There's been a ton of controversy about this, the archbishop of my state denounced it on the news. I went to see it a few hours ago, and I don't see where the anti-religion comes from. Yes, it talks about the "evil" of the church, but it's in a alternate universe where there's familiars called "demons" by the church, but are like your conscience and soul. They change while you change. In my opinion, this is mine, I haven't read the books yet. I think it's been once again blown out of proportion with the censors of the church declaring it was evil. Despite the fact the same people allow kids to see one of the goriest movies of all time to show their god's "passion." *Passion of the Christ, heard about it in the news and my dad tried to make me go* It is just a harmless kids movie where most of it it's not even focused mainly on the church, yes it has underlying themes, but it's about morals and someone using their wits and courage to find her friends. Thoughts anyone?
The staff is aware of them and I contacted Deathspank already about the problem. We'll keep you up to date.
Okay, guys... We need someone who's active a lot with the new downloaded videos. All of them. We're trying to fix the problem, and you guys are now asked to help us. This will later on cut back on all the down links all the time, and when they're down, we can put them back up faster. Post here if you do. Thanks.
Well... Due to the code vault about to explode... We made a new usergroup.... Coders. They just have a tiny bit of power in the Code Vault. NO access to anything else the staff has. <> Yellow is their usercolor. Any members who object who were added, PM the admins, we'll be happy to remove you.
I want to change it to Blinded Warrior or something. What do you guys think?
I think Kadaj went off the deep end when he saw AC on high definition... Kadaj: *in a fetal rocking back and forth muttering Mother* Just a guess. Any suggestions?
We finally caught the troll attacking the forum. It wasn't Boris the Blade we know of, but another guy who apparently was a hacker. Due to the legality information including the underage info of the person involved, but the info I can give is that security measures have been taken to keep it from happening again. As I have kept in somewhat contact with Boris after this, he has been cleared of any and all charges. I can say again the forum has been saved from attacks from trolls, and I tip my hat also to the staff who managed to pull the forum through this with long and exhausting hours of this crises. They deserve all the credit. Sara Forum Administrator
After spending the last few days and the staff also chasing after users with gif's too big... RoxasvsRiku and other staff have commented we should remove them completely from sigs. For this, I'm asking for your opinion on it.
Okay, it's not totally fixed... But it at least works to be able to play. The tournaments are disabled, but it kinda is pointless to have it anyway without scores working. You can play games, but that's about it. EDIT: Kudo's to Xaldin for managing to fix it. Good job.
Due to complaints by several members... I'm reminding the members that the limit for signitures are 500x500 pixels. You'll get one PM as a reminder. If it isn't changed by the time you come back, we'll remove it and give you a warning instead. This also includes ALL VIDEOS!!! Including YouTube. And GIF's bigger than 500 mb. If I continue to see this rule being broken, me and the staff will work up a harder punishment for the members who break it. PM the staff also if you see this rule broken. We can't be everywhere to see it, unfortunately. -Sara -Forum Admin
Due to complaints about fighting and name-calling amongst other things, and the fact it seems to not be of interest right now with Xaldin. I locked the section. Xaldin can reopen it at any time he wishes when he's interested again or one of the staff, but right now with what's going on there I think it's better to lock it and keep the problems to a minimum.
Happy B-day!!! Even though you're visiting your relatives, I hope you're enjoying it!!!
Submitted by Roxas as his last post. Posted in news with agreement by the staff and DS. This doesn't really have an ending. This isn't the end of me. Just read it, put on some Angels & Airwaves, Valkyrie Missile or Star of Bethlehem from YouTube, turn down the lights, and read: Kingdom Hearts 2 came out on December 28th, 2005. Coincidentally, this was the first time I ever visited It was the date that KH-Vids was opened to the public. I was on KHInsider, and in one of Deathspank's posts I read " KH2 Videos for Download" or something along those lines, so I clicked it. The forum was a dark blue-ish black, and at the top was a silhouette of Sora from the Limited Edition Strategy Guide. Apart from Deathspank, there was one other member; Riku (this member is not at all active anymore). Seeing this as an opportunity to become a top poster of a forum that would one day be big, I joined. At the time this was all that mattered to me; top poster. But there was something else on my mind that would come back to haunt me in later days. About 11-12 members later, *Sora* joined. He was my first ever acquaintance on an on-line forum. This was in the beginning of January, and I was just a lowly 13 year old looking for some respect. Stupidly, I started nagging Deathspank for modship. That never worked out, so I got disappointed. *Sora* was made mod, though, and despite my anger and jealousy he deserved it. A boy named Milkman joined, and was also made mod. Sephiroth, who later changed his name to LeGiOn, helped out around the forum and was also made mod. I was starting to get mad, but I was still top poster by A LOT. Not getting modship after a kid named Luxord did got me pissed. I decided that the forum sucked (actually, it did, there were lots of improvements that have been made). I was, at the time, the most well-known and popular member, so I made a thread entitled "A Goodbye on the Horizon" and said I was leaving, but there were things that needed to be done to make the forum a better place. These things were done, and helped improve KH-Vids. I was happy about that. This forum is my home. Anything I can do to help it is worth it. If my memory recalls right, Xehsin was then the next mod. He was the first piece to a large puzzle that when put together led to the collapse and rebirth of the forum. The second piece of the puzzle was Cin. Cin and I literally ruled KH-Vids in terms of charisma, popularity, posts, and friends. We got to know each other so well at that point, that we made the greatest mistake possible. Cin gave me his password. That was the third piece of the puzzle. But enough about silly puzzles. The forum itself was doing great. I had made a lot of friends and had a great time posting. Having the biggest post count was a huge thing for me, and it still is now (never mind my post count now). Cin threatened this a few times, but I never really cared. In terms of sociality on the forums, he and I were the first "friends." Once Cin and myself really started to get along, the forum turned from more discussion of the game to the social part of it that it is today. You may have noticed that no one here really even talks about Kingdom Hearts. The whole forum is practically a chat-up in the Spam Zone. I'm glad to say that this began with the building of a few friendships earlier on. The pieces of the "puzzle" I mentioned earlier were beginning to line up, but what KH-Vids really needed to put them together was a catalyst. This catalyst was a 17 year old guy named Boris the Blade. He made mod. He then went on to make admin (I heard he did all this by begging Deathspank). He was a fine, admin, too, and he got **** done when it was needed. In my opinion, these were the golden days of kh-vids. What the forum has turned into now is nothing compared to what it was. Some people here may remember the old days, Cin for sure, and *Sora* definitely. When Boris was made admin, I got to know him well. We talked on AIM frequently, and I did lots of things for Boris to help him out on other forums. I was being used, completely and utterly, but I thought that he'd make me mod if I continued to work for him. Eventually, he made the "mod" team. This was comprised of (correct me if I'm wrong) Sara, Misty, Darkwatch (now Darky) and someone else who never comes here named inhiding (probably one of Boris's lackeys). LeGiOn at this point was also admin, and *Sora* was well on his way. Roxas-chan at this point was also a moderator. I was shocked. I had done so many things for him, and he hadn't given me what he knew I wanted; modship. At this point in the story of kh-vids, that's all I wanted. I'd do anything to get it. The final piece of the puzzle was my lust for modship, and I betrayed one of my best friends to get me there. I knew Cin's password. I stated earlier that he had told it to me when we became good friends. I knew he was also good friends with Xehsin. Boris said that Xehsin was planning on hacking the forum, and that he wanted me to investigate. So I used the password that Cin had given me to enter his account, and what I found in his personal messages were plans from Xehsin to hack the forum. Now, whether this was true or not is still not in my consciousness and I don't care if it is or not, because Cin and I have put this behind us, but Boris used this as proof against Xehsin and banned him. Cin was furious at me. In fact, he hated me. So much that he wouldn't even talk to me. When I tried, he'd just shout at me and tell me to **** off. I was still a ****ing little n00b who just wanted friends, and I realized that the only "friend" I had was Boris, who was just using me. I was alone on the forum and with nothing better to do than cause trouble I got Cin banned. That was it. The forum had lost a great mod and one of its best members. With nothing else to do but ally with Boris, I lost respect from everyone. When Boris quit, I had no one on my side. And it wasn't long after that that I was banned. I don't know what happened in this time period, but fast forward about 4 months later. I've pretty much outlined the major events of the old KH-V as best as my memory can serve me. There was more. Lots more drama, too. Even Deathspank got involved. I took a 3-4 month break after I was banned and my computer received a horrible virus. Eventually, I knew I'd have to come back. In this time period Boris had left and Sara had become admin. Whatever had happened with Boris was still leaving shockwaves. As I came back to the forum, I realized that it was in the biggest low I had ever seen. It was, though, about to make a switch to "vBulletin", an upgraded type of forum. Sara, who was now admin, also decided that she would create a new group called "Forum Helpers" when she was there. I knew that this was my chance to become a mod. First, I needed something to pick this forum up. Ideas spun around in my head; I had helped the forum so many times before, and I could do it now. What spawned from that internal struggle was a name that is familiar to almost every seasoned kh-vids member; KH-Vids Royale. The story got almost 800 replies in 2 days. I'm not kidding. People have no lives, I guess. Sorry everyone. Before moving on to modship (yes, I still only cared about modship), I realized that I'd have to first move back and sort things out with Cin. With Sara's help, who I barely knew at the time, I finally convinced him to let me off, but there was still a brick wall between us. Even to this day, I doubt he trusts me but I deserve it after what I did to him and Xehsin. Sara and Cin decided to interview me for Forum Helper. I thought that it was about time. I'd done so much for the forum that it felt almost unfair to not be staff. After a grueling interview that I know was unlike anyone else's (it covered Boris, Cin's password, and lots of horrible things that I had left in the past) I was made Forum Helper. I can't exactly remember who else was made Forum Helper with me, but Cin was made mod. This was the beginning of the kh-vids you see in front of you today. To be honest, I don't know what else I could talk about that will bore you. Most of the drama that has happened recently is known by everyone. Plus nothing is really exciting. No one really knows what happened with Boris but simply knows that he was bad, and that I was involved. Hopefully this clears things up for people. Despite him being the planner, I did all the actions. I was Boris's puppet, and everything people blame on him was actually done by me. Everything he did, I did; he just coaxed me on to do it. When I originally wrote this, I was well on my way to becoming an admin. Does that scare you? Me, now banned, admin? As you know I am now not an admin, but there's a bit more of history that needs to be covered before I disappear from this site. Sara was having an operation. Darkandroid and I were chosen by her to be temporary administrators. On the last day of school, June 14th, my friends and I filmed a video of me running around almost completely naked; my only clothing a sock on my ***** and a sash. For some stupid reason, we uploaded it onto YouTube, and, in the moment, posted it on KH-Vids. It's kinda funny, really. If I had never posted that video, you would never be reading this portion of the history, nor would you be looking at a dark red username for me, but instead a bright blue one. Pretty much 10 minutes after posting it I was banned, despite 25% of the staff posting "that was hilarious" in the thread (did you notice that? Every time I make a thread that I get in trouble for, half the staff is posting in it laughing along and agreeing with me, yet they get no stick for it at all). As you may have realized, it's pretty hard for me to stay banned. Sara un-banned me shortly after, telling me that my chances of being admin were over: for now. So, being the good friend I am, I immediately recommended Cin for admin, who she admitted she had not even thought about. And look! There he is! In my opinion Misty would have been better but Cin is still my friend. Sorry Misty. Anyway, the forum moved on as usual, but now I had no chance of being admin. I really didn't care to be admin anymore. Plus, two websites had offered me an administration job. One of them, which I won't post for advertising reasons, is doing really well and is getting a good stream of members. The other site, which shall remain nameless, got 1,000 members in about one day. So I'm really happy about that, it's a huge total, especially compared to KH-Vids' weak 4 members on its first day ever. I remember that. It was funny. But look at it now, you would never even know. Lately, people have been getting banned left and right. Someone has been sending trolls to drive sticks up the forum's *** for a while now. Most people, who know nothing about Boris but think they do (like 80% of the staff), think it was him. But it isn't. He cares less about this website now. Maybe, one day, he will come back like I always do (yeah, he came back as GainAX but I made that account for him). He has also threatened the forum with his ability to hack. I'm going to put that to rest. He can not hack. He never hacked Cin's account; that was me with Cin's password. Rakushiinu, or "Larxene" in Katakana, was indeed hacked by Boris. But you see, this is simply because they live in the same city, and were at the same public library when Boris came across her account. He never hacked anything. Boris is just a loser who thinks it's fun to mess people up "on-line," as if anyone with a life gives a **** about on-line anyway. So for all of you, the many of you, actually, who have always wondered about Boris, he's just an ugly fat ******* who takes delight in messing with a few websites that are going to die in a few years anyway. Way to go, Boris! And now I'm done. Forever. Well, apart from the fact that Sara said I could come back one day. I told you all! You can never get rid of me forever! Ha! *pulls on cape and jumps from nearest window, killing himself instantly* Did you really think I could do this final, serious, momentum-filled post without saying one god damn ******ed thing? That's right. I couldn't. KH-Vids History: a memoir by Roxas. The History is done, but it's pretty quick, right? I'm sure it flew by for some people. There's not much history in its first few months. To be honest; this site has had loads of drama, especially with Boris, but being there was a lot better (or worse?). Now I'm going to tell you a bit about all the staff that have been on this website, whether they're ex-staff or simply staff now. The Ex-Staff Boris the Blade Boris the Blade was one of KH-Vids' most excellent admins. He always knew where to go to lock the latest topics and edit the worst posts of the worst. Unfortunately, his power-hungry mind knocked him off his spot after using Roxas and Cin to turn the forum inside out. Cheal Cheal was a fine moderator who could be found all over the forum. After a while, school got to him and he was unable to concentrate on the forum. He went on an indefinite hiatus. Whether he will return as moderator one day is unknown. Darkwatch/Atari Darkwatch was a moderator and administrator for a very long time before he quit his job to go on vacation. Whether he will receive an administrative position again is up to him. GainAX GainAX was an account made by Roxas and used by Boris to give him access to the Admins & Moderators section. This was part of a plan by the staff to find out how Boris was sending all the trolls to the forum. Turns out, it wasn't even Boris! Oh, and Boris showed how corrupt the staff is by quoting some of their posts. I thought that was quite funny. IceKitty IceKitty was made moderator by Sara when Roxas was knocked off the staff. Several staff members retaliated against this and major staff changes were made. IceKitty was temporarily made moderator to pick up the pieces. inhiding Inhiding was a moderator for a very short time. He was made mod when Boris configured his own team of moderators. Clearly useless, he was only a mod for about a month. John S. John S. was one of KH-Vids' first ever members. He later returned as a forum helper and then a moderator before being banned for his temper. Currently, he is serving in the army. LeGiOn/Sephiroth Thanks to his intuitive posting on the forum, Sephiroth was made mod quickly after the forum started. Not long after, he achieved the rank of administrator, and changed his name to LeGiOn. He rejoined the new KH-Vids as Mr. Bubbles but made a few posts before leaving due to personal reasons. MaliciousRelik Malice was brought on by Sara to help defend against a hacking threat from Boris long ago. This was wrapped up by the staff, as if it was meant to cause unrest in the public. His partner was Van the Deathseeker, who is still a mod today. Milkman Milkman was one of KH-Vids' first mods. He fought occasionally with the staff, but got his stuff together for a while. Eventually, he was knocked off the staff when he continued to fight. Roxas-chan Roxas-chan was an amazing mod that was loved by almost everyone. All were sad to see her go, but she was very sick and couldn't focus on the forum enough. She was also revered for her role with Cin and Roxas in KH-Vids Royale. She was the only KH-Vids Royale participant who probably gained further popularity from their role. If you knew her, you would wish for her to come back to the forum now. Roxas Roxas was made a moderator after trying for a year, and he could be seen locking topics every day in odd places of the forum; whether it was Disney Galaxy or Art Requests. He was knocked off moderator at the beginning of this summer when he posted a video of himself chasing a barely clothed boy with a pink hammer. His greatest accomplishment was writing the extremely popular KH-Vids Royale, and he will never finish the less popular KH-Vids Royale II. Maybe someone will. Xehsin Xehsin was a moderator for a long time before getting banned by a joint effort between Boris and Roxas. He later returned to the forum as a moderator and was welcomed with open arms. When Roxas was made mod, Xehsin had had enough of his opinions not being counted and, feeling ignored completely by the staff, left. The Staff *Sora* *Sora* was the fourteenth member of KH-Vids, and the first moderator. He is currently serving as a very inactive administrator he will be soon asked to step down by Sara. NOTE: Get back on here you dumbass, you can't get knocked off admin! 1winged_angel Despite being fairly inactive, 1winged_angel is easily one of the most ancient moderators on the website. And no; I don't mean his age. He had been around on the website for ages, modding here and there. It seems as if time has caught up with this excellent moderator, though. Whilst I was mod, the opinions he stated were practically ignored, unfortunately. If he was more active, he'd be the best if not one of the best moderators at KH-Vids. Anniexo_lexa Anniexo was a premium member for a long time before becoming a forum helper and changing her name to Anniexo_lexa. She is currently serving as a super moderator. Arc Arc is Sara's boyfriend, and an administrator. Whether being Sara's boyfriend enabled him to receive this high rank is unknown, but he does a great job and deserves it. Arc is also very laid back, something the rest of the staff needs to practice. Cin Cin was made administrator this summer to fill in for Sara whilst she had an operation. Before he had been made a moderator when we switched to vBulletin. Apart from getting banned from Boris, the only other time he left was when Xehsin quit. For a short while, Cin was absent from the forum but quite obviously returned and is now an administrator. His favorite quidditch team is the Chudley Cannons. Darkandroid Like Cin before him, Darkandroid was made an administrator this summer to fill in for Sara during an operation. He has been revered for his kindness and mature decisions. His only fault is that he likes the steaming pile of **** that is Sum 41's "Chuck." Deathspank Deathspank is the creator of Evidently, the website was a smash hit, as there's a Kingdom Hearts AMV for almost every song ever made. As annoying as this may be for some, he has done a great job from the start. Despite being very inactive, he does come on more than you think. Of course, to know this you would have to be a staff member. Should I be saying this? Giving away the staff's secrets? Anyway, Deathspank is currently residing in California. No other plans for KH-Vids have been announced. Fayth Fayth, like 1winged_angel, has been one of the longer lasting moderators on KH-Vids. It seems as if he has been a moderator for as long as I can remember. Sorry Fayth, there's not much to say about you. I don't want to fill this up with filler like the crap I'm typing now, but I can't think of much to say! He is a great mod; he just needs to be more active. Hissora Hissora was, when she joined, a complete and utter n00b. Most of her time was spent in the RPG Lounge or the Spam Zone, and half of her posts quoted lame Kingdom Hearts quotes. As you may have noticed, she has completely changed. Since then, she has evolved through forum helper and into modship. Kuroudo Kuroudo joined KH-Vids before the vBulletin move. Just a normal poster at first, he began to help out around the site. Sending PMs to mods and admins, he got his name noticed by the staff. Eventually, he was interviewed for Forum Helper and moved on to become a moderator. Mari Mari joined the original KH-Vids as Kairi'. She is currently an inactive Forum Helper. The coolest thing she has ever done is the KH-Vids Royale Manga. Unfortunately, this has been stopped, her only reason being "I've run out of paper." Mish Mish is considered the forum's resident hottie. When a picture of her first appeared on KH-Vids, the nerds were stunned. Now she is a moderator and has lost some of her flair with the recent joining of narcissist Alice. Don't worry, Mish. You're still the hottest. You still want to be banged the most. By the way, March of the Dogs, many months ago, pointed out that you can see Mish's panties and bras hanging in the background of the original picture. Unfortunately, when he directly told her this she edited the picture. As far as I know, no available copies of it have the panties in them. Mustang/DarknessKingdom When DarknessKingdom first joined, he wasn't revered as anything special. Like all other members, he started at and grew and grew. Being one of the top Premiums, though, it was inevitable that he would one day end up as Forum Helper. He eventually became a moderator and changed his name to Mustang. RoxasvsRiku RoxasvsRiku had always been aiming for staff, and recently was made a Forum Helper. Almost instantaneously, he was made a moderator. Unfortunately, I never got to know him well. He always interested me. I'm guessing he has no interest in speaking to me but I would have liked to talk to him more. Probably about music. Like Libertad. I'm rambling in this official document. Sara Sara is probably the biggest ***** ever. She shouts out me, lectures me every day even if I don't do a single thing wrong, and, worst of all (anyone who has gotten a lecture from her knows this), talks about me to about god damn anyone who gets in trouble. But I love her. She is one of the wisest people I know. Even if her GPA was a damn 1.3, I'd still listen to everything she has to say. I'm sad to say that many people flame her and think she's awful, but you're all so wrong and can go suck mine. She is the greatest administrator I have ever met. At the new sites I am adminning now, I want to be known by the members there as I know her now. God dammit, Sara. Just please don't lecture me next time. Honestly, I don't need to know the difference between "˜tomato and basil' and "˜tomato and margarita' soup, even if it will branch off into an incredible discussion about life and death. *ruffles* Shikamaru's Shadow/vivi's dark side It took Vivi too long to make mod, but he's finally done it! When he first joined, his rather: well, dumb, but occasionally witty comments were loved by all. I got to know him well, and he got to know all the other staff well too. These mad hook-ups allowed him to get in on the staff. Not just that, but his skill despite being an absolute loon was quite remarkable. Just remember to call him Vivi, not Shikamaru or whatever. It's much better. Soushirei Soushirei joined long ago with the username "Soushirei.". He posted many of his short stories and some longer ones, all of which was amazing. In terms of maturity and the ability to show his point of view in a calm and collected manner, he excelled over all others. When he joined the new KH-Vids, it was only a matter of time before he was made a moderator. Van the Deathseeker Van was brought on board by Sara when Roxas received a message from Boris stating "[At KH-Vids] a festival will begin." Van's hacking skills should be feared by anyone. Using his 9 steps of death, doom, and destruction, he can slowly grind your computer to a halt until it's rendered completely useless. Don't mess with him. Despite being inactive, he is still on board in case KH-Vids ever needs him. Xaldin Xaldin is the biggest bringer of news and updates in all of the KH community. For a while he worked for KHI, but after getting into an argument with them now works for KH-Vids. In terms of administrative skills, he is awful; he had to ask a normal member how to lock a topic. He is still an asset to the site with his ability to bring news to KH fans all over the world. Who's Next? This section will explore the members of KH-Vids that could, or should be staff next, or should simply be upgraded to the next level. I felt this section would be needed; maybe to get some people noticed, or maybe to get some mods into the staff that actually do stuff, maybe even administrators who will take the time out of their lives to add some new plug-ins to the forum, or fix the arcade (Why this hasn't been fixed yet is beyond me; IT'S A FRIGGEN SIMPLE TEMPLATE EDIT). These are completely my opinions. Some of them may seem biased, even odd, but, well, it's what I believe. Misty Of all the moderators on KH-Vids, this fine girl deserved administrative powers this summer! She's been around for so long. She is incredible smart and completely deserves this opportunity. HigherBeing HigherBeing is most likely going to be the next Forum Helper. The staff is quite interested in her. I personally think she'd do a great job as mod, but not as Forum Helper. Why not as Forum Helper? Because it's completely useless. They could at least give you one section to mod to see if you actually have any skills! Anyway, good luck HigherBeing, I hope you get the spot. kitty_mckechnie If she doesn't get mod within a year, I will hang myself live on webcam in front of all of KH-Vids. (I was talking Cin just now, actually I've finished the history but I'm just adding this in; he said "she's probably going to get it.") shadowjak The staff doesn't like him. At all. His rants pretty much **** all over the forum, but maybe if the staff listened to those rants the forum would start to get a little better. This guy is incredibly smart and is extremely mature. I know that putting him here is a useless attempt at getting him Forum Helper, but just because he has a temper that flares a little and an attitude doesn't mean he can't be trained to not have them. At least giving him a chance would be worth it. I think he could prove how valuable he is. Anyway, my main message to these people if they do make moderator; do something! The thing I hate about this forum is that once people are made mod they just sit on their lazy asses complaining in the Admins & Mods section. I remember locking about 3-5 topics every day or two, wondering why they hadn't been locked before. Keep active and keep busy. Well, that's it: I guess not all of that was the history of KH-Vids but this is my last ever post for about half a year. When I do come back, a long time from now, I will allow you guys to be the judge of whether I can stay or not, after you see how I act. I am looking forward to it. Now I'd like to give a few shoutouts, I always skip the shoutouts in a book but I think this is needed. First I'd like to give a shout out to Sara for being such a helpful ***** that always got on my nerves but it was worth it in the end. Next is Arc, who I knew a little bit before KH-Vids, I can't remember where from, though. Darkandroid because he got me into Death Note and made me realize that you can still like Japan but be a G, not a Wapanese *******. Then there's Soushirei, when I originally read his writing that's when I got serious about writing myself. I remember thinking "holy ****ing god, this guy is genius!" and it inspired me to keep on writing. Deathspank, despite being an enigmatic beast you hated everyone else but were always nice to me. Except not at the beginning, but now you are. And I totally agree with you that the staff needs to lighten up here. *Sora* for being such a *****in' guy and overall just rocking at what he does. Mish for giving me pictures to mastu- I mean look at and say "how nice." Xehsin for making me realize early on what a gay *** n00b I was. shadowjak for being a jerk all the time and making me want to be better so that he wouldn't say those things, but blindly blew it all up in the end. Xaldin for giving me laughs because he is such an idiot. Misty because despite her hatred for me I think she is pretty hot, her looks go unnoticed, but at the same time is just really smart and kind and mature. Hissora because she always cheers me up and is just, well, herself. See you at JRockRevolution! Darky for being just one sick son of a ***** and even though he overuses ":/ and ":\" he is still awesome. Eclipse for making me my L sig. Kitty_McKechnie, I don't know why, I always just took a liking to you that I could never get rid of. No_reality_allowed, even though he hates me after the **** I did he is one psycho *****. March of the Dogs for providing endless lulz with Mai for making the KH-Vids Royale manga. Rei for keeping me going with this and for just being awesome albeit a bit serious. I thank you for that. And finally, Cin: I don't even know what to say to you. You're the closest an on-line person has ever come to becoming a real friend for me. I'm listening to Angels and Airwaves right now, the perfect band to listen to while typing this memoriam: "Just as when the walls close me within, my eyes are opened up with pure sunlight. I'm the first to know, my dearest friends. Even if your hope has burned with time. Anything that's gone shall be renewed; a warning sign, You will be fine." -KHV- *tips hat and goes*
I'm having surgery on the 25th to fix a birth defect. I'll be leaving on the 18th to get ready for it. Arc, Cin and Darkandroid will be admns while I'm gone. I'll be gone about two to three weeks. I will come back, so I expect you guys to behave like you always do while I'm gone. I left them instructions and DS some, too. So expect nothing major to change while I'm gone. Xaldin will still be admin also, as always. As is Sora. - Sara - Forum Admin
Lately I've been handing out a lot of warnings, and today I found one for a SPECIFIC site which will remain nameless that broke several rules that were placed to ensure the safety of the younger members. This is an E+10 site, not an adult site. If you can't handle that, either go somewhere else or get used to it. Kids come here, you're NOT allowed to post things that will make pissed off parents come to the site. Tihis also includes the other rules, if I see much more of this, the rules will get worse. You've been warned. - Sara Forum admin
Due to EXCESSIVE complaints, for the love of god, no more marriage threads. Period. This includes asking people to marry you, getting married, bachelour parties, bachelorette parties, and after-wedding parties. And the honeymoon. It's out of hand and ridiculous. I'm deleting the threads now. If I see any more, I'm giving out warnings. - Sara Forum admin
With the help of KHI and Darkandroid, we finally managed to settle the situation with the trolls. We hammered out a treaty today with one of them. It was from a rogue site, I won't mention who, and no, it wasn't KHI, if it wasn't for them and the staff and you guys... We wouldn't have settled it like this. I want to thank all of you for your alertness and the staff constantly being on their toes during this. I also thank Arc for helping me get in contact with KHI to start working this out.
KHI is NOT in a forum war with us. I posted that the forum war was a misunderstanding, and I let the staff know. The thing is, the members from their site is coming to our site to cause problems. I'm still getting complaints from KHI that they're not being treated the same as any other member here. They're having the same problems we are. We are actually working WITH them to clear this troll problem up. Please treat everyone here with the same respect, if I hear more complaints, you WILL have to face the consequences.
YES WE HIT 10,000 MEMBERS!!! *opens sparkling cider* THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! AND CELEBRATE!!!
Yes, we have an arcade. and it's for all users to use with much more to come. Enjoy. - Sara