A center for ANTS?
Well, I guess it would be when I went through the second grade for the first time. I caught my face in the reflection of my spoon and said, "Hey, you're ridiculously good looking."
... ... .... ..... ...... ............... .................. .................................. ......................................... ...................................................... Now that I have your attention hai
I was watching Austin Powers on tbs and their DvD glitched and now it's very funny cuz they haven't gotten it fixed yet. dammit its back on >>
And by pants, I mean usernotes. Spam away.
When I was XxAxelEightxX Gawd, those were the days
My jazz band director says that if we beat the other middle school in our contest next weekend, she'll dress emo.
You remind me some much of me sometimes XD
-stabs- Your pain causes me happy =]
Why won't you look at me during?
big brother is on ;]
The cholesterol felt like putty.
How is all?
D: The art teacher at my school was fired. She's probably the best art teacher ever. The new one is a ***** and so is the vice principle >>
the invisiblitiy cloak didn't work that day...
Swans are relaxing
I think I'm going to create a story... Not any story A story full of love, hatred, revenge, wicked-ness, sorrow, regret, and other adjetives that aren't special enough to be in here. and MUSIC HARHARHARHARHAR! Anyway You ALL will be involved. Well, not all, just the people I love~ -cough-ctrkittyroseydarkyroxasmishcinmistyandalltheotherpeoplewhoilovebutidon'tknowthemonthetopofmyheadsoha!-cough- Lolz, but it won't be just like this: Nancy: Do you want dance? Bob: I NEED MY SPACE! -bob bites nancy's head off- no it'll have paragraphs.. Yeah =/ If you actually know who I am, PM so I can figure out for sure what charater I want to cast you as..
I was really dizzy afterward and I couldn't walk straight.