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  1. Misty
    That's good to hear at least! I listen to what people post/look it up if it piques my interest but I also devour music so I wasn't sure if that was typical. Given the abundance of youtube videos rather than like, Soundcloud embeds, I was afraid people were listening to music on yt which seems like a hell of a chore to me. Maybe I'll start embedding from now on, then.

    Call call call call me over,
    'Cause I can't stay awake.
    I need nobody to notice me,
    Never wanna get completed.
    I see my picture in a magazine
    so I know that you will talk to me.
    I feel it from my head down to my feet,
    Can somebody talk to me?
    Post by: Misty, Feb 9, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  2. Misty
    That's good to hear at least! I listen to what people post/look it up if it piques my interest but I also devour music so I wasn't sure if that was typical. Given the abundance of youtube videos rather than like, Soundcloud embeds, I was afraid people were listening to music on yt which seems like a hell of a chore to me. Maybe I'll start embedding from now on, then.

    Call call call call me over,
    'Cause I can't stay awake.
    I need nobody to notice me,
    Never wanna get completed.
    I see my picture in a magazine
    so I know that you will talk to me.
    I feel it from my head down to my feet,
    Can somebody talk to me?
    Post by: Misty, Feb 9, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  3. Misty
    what the flipping **** is club nintendo
    Post by: Misty, Feb 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Misty
    Now Hear In by Cloud Nothings

    I can feel your pain, and I feel alright 'bout it.

    Can I ask some real questions to the people of the what song thread? Do you guys ever actually watch other people's YouTube videos? And when you post YouTube videos, do you like... actually listen to your music on YouTube, or you go out and find it in order to post?
    Post by: Misty, Feb 8, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  5. Misty
    Your email provider doesn't seem to have any kind of resource for getting your mail server unblocked beyond maybe calling their support number which I'm not really planning to do. I have no idea why they'd block us, there are a ton of possible reasons; someone on their service might have flagged us as a spam address for whatever reason, they may have seen someone receiving a huge number of emails from us and assumed we were spam, etc.

    Just switch to your Yahoo email.
    Post by: Misty, Feb 8, 2015 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  6. Misty
    Rock by Cloud Nothings

    You loved me but now we're all dead.
    Post by: Misty, Feb 7, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  7. Misty
    Well my major struggle was that I didn't know any of the people or (in-game) events referenced since I've not played the series, which is no fault of yours since you're assuming that whoever is reading the post has experience with the games. Other than that it was perfectly comprehensible, though I also can't distinguish between conclusions and connections you've drawn and what information is spelled out in the games.
    Post by: Misty, Feb 7, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Misty
    second pic is rocking that edgar allan poe aesthetic, i dig it
    Post by: Misty, Feb 7, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  9. Misty
    i read it even though i have never played a silent hill game

    i just want you to know that i support you doing your thing haya
    Post by: Misty, Feb 7, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Misty
    I only just got hot recently, it's amazing what turning 20 does for your face.

    Nah but really, in high school I was dealing with some pretty heavy emotional bullshit that left me rather anti-social. There were guys who expressed interest but I never felt I was fit to be in a relationship, nor was I really interested in them. That sounds snobby I guess but it's true. In my first year of college I started to get to a better place, psychologically, and eventually got involved with someone here, but I found I still wasn't really ready to be with someone, let alone in a long distance relationship, and ended things. Since I've mostly focused on working on myself, dealing with my past and my issues and my self-image, because I know that those are what caused me to collapse into myself before and it would happen again if I kept carrying them around with me. I've also been on a weird adventure with my sexuality recently, through middle and high school I pretty much ignored it which went about as well as you would expect.
    This, also. All the aforementioned stuff resulted in me keeping others at arm's distance, which isn't exactly conducive to getting down with someone.

    Getting real in the PYP thread, lol. I appreciate the compliment, though, but would caution against asking people it much. It leaves a lot of people feeling uncomfortable since it's so personal, and you don't really know if there's a private reason for it. Part of the process I've been putting myself through is being more open as a way of coping/dealing with myself, so I'm trying to talk about these things more (& thus, don't really mind). Just a bit of advice.
    Post by: Misty, Feb 7, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  11. Misty
    I've been whoring myself out on twitter lately; naturally I'll satisfy my need for even more attention by sharing my pics with khv



    Post by: Misty, Feb 6, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  12. Misty
    khv's grandma
    Post by: Misty, Feb 6, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Misty


    Came in here expecting Slaughterhouse Five, instead received the miraculous gift of @Stardust 's tweet poem.

    Could not decide between these two so I'm posting both:

    Sexy voice ( )
    by ...
    More like korranation amirite
    And creatively express themselves
    Then finally get to play infinite
    And is done at last for ourselves.

    This is me we're talking about
    Buy KH2.5, can I still participate?
    Opal chill tf out
    Friends watch & co-commentate

    I couldn't continue without my fans
    Uh, weird targeted advertising
    There right now but I have Plans
    Mako... (incoherent grumbling)
    Getting ****ed up over TV lesbians

    Rib cage ( )
    by ...
    Amon has hijacked it like 11 times
    This music is great
    Jehovah's witness of video games

    I wanna marry this song
    That asami's pants have to appear
    Kinda wish I had just played along

    Life sucks. I don't feel bad at all

    Post by: Misty, Feb 6, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Misty
    I feel old man! I can't imagine how all y'all feel when you knew me when I was like 11.

    Welcome back, though! Always good to see you around, it's a nice throwback to our Clan Macleod days.
    Post by: Misty, Feb 6, 2015 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  15. Misty
    Sure, go for it!
    It's such a relief to have someone that feels the same way about No Man's Sky! Like I don't think it's going to be bad or anything, but the level of hype for it -- an indie game! -- is nuts. Which is great! But it's a bit mystifying to me. When it inevitably pops up in a flash sale I'm sure I'll pick it up and play around with it, but that's my interest level in it.
    Oh, definitely -- like I said, I know I'm partial to the Japanese dub of Kill la Kill just because that's what I watched, originally. On the flip side, I first saw the English dub of One Piece and vastly prefer the Japanese, but that may be because the Japanese voices were closer to what I imagined when I read the manga. I also acknowledge that I am ridiculously infatuated with Ryuko's Japanese voice so I will naturally side with her.

    In fairness this seems like a compilation of some of the worst moments of the dub and therefore isn't really representative of the entire show, but (nsfw warning, Kill la Kill is filled with half naked women and there's cursing and junk):
    Ryuko just doesn't do it for me, she's sort of a smartass but it just sounds like the voice actor is trying way too hard there. Since she is the main character she has a lot of lines, so her being bad is rather polarizing for me. Senketsu is... okay, I guess, but he sounds a little too pedestrian for me, or like the voice they use for airport announcements or safety videos. The voice actress behind Satsuki seems to think that playing Satsuki means being deadpan all the time, but she does alright sometimes. Part of the problem is also that I'm not digging the translation, either. The most puzzling part about it is that, for the most part, the secondary characters are pretty good. It's just Ryuko, Senketsu, and occasionally Satsuki that bug me. But whatever! People can watch whatever they're more comfortable with, like you're saying. I just prefer the Japanese dub.
    Maybe I'm not going to the right restaurants but I can't remember ever seeing someone order hot tea, unless it's maybe my grandparents but I've eaten out with them like once. It's definitely not been a conscious avoidance but I've also said like "oh well I'm gonna order some tea" randomly.
    it's a favored KHV past time
    Oh yeah, having people throw out trivia or other junk is really fun! I like that in streamers and LPers too.
    Forget to finish the thought? lol
    especially so you understand why I was guffawing like a dork when it was brought up
    If we've learned anything from the podcast it should be that I cannot pronounce anything ever.
    Post by: Misty, Feb 6, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  16. Misty
    Heartbeat by Cloud Nothings

    I don't have a heartbeat,
    why don't you?
    Post by: Misty, Feb 6, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  17. Misty
  18. Misty
    Profile Post Comment

    Yup looks good

    Yup looks good
    Profile Post Comment by Misty, Feb 5, 2015
  19. Misty
  20. Misty