I'm going to be making a lot of news posts like this for a while, so let's just get straight to it. Here are the newest Kingdom Hearts re-records. Titles that are highlighted green are new videos that have never been recorded before. Kingdom Hearts Cutscenes 1. Wonder Land ... [player=ie1OuDJqwhc]Stream[/player] | Download 2. Deep Jungle ... [player=pIVhTiqZHPU]Stream[/player] | Download 3. Olympus Coliseum: First Visit ... [player=C0q6sM06Teg]Stream[/player] | Download Kingdom Hearts Boss Battle Videos 1. Card Soldiers ... [player=daypmwh0WXE]Stream[/player] | Download 2. Trick Master ... [player=ZnnCPX78fOk]Stream[/player] | Download 3. Sabor ... [player=Lpcg4CAKrHI]Stream[/player] | Download 4. Clayton + Stealth Sneak ... [player=kSVePdiCufY]Stream[/player] | Download 5. Cloud ... [player=GrDr2Xdr8Ww]Stream[/player] | Download 6. Cerberus ... [player=OYQVZxFhVGk]Stream[/player] | Download Enjoy kids.
Do not come here to tell us about the problems you're having with KHU. It's like going to tell Google that you're having problems using Yahoo!.
Mine? Deathspank17... I played Halo 2 addictively and it's the only game I play on Live. I was a lvl. 33 legit in Team Slayer when I stopped playing it a few months back. I'll probably be playing more of it now though. So anyway, post your gamertag here. Maybe we can all get a nice clan going.
Sex is one of the most important things necesary to keep a relationship alive, especially when you consider the fact that men are physically capable to have sex at least once a day, every day. Women may want to wait, but there aren't many guys who will wait very long until running off because they're not getting any action, myself included.
It is also important to note that Square-Enix is known to lie and be mysterious profusely.
I would think a translation patch would not be easy. The text files are encrypted in the game and while there are people that are in fact able to do this, the chances of it are probably not very likely. However, I don't think that's going to matter because Nomura would have to be crazy to not release KH2: FM+ worldwide.
First off, I'd like to wish everyone a happy New Year's, I hope you all enjoyed yourselves last night. Anyway, I'd like to announce firstly that in the next coming fews weeks I'll be on the scene re-recording both games fully, not only to put up better boss battles, but to improve the quality of some cutscenes and increase the library of gameplay videos that we have by tenfold. So, here's what I've done so far. Kingdom Hearts - Cutscenes 1. Introduction ... [player=OXSpg0R2JF4]Stream[/player] | Download 2. Awakening ... [player=GpDQVVHlI2s]Stream[/player] | Download 3. Destiny Islands: Day One ... [player=rLSZ9cJqgPs]Stream[/player] | Download 4. Destiny Islands: Day Two ... [player=iOY1CMAcErk]Stream[/player] | Download 5. Destiny Islands: Departure ... [player=bvko94OiqG4]Stream[/player] | Download 6. Traverse Town: First Visit ... [player=lnRjT-BQt44]Stream[/player] | Download Kingdom Hearts - Boss Battle Videos 1. Darkside: First Battle ... [player=nzc_R_WJY4g]Stream[/player] | Download 2. Wakka ... [player=stjF4l7OVvc]Stream[/player] | Download 3. Selphie ... [player=Ba5LD9lGk2I]Stream[/player] | Download 4. Tidus ... [player=IxSxRplvGEc]Stream[/player] | Download 5. Riku: First Battle ... [player=ISDRB2g1WiU]Stream[/player] | Download 6. Wakka, Selphie, & Tidus ... [player=SxMYa01KiTM]Stream[/player] | Download 7. Darkside: Second Battle ... [player=fPD5aSqcqRo]Stream[/player] | Download 8. Leon ... [player=h6TcXjtcFek]Stream[/player] | Download 9. Guard Armor ... [player=PSEsNEMqfAg]Stream[/player] | Download Keep in mind, that finally, these KH1 cutscenes are the actual full English ones, not the Final Mix Jap. subbed ones that have been on the site for a while. Speaking of Final Mix, once I'm done putting together all of these English cutscenes, there will be a new section of the site made for the videos and battles that are exclusive to Final Mix, so people aren't so confused anymore. There's also a lot of new boss battles here that I've never posted before.
Mother ****in' snakes on a mother ****in' plane!
You can't have a cool mod thread without Sara in it, so I changed the poll up for you. I'm her nomination. Change it back if you want.
Lies Darkwatch. Lies.
Are really nice.
Is it out of the question to vote for yourself?
Nothing much, but the official Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ website has just been slightly updated with the already confirmed release date(March 29th, 2007), and confirmed price(7,980 yen or $67.00 US). Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ Official Site This 100% officially confirms that date and price to be true.
"I'm a ******." - George W. Bush
Xaldin sent me some high quality versions of the scans we posted up earlier. It's 2ch's way of saying "Merry Christmas foreigners". Source: "Anubis" and 2ch.net
Sorry that I'm a little late on this update, I've been getting a little involved in the holiday season. 1. Submitted By: SalZa89 | View Video Frank Sinatra is the bomb. I also thought Betamax was the ****, but that's aside from the point. 2. Submitted By: TeenTitansRaven | View Video Nothing can make me weep like a baby than an emo song from Simple Plan. 3. Submitted By: Zippeh | View Video Rock remix of a grand Christmas song... Appropriate for the season. 4. Submitted By: Cloud74 | View Video There's nothing cooler than a metal fan who likes Kingdom Hearts(not rly). 5. Submitted By: DIEXEMNASDIE | View Video There's a reason why they're called the All American Rejects. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next Sunday!
From most of the staff of all SE sites, Merry Christmas! - KH-Vids.Net
So as a sort of Christmas gift to you guys, I've finally gotten off of my butt and recorded half of the cutscenes that have been missing since this site's opening. The rest of the missing ones will come during this Christmas break. So, here are the ones I've done so far: Kingdom Hearts: Menu Trailer: Stream | Download 100 Acre Wood: Stream | Download Kingdom Hearts II: Menu Trailer: Stream | Download 100 Acre Wood - Second Visit: Stream | Download 100 Acre Wood - Third Visit: Stream | Download Still Missing Cutscenes: Kingdom Hearts: Another Side, Another Story Kingdom Hearts II: Atlantica Showdown of Fate II Sunset Horizons Also, all videos that are able to be streamed but not downloaded will be fixed during Christmas break. Enjoy guys. Be looking forward to a lot of new things coming soon.
It should work on any medium, be it BLU-RAY, UMD, DVD, or CD.
So, I used this technique on both my KH and KH2 game discs, both of which were pretty badly scratched and unplayable in my PS2. Took some toothpaste and cotton cloth, scrubbed the disc radially(center to outer-edge) for a few minutes, rinsed it thoroughly with water and let it dry for about 10 minutes. Put it in my PS2 and BAM!, it was like new again. Anyone else ever used this technique?