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  1. kitty_mckechnie


    Only commit to marriage with the intention of killin' your husband a week later for all his assets.

    That is the only reason to wed.

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Jan 1, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. kitty_mckechnie

    Miines better cause it moves. 8D
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 31, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. kitty_mckechnie
    Think i can still use it?

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 31, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. kitty_mckechnie


    I shall stop your floods with this!!!!

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 31, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. kitty_mckechnie

    I wanna go oot ther n gee em sevre malkyin'!!!]
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 31, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. kitty_mckechnie

    Dear khv

    I love ye. I love all of ye. All in yer own wee special way... even if yer a complete mongle, i'll love yee. I EVEN LOVE THE WHORES! The many many...manymanymany whores! Don't be a whore it cause cancer.

    Noobs, emos, neebos, meebo users...yer awright. Folk don't like ye butt i like ye. Ye give me somthin' too scoff at. Not scoff like eatin', i'm noo a man eatr lik some oh the others. YOU KNOW HOW YOU ARE!

    Staff are silly gooses. They have long necks n quack all day . Cept orange, shes a pickle.

    May 2009 be the year khv sucks less n' we enroll a dictatorship!!

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 31, 2008, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. kitty_mckechnie


    While readin' Tummer's thread 'bout glasses you popped into mind.

    I must ask you. Do you wear glasses? I've always imagined you do.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 31, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. kitty_mckechnie

    Everyone is welcomed to have one.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 31, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. kitty_mckechnie
    It was Sammy's fault.

    Curse her!
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 29, 2008, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. kitty_mckechnie

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 29, 2008, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. kitty_mckechnie
    Some sick, twisted, mingin' folk are under the impression that Link is gay. It bring's me joy to say he isn't. Far from it.

    First off, he does not wear a skirt, it's a tunic. It can be worn by both male n' female! N' only real men wear tunics...or a kilt. hurr hurr.

    Secondly, gays don't ride horses, they ride other men. Do you see Link ridin' another man across Hyrule field? NO! He travels by horse!

    Gays dislike the outdoors - afraid they may dirty their new shoes. Link lives in a treehouse, he practically lives outside. Only real men can do that.

    Link is out to defeat Ganondorf n' save Zelda, not the other way 'round. If he were gay he'd let Zelda be imprisioned n' have his way with Ganondorf n' that'd be the end of that. BUT NO! HE STABS HIM IN THE HEAD WITH THE MASTER SWORD!!! Gays's are peace livin' hippies.

    Gays are pansy's. Link has the Triforce of Courage. That's a contradiction right der.

    So you see, Link is not gay. He's a man. A manly man for the ladies. Ladies have a seventh sense when it comes to identifyin' gays. Zelda n' the others would know if he was gay n' would not flirt with him. Link is as manly as they come, possessin' more manliness in a single hair follicle than most of the male population in this forum combined.

    No offence to gays.

    Edit: Greeks invented Gayness. Link is a Hyrulian.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 29, 2008, 49 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. kitty_mckechnie
    You guys are the **** of the forum, faggin' for members of higher status.

    [Has two meanin's - well three if you're Scottish - but i guess you gotta be British to understand what i'm referrin' to. O:3]
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 29, 2008, 28 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. kitty_mckechnie
    It came out in the UK yesterday ('bout freakin' time) n' i managed to download it today on my wii. I still love it. I'm gonna find myself playin' this for hours durin' the next week, most likely with the aid of my brothers since we played this all those years ago. Yay for bein' nostalgic.

    Anyone else purchase it?
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 27, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  14. kitty_mckechnie


    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 26, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. kitty_mckechnie

    PS3 freezes

    Not much to explain. Every now n' then my PS3 will freeze mid game. It's also frozen several times on the inital loadin' of the game. I dunno whether or not to return it n' get it replaced since it happens rather frequently.

    Cheers me dears.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 26, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  16. kitty_mckechnie
    Awright, so i'm determined to get myself a PS3 within' the next two weeks. I've been lookin' 'round for deals n' i found this one that seems pretty good.

    80GB version
    I would be pleased with that.

    But the 160GB version is out now. N' well, it's quite expensive.

    I do realise that it has double the storage space which would come in handy i'm sure, but would i need all that memory just to play games n' stuff?

    Cheers me dears.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 17, 2008, 22 replies, in forum: Gaming
  17. kitty_mckechnie
    But our lecturers said don't bother comin' in n' they threw us a party today. 8D Awesome they are.

    They also encourage over-drinkin of alcohol n' clubbin'. xD
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 17, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. kitty_mckechnie
    I have yet to play it.

    I completed the Jap version in the same amount of period. xD
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 16, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. kitty_mckechnie

    Coco my dear

    I know you're there. >:3
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 16, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. kitty_mckechnie
    KairiNaminegitis. It has awready infected two members of staff. CtR n' Rosey have fallen to it's random involuntary imitation of KairiNamine.

    It's only a matter of time before it spreads throughout the forum, infectin' us all.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 13, 2008, 190 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone