Dude the balcony scene (that isn't actually a balcony scene) in Rom & Jul is comical, in essence Romeo appears and says "hey babe, I floated over your garden wall on my love wings, lemme into yr bedroom even though our families want to kill each other probably and we met like forty seconds ago" My mom chews loudly also which drives my sister and me nuts, but it's become a bit of a running joke with us -- it sounds like it's more serious for you, though, like a source of serious discomfort, so if she's still sad / you're still feeling guilty I think you could just apologize and explain. Dude you work at Panera?? It sounds like you're in the ~inner (bread) circle~ so I will ask you: what the **** is in that mac and cheese, i have tried so many times with so many recipes to make it at home and I have failed And the little home servings you can buy at Target do not taste the same. I need to know I spend so much money there
MP3 might go down momentarily because a certain goon forgot the episode number. It was me. I'm the goon.
It's still Tuesday in some parts of the world get off my back The KH-Vids Podcast is back with a brand new episode, just for you! Joined by @Llaverion and @Sebax, your podcast crew (@Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn) begin by discussing your regularly scheduled Kingdom Hearts news and updates! We address Bill Farmer's tweet about Kingdom Hearts 3 (and subsequent backpedaling), Kingdom Hearts 2.5's sales, and the loss of Chikao Ohtsuka, the Japanese voice actor for Master Xehanort. From there we move along to our major topic for the week, the lack of representation for people of color in this year's Oscar nominations. We cite some horrifying statistics re: Hollywood & the Academy's 'straight white male' hegemony and the #OscarsSoWhite hashtag, and branch into discussions about Disney's weird relationship with diverse films and The Interview. Finally, we answer user-submitted questions! @Graxe asks what we would do if we woke up wearing the Majora's Mask, @Highlandeɼ is interested in what games KHV has made us want to play, and @KHGrl15 makes us choose a fictional universe to live in! Please everyone listen, enjoy, and let us know your thoughts in the comments below! View attachment 41212 Download Episode #77 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to podcast@kh-vids.net!
I agree that the UI isn't great, but it's part of the add-on and therefore would require the add-on author to update it, and the author unfortunately isn't the most receptive to user requests. We could commission him but for a minor usability change, there are probably better things to put our donation funds towards.
Yeah, exactly. I have a separate save (and actually account on my PS3 lol) for recording the scenes. This run was just "let me blow through as fast as possible to get the cutscenes," I have a legitimate save where I play the game for real.
I could of course play it legitimately but twenty second boss fights saves a lot of time.
An interesting glitch I've encountered I wouldn't really count as a 'glitch' since I wasn't really playing properly. To record the cutscenes for 1.5 quickly, I modded my save to put me at level 100 from the start. When I'd load up my save file, I'd often have critical health and the little siren would play; if I jumped to the world map too quickly, occasionally the siren would keep playing regardless of my health. Would have to load the save up again to get it to go away.