Lestat chuckled. That's why I like you, John... very enigmatic, aren't you?
"True," Lestat muttered in agreement. "I'm sure you don't have that many intricata plans."
"Yes," Lestat snapped silkily, shoving John away from him. "That would be best for us all, I think."
Lestat laughed, tightening his grip on John's shirt, enjoying the look on the vampire's face. "You're forgetting what I know... things I can fix. I have it all planned, trust me. This isn't the hardest predicament I've been in."
Lestat stopped moving abruptly, sticking out his arm gracefully to slam John to a halt next to him. "You'd do best not to insult or underestimate Akasha in front of me," he hissed, taking hold of the front of John's shirt and drawing his face close to his own. "I've no problem with killing you right now, and... well..." he faded off, chuckling under his breath. "You know I could."
Imagine the opposite then, Lestat murmured. Imagine, after weeks, maybe even months of not drinking anything... having dozens of mortals around you, ready and willing to die; that feeling of fresh, live, warm blood in your mouth and your veins: being alive again. That is something I'm sure you have no problem imagining. Now, here's what you must try to comprehend: that feeling ten times more powerful... always. When you're full of another's life, another's blood, a moment after you've taken every drop from their body... that's when you're most powerful. You can jump hundreds of feet, throw people miles, run, fly, live forever, John! That is how I always feel. I have the mother of all vampires blood in my body, the Queen of the Damned alive inside me... and you think a little lycan is going to combat against my power? Ridiculous, John! You must have enough intelligence in your to comprehend your folly.
Once again, you seriously underestimate me and my strength... what's in my blood... Lestat faded off for a moment, and then began again: You know how it feels to not drink for a long time, how awful that can be?
I think she'll live, Lestat shrugged. I can make sure of that.
Like what? Lestat inquired, still lost in his own memories.
That's a conversation for another time, Lestat said politely. Not something I'd like to talk about at the moment... later, though, I'm sure I can.
Well, she's be 'undead' for over five thousand years... and she's still that way to this day, Lestat explained.
Lestat winked at John. Of the hundreds of years I've lived, I've been with thousands of mortal women... and men, trust me. There's only been one that's ever made me happy... or, at least as close to happy as I could ever get.
Oh, not just Transylvania, Lestat corrected. The whole world, trust me.
And that's why everyone loves me! Lestat chuckled.
I might, Lestat chuckled. It depends on the... spur of the moment, I guess. Isn't that how they say it nowadays? I have been known to act on impulse, so... there's no knowing what I may do...
Lestat shrugged again, nonchallantly. Whatever you say, my friend, he murmured. I do bet that Edward will ask before you, though...
Lestat shrugged. You'll need my help when the time comes, that's all I have to say. It's just a matter of whether you or Edward ask for it first.
The stupidest thing you could do is underestimate me and my power, John, Lestat smiled, though his eyes were flaming hot. His tone was sweet but his body language spoke caution enough. I can do anything I'd wish, and even if I couldn't manage myself, I have the most powerful beig in the world by my side in a thought...
Confined? Lestat scoffed. They're in carriages on the side of a road surrounded by northern European forests that offer no protection. There is nothing that could hold her. Except...
I can't let you have all the fun or get away that easily, Lestat smiled at Edward, ignoring John for a moment.