Lestat smiled serenly, imaging that John would hopefully be dead before that location came around. Haven't I already said that I won't speak to or have anything to do with this Dracula? he muttered with a sigh. Trust me, when that time comes, I shan't get in the way... there are many other things I can do.
Lestat smiled in the slightest. If you say so... OOC: angelina went to bed.. booo!! :(
There is nothing wrong with emotion, my friend, Lestat murmured. I can't imagine life with the passion, sorrow, and rage I have felt... I'm sorry you cannot relate. OOC: ANGELYN IS A YUMMY LADY!!!!!!!! :D
Lestat nodded. Very true... I've told that to many others, trust me.
Lestat wasn't sure what to say. I don't know... there are times when it doesn't seem so.
Lestat rolled his eyes. There isn't a woman in this world for me, neither immortal or otherwise, that I have truly loved. One has come close, but it was impossible. I think my generation of vampires has been Gifted with skill and power, but not the ability to love as others can...
Lestat bit his lip, thinking. That would be interesting... he laughed in his head, and then chuckled aloud when he heard Edward's words.
Are you going to kill him, or will you let Edward finish the job? Lestat mused suddenly, almost to himself. I wonder...
Lestat gave Jake a small bow and whispered, "And I barely touched you," before gliding after John, his grin still on his face. I'd hate to sound melancholy, he chuckled. But I think the boy's still going to bother them. Stupid, isn't he?
Lestat laughed loudly, chuckling to himself, a swift image of Louis slamming him against a tree, full of his usual, mortal passion went through his head. He shook the painful thought away and smiled at John. "Oh, he'll listen now, my friend," he gasped, patting the vampire on the back. "I'm sure of it."
Lestat shrugged nonchallantly. "Whatever you say, boy," he sighed, and then raised his arms, expanding the hole in his shirt, showing his healed skin on his chest. "You'll have a hard time killing me!" he laughed.
"You're saying you never killed in your life as a werewolf?" Lestat scoffed. "I will admit to being a killer, sir, with no doubt, repentance, regret, or guilt. God kills indescriminantly, and so do I, my friend. No creatures under His reign here are as feared as God himself. It must be hard for you, being underneath such as us, though... they are some of your kind worth of recognition. You, though... no. Just another mindless hunter; a killer as well."
Lestat frowned. "You're no fun," he muttered, but stepped away from the hunter. "I would like him to answer my question, though."
Lestat smiled, dodging the bullet by stepping into the nearest shadow. "You've done nothing, my friend," he smiled at John. "And I've done barely anything." He sighed, and looked at the hunter though he could not see him. "Let me ask you, sir: why bother that poor girl and her friend earlier? Hardly troubling you, were they, and you just..." He faded off, sighing, brushing past the man, laughing in his ear. "Stupid..." he murmured under his breath.
"You told me to go first," Lestat shrugged, ignoring Edward's comment about him. "I could have done worse."
Lestat dropped Jake to the ground, tossing the stake over his shoulder, trying to aim toward John and get his attention. "I know nothing of your little Dracula, my boy," Lestat laughed, shaking his hair out once more. "My... parents, if you will, are much more than you could ever dream. Trust me..." he faded off.
Lestat froze, coughing once. He spat the mouthful of blood onto the ground, and then clutched at the stake, swallowing the small scream that rose in his throat. Pulling the wood out of his chest, he caught the few drops of blood off the end with his gloved hand, staining the tips of the fingers as he licked the red off with his tips of tongue. He smiled as Jake, and then grabbed the front of the man's shirt and raising him a few feet off the ground. "You've no idea who I am, boy," he hissed, pressing the bloody tip of the stake against Jake's throat. "No idea..."
Lestat snorted, looking back where he knew John was and smiled. "I thought I said you thought you'd seen everything," he said softly, his voice low, sweet, almost kind. "Very ignorant, my friend. I'd love to feel a stake, now you mention it; it's been too long since someone's tried to kill me in such a... cliched fashion."
Lestat chuckled. "I shall come out, then," he spoke, stepping from the shadows. "Try the stake," Lestat whispered, stepping toward Jake, shaking the ruffles on his sleeves, sighing, and running a white hand through his thick, blonde curls. "That would be something I would not mind."
Lestat gave John a small bow before blending into the shadow of the nearest tree. He launched himself at Jake's horse, knocking the man down to the ground in the form of a breeze. He chuckled when the hunter looked around for him. "Just when you think you've seen everything..." Lestat murmured in the dark. "Someone like me comes along... brilliant, isn't it?"