Male Shinobi Rank:Chuunin Village: Hidden Village of Sand Appearance: ((He has black ring around his eyes)) Abilities:He has the ability to control sand Kinda like Gaara but he cant really control it properly. Other:He has the Shukaku Sand SPirit ((Can i ahve Shukaku?))
name:Haru age:11 good/evil:Good SSJ1/SSJ2/SSJ3/SSJ4/SSJ5(how high can they hit?):Ssj1-5 other: Realetive to who?:Vegeta
I have lost all hope of having the NEW kh game
((What happend when i was gone))
I Am Back From The Frutiing Vacation!
((Phisoxa can i teleport to yee?))
((were is everybdoy?
Haru said,"Yea lets go".Haru smiled at her.
Haru chuckled again and said,"I can chuckle if i want too!".
Haru crossed his arms and said,"Nope i can't your the smart one you think of something".Haru started to chuckle.
Haru smiled and said,"Yep me too".Haru sighed.
Haru says,"Yep im kinda active..but im kinda dumb and intelligent..".Haru smiled at her again.
Haru scratched his head and shrugged his shoulders.Haru said,"Eh ok..".Haru says,"My name is Haru..".
Haru scratched his head and said,"Yep im on Naruto's team why do you ask?".Haru smiled at the girl.
Haru ws running through the forest until he found the tower.Haru walked inside.
Haru coutinued to run around the village until he slammed into Reka.Haru said,"GRR Watch were your going!!!!!!!!!!!!!".Haru got up and brushed himself off.