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  1. Sara
    Due to complaints, I'm removing the "I killed so and so" threads and flaming threads about them.

    They're going to be deleted, ANYONE who posts another one WILL get a warning.

    - Sara
    Thread by: Sara, May 5, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Sara


    Yes, there's a lot of changes right now in Creativity Corner considering it's a mess.

    One of them is the moving of all fan-based vids, parody or otherwise will be moved into the new sub-forum.

    This will be done by Darky and me when we have the time.

    Also, all fanfics when I'm done with classes this spring will become one thread per story, chaptered or non-chaptered to reduce the fifty so pages we have in it right now.

    Nothing will be deleted. I assure you that.
    Thread by: Sara, Apr 30, 2007, 19 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Sara
    Me and Arc thought there was a virus in the forum, NOTE: THERE ISN'T! In any case, we shut down the forum in hopes of keeping the virus from spreading.

    Deathspank just cleared it up for me and I apologize for the shut down. It was a judgement call that was wrong, and it was a rash decision.

    This won't happen again. And I do apologize for any inconvenience.
    Thread by: Sara, Apr 24, 2007, 32 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  4. Sara
    Some members have gotten a virus due to links in their posts. DO NOT CLICK THEM!!!

    THIS IS AN ACTUAL VIRUS!!! I am trying to get it fixed, Anyone who has these problems or have clicked these links, DO NOT POST!!!

    Thank you for your patience, I'll keep you informed.
    Thread by: Sara, Apr 23, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  5. Sara


    I'm doing a paper on the Americans with Disabilities Act. (ADA) Which mostly affects me because while I was born with several disablities that basically almost put me into an instution when I was about two until the act was passed until 1992, would have me right now struggling to read, write, count, and make change.

    When I look back at it, I realize in a lot of cases people don't realize the rights they have. If you are a different race, religion, gender, or disabled and in some cases religion, if you lived well over even 100 years ago, a lot of your life today would be different.

    As a college student, I wonder what would've happened if I ended up in that instution where a bunch of other kids with less disabilities than I did ended up where they expected you to bang your head against a wall with a helmet on all day.

    What are your personal experiences, and how would they have been different do you think if nothing was passed?
    Thread by: Sara, Apr 21, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Discussion
  6. Sara
    Any more polls in this forum WILL BE REMOVED!!!

    Considering that there's a massive amount of complaints from other users about them and how they're showing up on the front page considered as advertisements.

    This will be in effect 24-hours from now after this post.

    - Sara

    - Forum Administrator
    Thread by: Sara, Apr 20, 2007, 19 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Sara
    Due to the excessive amount of complaints and "cheating" if you will on the reputation points...

    I'm going to raise the level to 100 reputation points for each member to reach Premium.

    Also, from now on, all cheaters who ask for points and/or favors by giving out points in hopes of points back, go automatically back to zero. There's no if's and's or but's about it.

    Once the cheating stops, it'll go to 75.

    I do apologize to the people who earn them fairly.

    - Sara
    Thread by: Sara, Apr 3, 2007, 81 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  8. Sara
    Here's the two videos of Marluxia's last two battles.

    Credit goes to John S. for finding this.
    Thread by: Sara, Apr 1, 2007, 20 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Sara
    The News and Updates forum is NOT a theory forum. DO NOT POST THEORIES THERE!!! POST THEM IN SPECULATION!!!

    This is your ONLY WARNING. If I see any more 30 page threads about debates about who is what, I'm going to close it and give the members a warning.

    - Sara

    - Forum admin

    - - Edit by Darky
    Thread by: Sara, Mar 29, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  10. Sara
    I love the sigs you're all giving me, but to put this nicely, it's kinda getting overwhelming.

    The staff here works as hard as I do, they work harder in most situations. I think they'd appreciate some thanks, also.

    Thank you for everything, and I'll continue working hard, just give the others some thanks, too.
    Thread by: Sara, Mar 12, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Discussion
  11. Sara
    At least for tonight I'm going to take the night off. Arc has personal issues he's dealing with and with the events of the week I'm in no shape to help the forum.

    Van's in charge, inactive, but he's been admin before and has a good head on his shoulders.

    Less it's a huge emergency or you want to talk about nothing forum-related, please refrain from PM'ing me.

    If one of the admins comes on and wants to take over, they're free to do so.

    Thread by: Sara, Mar 11, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  12. Sara
    If you haven't noticed, there's been record bannings lately.

    We've had kids pulling a lot of crap lately and we're not going to tolerate it anymore. This goes for anyone.

    I banned four members in less than 24 hours alone because of what I've seen.

    Read the rules and follow them, this will NOT be tolerated anymore.

    - Sara

    Forum Administrator
    Thread by: Sara, Mar 1, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  13. Sara
    Considering the amount of flaming going on by a few of the members, the staff closed this for a week.

    It's now open again, but we were considering not only deleting all the threads in this, but also deleting this section.

    This is your only warning to clean it up. Read the rules, you will get warnings now if you don't follow them, and if it gets as bad as last week with flaming, this section of the forum will be removed until further notice.

    - NO FLAMING... This means insulting, saying derrogatory things, swearing cursing, name-calling, rascist comments or anything else to any of the other members here. Or anything that will be considered offensive to others. This will go down as an automatic warning.

    - No violence, a little blood and gore are okay, but if I see guts flying or heads being blown off, the thread will be deleted.

    - No sexual content, this includes anything involving sexual content. Same applies as above, and both get an automatic warning.

    - Finally, keep swearing to a minimal, if I see a lot of swearing and/or threats in one post, it will deleted with a warning.

    I have been loose in this section in the past. I hate to see that a few members have made it so I can't trust some members to act like they should in a forum. I apologize for the ones who have to suffer cause of it.

    For the rest, you will get banned if you continue, and members who don't deserve it will get punished for your actions. Keep that in mind.
    Thread by: Sara, Jan 18, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Sara
    Well... It's Christmas Day in less than a minute in my area, so everyone...


    *claps hands and hall is transformed into christmas themed, platters of cookies and hot cocoa and punch and sparkling cider and everything else you can dream of on a table to the side*

    MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! And no alcohol, please.
    Thread by: Sara, Dec 25, 2006, 95 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Sara
    So we're not TOTALLY spamming up the news section. We can celebrate here.

    Thread by: Sara, Dec 19, 2006, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Sara


    With Finals next week and studying coming up, DW is going to be in charge until I get back.

    It'll probably be on Wed. if not a few times over the week for a break. PM DW or *Sora* with any questions/problems.
    Thread by: Sara, Dec 14, 2006, 6 replies, in forum: Discussion
  17. Sara


    Okay, I know we're not having the greatest of moments at KH-Vids. Me and DW along with Arc are working overtime to fix that.

    Xaldin is going to be off for two weeks. He's at the hospital for reasons unknown and I insisted he takes the two weeks off to recover.

    For this, Darkwatch is going to take his place as temporary admin, it has been in the back of my mind for a while to make him admin, but this will help the forum.

    I'll keep you guys updated as it develops.
    Thread by: Sara, Nov 16, 2006, 33 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Sara


    Based on a rpg that made me who I am today. (Literally, this is what got me interested in forums.)

    This is a rpg where it's based on a shout-box, when it started, none of the members had a way to communicate with each other and when something happened, they just jumped in. Each person developed their own plot and storyline and we managed to tie them into each other.

    Hell, we didn't even have profiles. We made it up as we went along. Under Cloudo's encouragement, I want to try it again. Though I strongly doubt it will work again the same.

    Actually, when we restarted, it was completely different than when we began the first time because of the plots we made along the way. Basically you start out with a regular storyline and expand from there, tying in all the characters in the rpg if you can.

    I'm going to particpate, fyi.
    Thread by: Sara, Oct 4, 2006, 411 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Sara
    Well, it looks the site had a server problem. Before you ask, we don't fully know what happened. It seems like the server was a problem for the forum. How much, we don't know. If DS knows, he'll post it.

    Thanks for your patience.


    - Forum Administrator

    EDIT by Deathspank:
    My credit card payment for KH-Vids.Net's monthly hosting did not register, because that card has since expired. Because of that, they turned off the hosting account until I payed the bill. I've just payed it, so that's why were back online.
    Thread by: Sara, Oct 4, 2006, 15 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  20. Sara

    The Pet Store

    You can buy anything from a hamster to a chocobo to a camel here. So come on in and buy a pet for your home!!!
    Thread by: Sara, Oct 1, 2006, 36 replies, in forum: Forum Families