Lestat wandered toward the forest's edge now, tying his hair back in a loose black ribbon and playing with the lace on his collar. Thoughts from his past threatened to overcome him once more, that sense of nostaliga that seemed to unavoidably follow him no matter where he went or what he did. But he shut his bright, blue eyes momentarily and shook his head. Not tonight, he thought stubbornly. Tonight I can instill some fear into that boy, show him that information does not come lightly from someone like me...
Edward, Lestat snapped quickly. Watch yourself... and then left before the werewolf could retort, he withdrew from his mind, floated silently out his window, and wandered among the streets of the little town.
I can take care of him for you, if he wakes or follows, Lestat smiled. It's up to you...
Lestat laughed. I doubt Edward will sleep, or let her out of his sight again after what happened yesterday. Good luck with that plan.
Lestat got out of his bed on the second floor of the tavern and wandered off in the direction of the woods. I don't know if I've done the right thing, he thought to himself, a small bit worried. I have spent my lifetime so far learning all the histories and the rules of my kind, and then I go and severely break each one of the them.... but for a good cause, he added with a smile. John, he began absentmindedly, wanting someone to tease. You aren't doing a very good job at protecting your girl. That hunter could have her any minute since the moon isn't full.
Don't tell her the specifics, Lestat warned softly.
Lestat went back up to his own room, laying on his bed again. Not a drop of blood had been spilled anywhere on it. I wonder if I did the right thing telling Edward all that, he thought. I guess I'll find out. I can always kill him.
"Oh, don't beg me again, my dear boy," Lestat cut off Edward, laughing. "Go to the stables. I'll kill you myself if you do anything stupid."
Lestat frowned. "You should wait till the full moon if you really are planning what's going through your head. You'll have more strength."
"Do not worry, Edward," Lestat said aloud. "You'll be fine. But in the mean time, I need to stay on John's good side. You know that. And, if he needs to speak with Hannah, I will stop you from getting in the way."
Marius told me many things, dating back to four thousand years before Roman times. Only more recent generations of vampires have the idea that a creator and a child are bound together through death. That is something I've had to learn, though Armand's creator spoke a little of it. I don't know if I am completely right, but I am the only chance you have. Werewolves have smaller amounts of healing power than vampires. Someone like me can heal instantly, Hannah can heal fast, and you can heal almost as fast... when I haven't bit you for the fun of it. But any vampire can be killed if it's done quickly, fast enough that they can't have the time to naturally react and heal themselves. What you must do involves something completely against your nature... your werewolf nature. But it can be done, because I know you are fast enough and strong enough to do it. Right now, you must listen closely, and do exactly what I say when the time is right. Also know that if you fail and don't complete the task, I cannot help you or make it better. Once you start, there's no going back.
Lestat sighed once more, going to walk around the trees slowly. There was a time long ago when I was in the Greek islands. I met one of the oldest living vampires in the world. He told me everything he knew... he was the caretaker of Those Who Must Be Kept: the mother and father of all vampires. I drank from the woman... that is why I'm so indestructible, more than any other immortal in this world. Yet I've tried to kill myself many times. I've met and loved people like you before, Edward. Nicolas de Lenfent, Louis de Pointe de Lac... and I ruined all of them. Yet now, against some of my own will, I will tell you what I can because I think you and Hannah deserve it.
Lestat sighed. Vampires cannot love in the same terms as werewolves or humans. We do love, yes, but it's different. I don't know how to describe it. That's why I'm so impressed with John's... with Hannah: she shouldn't be capable of what she's feeling... all the more reason to keep you two together.
I see, Lestat whispered, impressed. His tone was neutral and almost kind now. Well, you don't know exactly what this may involve, you know. It's not going to be easy.
"No," Lestat said softly. But not many can hear our thoughts. Unless I've already shattered your mind enough with my words...
Lestat frowned, hearing the pain and anger in the man's voice. He stood, tied his hair back in a neat, black ribbon, and climbed out his room's window. "What?" he asked, next to Edward in seconds. He laughed when the werewolf jumped.
Now? Lestat sighed, relaxing back on his bed. I'm not up to moving, monsieur, thanks.
Calm yourself, Lestat repeated. I will meet you time...
After Lestat rid his room of the girl's body, he sat on his bed once more, looking out at the darkened sky. John must be so lonely, he thought happily.
Lestat smiled when a young woman answered his ring, knocking on his door. "Please come in," he whispered, opening the door to let her pass by. He let his eyes wandering carelessly over her: a tiny, skinny body cased in a tiny, pale pink dress, light brown hair, bright green eyes... Nothing I haven't seen before, he thought happily. "What is it you need, sir?" she asked, and Lestat stepped over to her. His bright blue eyes shifted to dark black, his hands running down either side of her soft, white skin. "Rien, cherie," Lestat murmured, leaning down and brushing his lips against hers. He smiled when he felt her body press up against his, her arms around his shoulder. I didn't know they had girl like this in these little towns, he thought with a grin, tasting the side of her neck with the tip of his tongue. She shuddered against him, and, before she even exhaled, Lestat pushed her back on the bed, sinking only the tips of his fangs into the flesh just under her collar bone. His spell so thick on her, his arms around her waist and through her hair, she didn't even cry out. The hot blood rushed into the roof of his mouth, stinging his throat wonderfully as his cheeks flushed. She began to squirm slightly under him now, but Lestat only grinned, pushing her harder against the bed, sinking his teeth in further. Her heart quickened, and then began to slow. Lestat sighed, pulling his teeth away from her, sitting up and smiling. "Trop facile, mon cher," he smiled in French. "Much too easy, my dear."