Haru was walking through the hallways and he ran to were the intercom was very near but he hid.Haru yelled very loud and it went to the intercom.
for me it was hades xD
Haru said,"let me do the pleasures..."Haru took out Otaku and he ran at the hollow with a tremondous speed.Haru slammed his sword in the hollows head and he flipped back.
Haru looked at hitsyuga and said,"aight lets go..."
Haru flashed stepped next to Hitsyuga and he spat on the ground.Haru said to Hitsyuga,"eh.. hollows?... to easy.."Haru crossed his arms.
Riku you start if off
when do we start?
the form for the oc's name:Bryan Francis gender:Male age:13 grade: 6th personality:Bryan is really smart and quiet.He acts like a teacher pet but when hes not in the classroom hes a loose cannon and he likes to trick people in doing stuff. appearance:Bryan has on a white shirt and blue jeans with glasses on.Bryan has tan skin and black eyes.Bryan hair is black and he has corn rows on it.
Name:Haru Francis Age : Phyiscal Age:11 Real Age:345 Gender:Male Appearance (Description or Image of character) : Personality (No short stuff like what they do, make them how they would on the outside) :Haru is a nice quiet guy he isnt really that nice but he dosent like to show it to people.Haru is quiet and Bossey and very clever.When it comes to work and seriousness Haru is there and has no time for jokes. Character type: Soul Reaper Zanpakuto Data:Zanpatkou Name:Otaku,Zanpatkou Seal form:Its a long katana with a hook at the tip. Zanpatkou Rlease Pharase:Otaku LETS ROCK HEAVEN AND HELL!,Zanpaktou Relased form:It grows wide and long and it has chain saw spikes all over it.Bankai:Armor forms over Haru and wings of fire comes from Harus back.And then 5 tails of fire comes out behind Haru. Your Zanpakuto's name, sealed form, release phrase, released form, abilities, and Bankai (if you know Bankai). Division and rank: 10th divison vice captain Other abilities: Kido ,Flash step, Other: Anything else you want to share? (optional)
(ok il change to decepticon)
OOC:well...after a while can i betray the Decepticons but il still join them
Name - Gear runner Alliance (Decepticon/Autobot) - Decepticon Status (Leader, Medic, Recon, etc.) - Soldier Abilities - 2 big laser guns on his shoulder and sides and a wide sword on his back Transforms into - Ferrari
Haru chuckled and said to him self,"maybe... i should do the same thing".Haru did a evil grin and he kneeled down and he scampred out of the class room.Haru ran out in the hallways.
Haru threw the textbook at the wall and he put his head on the desk frustrated.
banned for taking a poop
On some site right im not trying to advertise its a DBZ site so i act dumb and just laid back since like school is over and all of that.Now alot of people dont respect me on the site and i keep telling them that im smart and they said LMAO and yea right.So what should i do? i just want to do something to them so mean! that they'l respect me! or something so good theyl respect me or i make a site so good that they wanna join what should i do again?
(hmm what happened?)