The sales were conducted privately; you can find the posts (in some cases) where the site is being put up for sale but I know that the asking price is never what the buyer actually paid. Even I don't know most of the time what we've been sold for in the past.
I don't pay the server bills so I don't know. There's a lot that goes into hosting bills; hardware-wise, a higher-tier plan on Linode would be suitable for us, but if you don't know how to manage a server you're going to have to factor that in as an additional cost, or go with a managed hosting service which is obviously more expensive. Either way, a site like KHV isn't cheap to host.
I'm not getting married or anything but I have a poor relationship with my dad too and I've struggled over inviting him to things or even just letting him into my life in the smallest possible way. Almost every time I have I've regretted it -- he doesn't show or him being there casts a pall what would otherwise be a nice occasion. If it's a small ceremony like you say, I really wouldn't do it either. If he brings it up or something you can just make that argument. If he did ****** things to you then I don't believe you are under any kind of obligation to reach out out of filial responsibility or whatever. My sisters always guilt me about not wanting my dad to be part of my life, saying "but he's your dad." I don't give a ****. He hasn't acted like a good parent my entire life and at a certain point, I have to stop hoping he will. And so I'm certainly not going to let him have the privileges of being a parent (like doing something like coming to a wedding or walking you down the aisle) if he doesn't deserve them. Congrats though! Don't let him or this spoil your day.
Honestly the upfront cost of the site isn't all that much, it's the price of the server bills every month that can nail you.
IKEA has really cheap desk options available if you have one nearby. I spent probably $120 on my desk from there (kind of an old pic, but I don't feel like taking a new one): View attachment 41445 The drawer unit was the most expensive piece at around $80, the table top was $20, and the legs were $10/each (not pictured, and there are cheaper options available).
It's been more or less reamed by reviews but that hasn't stopped me from cancelling my preorder. Will definitely post my thoughts on it tomorrow night as it doesn't seem like it'll take me too long to get through it, but most places are saying that if you have a place nearby that will rent new games, pick up The Order. Otherwise wait for it to come down in price.
Blue hair though!
Nope! Chloe from Life is Strange.
A podcast... on time!? By the suggestion of the graceful and delicately understated @Knight of Fafnir , KH-Vids Podcast hosts @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn are joined by podcast alum @Llaverion for a discussion about preorders! We establish gamers' reasons for preordering, why & how publishers and retailers encourage the practice, and preorders that have disappointed us. Made to feel guilty over her preorder for The Order 1886, @Misty addresses some of the backlash the game has received in the weeks before its release, which leads us into a discussion of the nature of game review scores and the value of playing a game for yourself. Afterwards we launch into user-submitted questions! @Graxe poses the offer of a suddenly enormous and controllable tongue and @Eric Luna asks us to take the place of a video game protagonist. We also answer a Table Topics question about our most controversial personality traits, which somehow leads into a debate about the relative pros and cons of wearing socks. Finally we plug some community news and projects! The Top 5 Winter Seasonal has begun, where video editors can earn a pin, a special Wonderland prize, and a chance to be featured on our homepage! We also remind everyone of the opportunity to suggest games for future Spoilercasts through our topic submission form! So if there's a game out there that you really feel we could have a good discussion about, definitely send it our way and we'll look into it. Please everyone enjoy the episode, leave us a comment, and participate in the podcast by following the links below! View attachment 41415 Download Episode #81 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
I by Perfect Pussy out of this world
why is jonah standing so close to her omg lol The hood looks good to me, bear seems a little... off, but you're also not really getting up close and personal with the animals in this game (I hope). It's a weird thing to notice but I like that they seem to be varying her outfit in little ways, there are some with the hood up, some where she has a hat, etc. -- little things like that go a long way for me. Very curious as to what the (seemingly) glowing fluorescent light rod hanging off her pants is. Do we know where these screens are coming from? Are they off the XBO or PC?
i'm still here, i'm always here
used to rock this one back in hs days you see melodrama move from one sentence to the other with many years' practice of speakin' in hushed tones
View attachment 41392 ( art cred )
Worsening by Baths Where is God when you hate him most, when the mouths in the earth come to bite at my robes?
It's really easy. Did you build your new computer? It's the same as hooking up a regular hard drive, just run a spare SATA cable if you have one and give it power.
too lazy to type View attachment 41387 View attachment 41388 I'm probably most cut up about not intervening to help Chloe or take the blame ( because I love Chloe ). The rest of the decisions I'm pretty okay with, and obviously I could have rewound to redo the scene, but I sort of felt that was a "okay what would actual ... do" situation and the unfortunate truth is I am a chicken.
I would probably die Or just start spending all my time at work and leech their internet v: whutevah I'm underpaid
FYI you can hook up your laptop's hard drive to your new computer's motherboard/PSU and transfer the files that way. That's the fastest method. I wish I had the money to build a desktop ;c Gotta save tho, moving out is more important