All cutscenes that are missing will become available soon. The reason why we've gone this whole time without those certain scenes is that my Kingdom Hearts disc is missing, and my KH2 disc is broken. I will get new ones within the next week, however, and get back onto capturing those other cutscenes.
All content pages have been given a facelift to fit the style of the site much better than it did before. The new video player that's used to stream cutscenes, boss battles and gameplay videos has also made it much easier for me to keep videos up to date with the use of a new PHP code. Hope you like it!
You don't apply for it anywhere. You just upload your video to the portal, and every week I look through all the entries uploaded in that period of time and choose my five favorite ones.
Happy first everyone! It's been a great first year and we've achieved so much in such a small amount of time. Let's keep it going strong!
Here we go, week three. Had a lot of entries to choose from this time! 1. Submitted By: SalZa89 | View Video Superb editing, good synching... definitely worth a watch or two. 2. Submitted By: khchick55 | View Video The acoustic in this song is excellent, not to mention that the clips fit very well to the tempo. 3. Submitted By: yoryan | View Video Good synching, nice use of multiple clips... this video is pretty good. 4. Submitted By: Zedolen | View Video I love The Fray, and I love this song. It only felt natural to get this one up here. 5. Submitted By: khfreak87 | View Video You can never go wrong with Mike Shinoda. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next Sunday!
Final Boss isn't so good anymore, they got beat by Carbon at the nationals in Vegas.
I used to watch MLG religiously. Walshy and MeLLoZ are my favorite pros. :)
I'm trying to use a picture that I emailed myself from a Mac computer at school. However, I didn't realize the picture was in .pictClipping format, a Mac-only image format. I was wondering if someone with a Mac could possibly convert the picture to a .jpg for me.
I'm residing in the OC, always have.
Deathspank here with my top five video picks for Spank's Top 5! Week 2: 1. Submitted By: khfreak87 | View Video I love these remix videos that khfreak keeps submitting, they remind me of the AMV greats like AMV Hell. 2. Submitted By: khfreak87 | View Video Yes, khfreak made it twice this week. I love this one because it is just so humorous. The lip synching is almost perfect throughout the whole video, which makes it even better. 3. Submitted By: AngelsArcher | View Video I like this one because it starts out so simple and clean(no pun intended), and then suddenly gets intense. The clip synching was also superb. 4. Submitted By: *AUTHOR UNKNOWN* | View Video This is a song I personally have never heard before, but seemed to fit perfect with many of the clips incorporated with the video. 5. Submitted By: KHeartsSora | View Video While it's probably one of the most overused songs in AMVs, I still liked this one. Check it out. Number 4 was submitted anonymously, however, I would greatly like to credit the author of the video. If you created that video, please come forward! Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next Sunday!
PICTURE REMOVED. EXTREME SEXINESS CAUSED SERVER OVERLOAD. One of many pics I take of myself everyday. Yes, that is a temp cast on my arm for my shattered thumb. Messed it up during a wrestling match. It has now since been replaced by a pink cast.
Gosh darn golly. You caught me.
Lee Harvey Oswald did have a motive. Every murderer does. Unfortunately, he was killed by Jack Ruby before people could get anything out of him. A lot of people think it was just a huge conspiracy involving the mafia, because JFK's brother Robert Kennedy was trying to cut down on organized crime.
The universe is always expanding, therefore it never ends. It's a very simple concept. There is only one universe, but there are many galaxies.
I know this took a while to get going, so instead of picking my five favorite videos from this week, I'm instead going to pick my top ten from the very large archive of videos we already have, just so it's fair for everyone. However, in this next week, it will only be top five, and it will only be videos uploaded that week. So, start uploading, and maybe your video will be featured next Sunday! 1. Submitted By: Darkandroid | View Video 2. Submitted By: BHKUnknown | View Video 3. Submitted By: ZetoCloud | View Video 4. Submitted By: Chaser-of-Twilight | View Video 5. Submitted By: OMEGA | View Video 6. Submitted By: MelbadelirothRose | View Video 7. Submitted By: HeartofDreams | View Video 8. Submitted By: Oblivion_Master | View Video 9. Submitted By: keybladerofanobody | View Video 10. Submitted By: khfreak87 | View Video Enjoy, and good job to everyone who made it!
As I've said before, each video requires my approval before being displayed on the portal. During the time that most of you uploaded your videos, I was sleeping, therefore, couldn't give approval. I'm awake now and just approved over 30 more videos.
Your video was too inappropriate. The lyrics in the music contained a lot of swear words, which is not suitable for our entire audience.
I've finished working on it earlier than I expected, so I'm giving you guys a little treat by releasing the portal two days early. Couple of things you should know: 1. You will need a new account on the portal to upload videos. 2. All videos will be reviewed upon submission, so as to prevent people from uploading inappropriate material. Your video will be available upon submission, but it will not be displayed on the portal until you have received approval. And the link to the portal is: Enjoy everyone! P.S., Be sure to visit my help guide if you are having any troubles.
Deathspank's Video Portal Guide When you enter our portal, the first thing you will see is the main page, which looks like this: Using this guide, we are going to show you how to properly use our portal in case you are a bit lost. ------------------- Uploading Videos/Images The first thing you'll notice when you see our upload page is that it is very similar to other sites that allow you to upload content. However, aside from choosing to upload the video from your computer, you can also choose to upload a video that's already been uploaded to another video site, such as YouTube, by selecting "another web site": Once that option has been selected, a new upload field will show up that looks like this: We're going to be using YouTube as an example, to show you what to input in the "Paste embedded player:" area. You want to find your video, then copy and paste the "Embed" field, shown circled below, into the "Paste embedded player" field on the upload page: Using this option is much more efficient if you already have your video uploaded somewhere, because not only does it take up less space, but it only takes a few seconds to upload. -Other video options: "Thumbnail URL" is used to display a thumbnail photo for your video, "Provide description" is used for the title of the video, and "Add tags" are keywords that you can add for people to be able to search for your video. You can also choose to allow or disable people from being able to post comments or rate your video. ------------------- User Interface By default, when you register with our video portal(keep in mind; the account on the main page of KH-Vids and the account on the portal are two different accounts; so, if your registered on our forum, you're still going to have to register on the portal to post videos), you are assigned a randomized number for your screen name, rather than a personalized one. To change your username, go into "My Profile" and select "edit profile": From there, you are brought into a profile edit interface, where you can edit many things on your profile, including your username: In "My Profile", you can also add friends, edit your videos and monitor your comments. If there are any more questions regarding problems with the video portal, please feel free to private message me on the forum. -Deathspank, Site Owner