Haru looked up with the dark rings around his eyes.Haru smiled at her and said,"Im Haru Takashi..".
((Nah that aint my DBZ site thats my friends Kazuma DBZ site))
Haru stared at the ground and says,"Why dont you wanna say hi?..".
The sand started to rise from behind Haru.Haru looked at them and said,"Tell..ME..HI!!!".Haru starts to breathe heavily.
Haru was looking down and he looked up at Sakura and Sasuke with a crazy grin and said,"Telll..Me..Hi....".Haru crossed his arms as he coutinued to stare at them with the same look.
Haru said,"Do it....But... IL COME BACK! Il only leave if He tells me Hi!".
Haru stopped next to Sasuke and crossed his arms.Haru said ,"Now.. Telll..Me..Hi!."
Haru started to run faster.Haru ran next to sasuke and said ,"Say Hi!".
Haru jumped on the same building and started to chase sasuke.Haru yells,"Your not gonna get away that easily!".Haru Tried to jump infront of sasuke.
Haru said,"Im not gonna leave you alone until you say HELLO!!!".Haru started to run at Sasuke.
Haru ran next to sasuke and said,"Come on! I dont even get a hello back! Man your mean!".Haru crossed his arms pouting
Haru yelled,"Wait!! Dont go!".The sand grabs sasuke ankle as it starts to pull towards Haru.
Haru said "Are you listening!?!? I SAID LISTEN TO MEE!!".Sand started to raise in the air with out Haru Knowing.Haru coutinued to scream at Sasuke.
Ooc:mY FAULT lol Haru stood up and he gave Sasuke a angry look.Haru yelled at sasuke,"Dont ignore me! When i say hi! you say hi back! Got it!??!".Haru crossed his arms.
Haru pulled the head band off of his eyes and he looked at the boy with blue hair.Haru said,"Hello...".Haru sticked his tounge at him with a goofy way.
Haru took off his headband and put it over his eyes.Haru started to walk around the village blind folded.He slammed into the Ichiraku Ramen Shop.Haru fell on his butt.
Haru smiled at naruto said,"Eh cool..".They Arrived at the leaf village gate.Haru stopped infront of the gate and walked inside.
Haru starts to scratch his head slowly and says,"I ask my self that all the time and didnt really get a answer...".Haru started to laugh.
Haru stared ahead sadly and said,"Well.. I got this... spirit... if i sleep.. it gets unleashed.. I cant really explain it..".
Haru smiled at naruto and said "True.. you can rest once in a while...But me... i dont sleep.. I just stay awake...I havent slept in a long time..".Haru started to chuckle very slowly looking at Naruto.