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  1. Misty
  2. Misty
    I understand the logic behind this but I think they're banking on expanding the presence of Star Wars in Hollywood Studios now (which I'm of course psyched about).
    That's the thing, though -- the inclusion of Avatar is reminding me a lot of the problems with Universal: all their properties are ridiculously outdated. Forget that a lot of people just went to see Avatar to see what the hype was about and experience the 3D, even if it has a following now, that won't necessarily be the truth 10 or 20 years from now. It's not a classic like Disney films are pretty much bound to become. I'm not sure if Harry Potter will see the longevity that I hope, but I'm biased because I grew up with it -- though considering that the series is very much alive, with Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them in the pipeline, it's certainly possible that it will have somewhat of a legacy beyond being that thing that makes me, a 60-year-old grandma, cry. Still.

    Back to Universal, though, a lot of their properties were also high-grossing and popular films. E.T., The Mummy series, Men in Black... these were all successful movies and/or series. But the sections of the park dedicated to them are now really outdated and have pretty much zero appeal for the current generation. Obviously nothing can be timeless, but Disney at least is pretty good about creating rides and attractions that appeal to all age groups and won't be irrelevant in ten years' time.
    Post by: Misty, Feb 3, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  3. Misty
    The Present by Bloc Party

    With heavy hands and an absent mind, did I blow your candle out?
    With shortened words and a lack of time, am I ever on your mind?
    Was I cruel and never there?
    Nothing to rely on
    Was our romance a black hole?
    You kept the better half of me.
    Well if you really wanted to know,
    Well, no, the earth's not moved for me since.
    I wish I could've given you lightness,
    the lightness that you deserve.

    like a modern day cure song i love it
    Post by: Misty, Feb 3, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  4. Misty
    Procedurally generated games are cool for this reason, and that it means you can keep playing forever (with restrictions of course but still), but they have the downside of creating mish-moshed or repetitive content -- you could theoretically have two planets that are exactly the same except for one variable. The likelihood of a user encountering two so closely identical planets is low, of course, but planets for the sake of planets still isn't really my thing.
    Same! Especially because some of the lower tech LPers who scream liberally don't level the audio properly so that it's not blasting out your speakers.
    I've heard of them before, will have to check them out! Thanks for the rec! I also like when it's a group (or even just one person), it makes it more of a conversation which I prefer.
    Some developers have really embraced the concept while others are really negative of them, even though their benefits or drawbacks really haven't been measured. Certain games, however, never would have been as popular as they are without LPers (like Five Nights at Freddy's). I suppose an LPer playing a AAA game like Assassin's Creed and dumping on it could deter some buyers, but since people tend to watch more for personality than the games played, it's not that common to search up an LP for a game, see someone trash it, then decide not to buy it -- or at least, it's probably as common as seeing someone play a game then wanting to buy it for yourself. Either way, that's the same risk run with a game getting good or bad reviews. This doesn't consider the game's story of course, but there are plenty games that I've been spoiled for that I still went out and bought.

    Now that the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One have built-in tools to make streaming/recording video much easier (one more so than the other...), I think that's going to force publishers to realize that this is a trend that isn't going away and they should embrace it.
    It definitely isn't making me any smarter, heh. (I watch it too)
    Which at the end of the day gives me all kinds of warm and fuzzy feelings; this is true of the entire internet, really, and I think it's awesome. I certainly wouldn't want to live without it.
    Thanks! I love big comments. I'd keep doing podcasts even if nobody was really leaving comments, but we choose topics that we hope people will have thoughts on, and since we can only provide so many perspectives in a group of ~5, we like to hear from other people too!
    Here in America we drink COCA COLA for BREAKFAST LUNCH AND DINNER
    Nah but it is definitely a cultural thing; of course plenty of Americans drink tea, but nobody in my family does and none of my friends do, so I've just never really had the opportunity to. I'll have to change that sometime!
    Post by: Misty, Feb 3, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  5. Misty
    I guess maybe it's not for me, then? Because that's like... exactly what I expect from it and I'm just not hype. I guess considering I play games like 90% for narrative, 10% so I can develop crushes on fictional characters, that's not really surprising, but the most attention it will probably grab from me is a download of the soundtrack.
    Post by: Misty, Feb 3, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  6. Misty
    Better Than Heaven by Bloc Party

    And there was a time before we were born when we stood in a garden
    If this world won't last I'll turn you on
    Well I've got enough for the both of us

    every so often i start listening to bloc party and i don't stop
    Post by: Misty, Feb 3, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  7. Misty
    I've gotten used to reciting it and I talk fast in general I guess. I also do the showtime recording we have for the theater I work at so between the podcast and that, I get practice in.
    They're not really anniversary styles and nope.
    Oh tale, you beautiful, naive, sophisticated newborn baby.
    I'm in such conflict over this game. I mean, space and 65daysofstatic is a great combination but I feel like I'm missing something about it that's causing everyone else to get hype.
    Also looking forward to this!
    Post by: Misty, Feb 3, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  8. Misty
    Yeah, we discuss about how weird Google's determination of gender is and how that's influencing the results; looking more into the video it also doesn't appear that she had that much data to work from, but even so, they're interesting conclusions -- but certainly not absolute statistical fact.
    I agree, I'm willing to excuse things like bad dialogue and technical problems (I honestly didn't notice the lip-syncing issues!) for the atmosphere and ambitions of the game. I really loved it, which I'm sure comes as a surprise to absolutely nobody who knows me, but wow
    Post by: Misty, Feb 3, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  9. Misty
    Post by: Misty, Feb 3, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  10. Misty
    Banquet by Bloc Party

    'Cause you know I'm on fire
    'Cause you know I'm on fire when you come
    'Cause you know I'm on fire
    'Cause you know I'm on fire so stub me out
    Post by: Misty, Feb 3, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  11. Misty
    When building a computer, what your build should be is determined entirely by your budget; you can go as low as $400 or as high as several thousand, so it's first pretty important to set a price that you'd like to land around. You'll also need to tell us what peripherals/extras (monitor, keyboard, mouse, operating system, wireless card, etc.) you need and whether you're including that in the budget. After that, I can help you spec out a machine. Photoshop isn't particularly demanding unless you're editing enormous RAW photos, obviously you can build a video editing beast but for casual use you don't need anything particularly special. Any machine that can handle those two programs will easily get on you on the web and allow for some gaming, maybe not with settings maxed but you'll have a good machine for several years that you can upgrade as you see fit.

    Where to get parts is usually determined by convenience and price. If you have a Frys or a Microcenter around you, they have great sales and bundle deals that you'll want to take advantage of; otherwise, Amazon, Newegg, and Tigerdirect are your friends.

    Most parts plug straight into the mobo so you don't really need that many cables; the power supply has cables either attached to it or cables packaged with it if you get a modular one. Hard drives and optical drives will require data cables running to the mobo but they're usually either included with the part of the motherboard; even if not, they're ridiculously cheap and easy to find.

    Cases again can be bought all over the place so you just want to shop around; they're fairly standard sizes so you get to choose based on size and aesthetics. I'm a fan of Bit Fenix and NZXT cases, they're quality, look really nice, and they have budget options available should you need it.

    For monitor size, you'll want to go at least 1080p for the resolution, which completely removes anything smaller than 20" or 21". The size is up to you, but you should expect to pay between $100 and $200 for one (on the lower end for a smaller size, higher end for a larger size).

    Take a look at Logical Increments and see if there's anything that appeals to your budget (again, consider that you probably need peripherals). I can help compare your options and explain what everything means; then we'll pull it into PC Part Picker.
    Post by: Misty, Feb 3, 2015 in forum: Technology
  12. Misty
  13. Misty
    A podcast? At this hour? Damn straight!

    This week @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn are joined by @Scarred Nobody for a chat about Let's Plays! Before that, we go over some Kingdom Hearts news & updates, and Cal updates us on some recent revelations regarding the Realm of Sleep in Kingdom Hearts χ (Chi).

    For our main discussion, we talk about why people watch Let's Plays, why people do Let's Plays, and why parents just don't understand! Misty also brings up the gender divides in viewership and creation of LPs after watching a really enlightening YouTube video on the subject; it turns out, Google is determining your gender in pretty funky ways, and Cal's YouTube channel has a huge female following and she should be proud.

    As per usual we answer user-submitted questions; @Eric Luna makes us choose a video game universe to live in and most of the answers will surprise exactly no one, @Graxe asks what's our poison, and @Knight of Fafnir gives Misty an excuse to gush about Life is Strange (and other games coming out in 2015).

    Finally, @Scarred Nobody informs us that former KH-Vids member, @fadedphantom, is actually famous and will appear in the Kill la Kill dub set to air on Toonami this month! Once a KHV member, always a KHV member, so check her out as Mrs. Mankanshoku!

    View attachment 41313

    Download Episode #79 (MP3)
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    Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
    Thread by: Misty, Feb 3, 2015, 20 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  14. Misty
  15. Misty
    I just recently went to Disney World and visited Animal Kingdom for the first time since I was young. I skipped it over when I went in 2012 because there frankly wasn't anything there that interested me, besides it being the only park where you can meet Pocahontas. I had a good time in Animal Kingdom but the park definitely needs some updates and additions to bring it up to par with the other parks... so in that vein, I understand why they would want to add something big, but I'm equally puzzled by the decision to make that Avatar of all things. I do believe that there are several Avatar sequels planned, but it was not exactly a hit with kids nor is it a movie people are still talking about. Obviously adults and teens visit Disney Parks too, but Animal Kingdom doesn't have the nightlife of other parks to support an older crowd visiting, unless they're animal lovers or huge Avatar fans.

    I know Disney is bummed over their decision to not take the Harry Potter parks, as they were offered it and it's now a solid part of Universal's draw (I wouldn't have visited Universal if not for HP, the HP sections were done really well but the park is otherwise a dump), but again, it's just so weird to pick Avatar. The mythological beasts idea you brought up sounds really cool and that would honestly warrant an Animal Kingdom re-visit for me. I'd also love if they expanded the presence of Pocahontas there, not just because it's my favorite Disney film but they would have a great opportunity to teach about nature and conservation (I think they already do a small Pocahontas show about it) and Native American culture (which they got pretty wrong in the movie apparently but they could correct some wrongs here).
    Post by: Misty, Feb 3, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  16. Misty
    Compliments by Bloc Party

    We sit and we sigh,
    And nothing gets done,
    so right, so clued-up,
    We just get old.
    And all the while,
    been torn asunder,
    nicotine and
    What are we coming to?
    What are we gonna do?

    this album is pivotal tbh
    Post by: Misty, Feb 3, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  17. Misty
    my favorite night is called pasta night surprise, it's when i mix together all the differently shaped pasta leftovers i've made over the last few days/weeks and eat it all
    Post by: Misty, Feb 2, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Misty
    I'm all spirits and tall tales.
    Status Update by Misty, Feb 2, 2015
  19. Misty
    If I remember correctly you work in a supermarket? So having smaller bathroom facilities is normal, since you don't expect customers to spend hours there, eating and drinking. At a theater obviously it's different -- luckily if someone just destroys one stall and it's not terribly busy I can close it off and leave the mess for our cleaners, but something like puke in the theaters has to be cleaned up before the next show.

    My sister works in retail and she has plenty of horror stories for dressing rooms. Honestly I don't know why people are so disgusting sometimes... if it was some kind of accident, I understand that it's embarrassing, but just tell someone so we can get to it asap.
    Post by: Misty, Feb 2, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Misty
    It's more complicated than that. For starters, most if not all of our styling code is either default Xenforo (since one develops off the default style) or mine/the staff's. I like to keep it that way. Obviously I can vet suggested CSS but it's easier to simply go about things the way I do them, because that's how everything else has been set up. That decision is for consistency and, in some cases, functionality. With CSS, there are a lot of ways to accomplish similar goals, some more valid than others, so just because one person suggests doing something via a margin adjustment doesn't mean that that's the best way to go about it. It's possible that that will conflict with other surrounding elements, create problems with responsive design, and so on. In addition, my point about keeping XenForo support and code on the XenForo support boards stands. Our team so far has been competent enough to fix whatever styling or code issues have cropped up (unless the fault of someone else, e.g. an add-on developer or a XenForo bug) and it's easier to reserve the right to fix it in whatever manner we see best, therefore making user suggestions extraneous. We appreciate that many of our users are tech savvy enough to understand things like CSS, Javascript, or how XenForo works, but when it comes to code, we'll take care of that.

    In your line of thinking for this suggestion, however, keeping it on the XenForo support boards gives them ultimate control over what to show (and not show) to unlicensed members. Because owning a XenForo license has nothing to do with membership on KH-Vids, limiting guest viewing would have nothing to do with this problem.

    Regardless, I'm going to go ahead and mark this as rejected.
    Post by: Misty, Feb 2, 2015 in forum: Feedback & Assistance