I decided to make something quick before I do my home work and I came out with this. Eye of the Tiger... CLICK HERE x3 IT was very quickly done, cnc plox
Date Rape is the best song ever
What's all with you guys and your name changes. I don't know who's who ._.
The Really Long Story With The Really Long Title That Is A Huge Rip Off Of KHV Royale But Less Killing Because It Has Less Killing And One Hundred More Times More Random Stuff Like Degrassi The Next Generation Where New Things Happen Every Single Episode And It Will Never End But About KHV COMING SOON! :3 k Sorry, I had to, Jordier0xs0x XD
at the mall today... I think I got high of the smell in there. And this guy who works there asked my sister's boyfriend if he wanted a 'favor'.
is tomorrow
nom no nom num nolm
I found a way to get on here through school. :3
lololol hai :3
do the time warp again ;3
like, i post a thread and I get 2-5 replies, then no one cares anymore. Pretty sad, neh?
Not sure if anyone noticed I was gone for about a week or less...
I guess no one has noticed yet
lol, wut? .
.... | | | | jghjkfgfg fgfg gf gf f gggg aaaa yyyy j j j jj j j j j j this is the spam zone
when you leave your mom on.... .... ..... .... loldots it makes a noise
pisses me off >: For once I wanted to post a video and it's like "CHeck your description" and I'm like "Wtf? it has stuff in it >>"