And you know that the Bush Administration said they were suspected terrorists just because they opposed Bush. The guy who made this must be a genius when it comes to mechanics. It looks pretty real to me, considering that you see him using the Wii Remote...
Any thoughts? IDK, I'm bored.
Ed and company look great on the big screen, but I'm STILL disappointed at the ending!
I meant to say motivational. I'll start (takes a minute to load).
Specifically I'd like infinite Transmutation Icons. Thanks!
I've finished the series and now I kinda want to watch another good anime. Any suggestions?
I mean, yeah- Elric Bros. finally reunited, new friends made, but them being stuck beyond the Gate, away from their friends from Shamballa (I can't remember the real name of the country) and not able to use alchemy anymore is kind of a sad way to end the series. Not to mention that Noa (who obviously has a thing for Ed) isn't nearly as likable a character as Winry or even Rose- Noa just simply didn't have enough deep lines to become a good character. And Ed is a much better match for Winry anyway (the lifetime friends thing, their short tempers, etc.) but that's not the entire point. And the fact that they're stuck there in the real world without alchemy severely lowers the chances of making a spin-off series based off the tons of new manga made ever since the series' end. So all-in-all it left me with a feeling that more could've been done... I'm done ranting now, I just wanted to say that.
This may be an old topic, but it just pisses me off to no end how the government makes the Military look so glorious and even FUN. While they show the great moments of the Military in those terrible commercials, they leave out the hours of waiting in fear, the days without food, and all the other horrible things about Military service. I am grateful for the men and women serving overseas, but the government is tricking young people to join the Military not knowing what it REALLY is like.
What if Organization XIII wasn't composed of Nobodies... yet they were still the villains? Or more specifically a criminal syndicate. This fanfic is the expansion of a random idea I had. Members of Somebody: XIII Xehanort (Xemnas) – Leader Braig (Xigbar) – Gunner Dilan (Xaldin) – Planner Even (Vexen) – Tech Specialist Aeleus (Lexaeus) – Muscle Ienzo (Zexion) – Tech Specialist Aïs (Saïx) – Second-in-Command Ale (Axel) – Carrier Edmy (Demyx) – Decoy Rolud (Luxord) – Heist Simulation Specialist Alumari (Marluxia) – Gunner Arlene (Larxene)- Carrier Sora (Roxas) – Carrier Somebody: XIII Chapter 1 50% of my life, I see in green. I'm really getting sick of this night vision crap. The world seems so synthetic through the goggles. But it does get dark around 1 A.M. , and being blind as a bat doesn't make it easy to feed constant loops into surveillance systems or shutting down motion sensors. But those fall into Even and Ienzo's field of work respectively. I'm just a "carrier" who helps with the escapes. "Ienzo!" Xehanort whispered strongly, "How's the motion-sensor system?" "I'm getting there, boss." he replied, while not turning from the portable console. The screen of the console flashed brilliantly with confusing computer programming. A bank heist if you didn't catch that yet. Yes, we're pathetic. Thirteen criminals and we're still out here on the side of the Ruvian City Bank. Who knows how much this heist could have gotten us. Well we'll never know because of our bored little gunner. Braig was whistling our theme song- it's quite catchy actually. One of the few things this 'business' has that I like. So, he starts twirling his Semi-Automatic Pistols in beat to the song, tapping his foot along with it. "BRAIG!" Ienzo almost yells, even he, preoccupied with his programming, noticed Braig's lack of focus. "Huh?" replies Braig, instantly stopping the gun-twirling, while his finger slipped, allowing the remaining momentum to push the left-hand gun to Ienzo's console. A loud siren wails from the bank. Ienzo casts the most grim, evil look to Braig, who follows up with a well-times "Oops?" "GET DOWN!" bullets cracked from behind us and the air soon reeked of gunpowder. It's not like we're first-time offenders. We've been wanted in Ruvian City for months now. So we do the normal evacuation protocol. Everyone except the two gunners, Braig and Alumari, run like hell. The two gunners run slower while keeping the cops off our trail. This kind of failure happens every time simply because we’re too different. For example, Ienzo is a grumpy perfectionist while Braig is a laid-back, trigger-happy man. We can’t all work in a synchronized manor with such differences among us. I guess that was always our problem. “How much longer do we keep this up, Braig?†Alumari asked his fellow gunner. “Not too much longer. Once the others get away, we run.†he replied, still shooting his Semi-Automatic pistols. One of the cops took real aim and carefully aligned the barrel of his gun with Alumari’s head. He shot, but the bullet went slightly astray and nailed him in the shoulder. He shouted out in pain and fell to the ground. Braig looked over to his fallen partner. “Damn you! You were trying to kill him! What’s your problem? This is a bank robbery!†he shouted. Alumari was bleeding intensely and fell unconscious. Braig simply had enough. He acted upon instinct and returned a shot to the firing officer’s skull. His aim was better than the officer’s. The officer’s partner stopped shooting as well once this happened, though Braig didn’t have the opportunity to enjoy his shot. He picked up Alumari and ran off to the rest of the group. Once we met up with him, he was panting, his clothing covered in Alumari’s blood. He looked up, “I’ll explain later!†he shouted, “Let’s get him to the hospital!†“Braig, how the **** can we?†asked Aeleus, “Once we bring him there, the medics will recognize us!†Aeleus loves his curse words. He can’t go three sentences without saying at least one. Braig stared harshly at him and yelled, “Fine! I’ll take him myself! I’ll face the death penalty for him!†At this point we were very confused with Braig. We didn’t know he had done something worthy of the death penalty. So far, all Somebody: XIII has done is a few cheap bank heists, nothing that serious. Braig ran off with Alumari towards the emergency room. Those two had always been close. I guess it’s like that since they are always putting themselves in life-threatening danger together, which could form a strong bond quickly. I seemed to have a similar relationship with Ale and Arlene since we’re all carriers. It was a long run back to the hideout. We stayed up through the morning waiting for Braig and Alumari. Once we realized that Alumari's injuries must've been serious, we tried calling Braig. No answer. "He probably had to turn off his phone." said Ienzo, "ER's always enforce that policy." It was obvious somebody had to go to the hospital. We decided that it would have to be one of the carriers, and since I was the youngest, everyone figured I would be best for the job since I would probably be the easiest to disguise. I slipped into the overcoat and put the sunglasses on. It's really uncomfortable and bulky, but what Xehanort says goes. Ale walked into my room, "Nice gear!" he said jokingly. I turned around, "Ha ha, very funny." I said plainly. Ale looked concerned, "You know I'm sure Alumari will be fine." he said. I shook my head, "That's not it." well that sounded strange, "Well don't get me wrong; I'm concerned about Alumari and Braig, but I've got a lot on my mind." "Well shoot." he said, "What's up?" Ale's my best friend, and I'm confident in telling him basically anything. "Well," I said, "if you could do it again, would you have joined Somebody: XIII?" He thought for a moment, "Well if I hadn't we would've never been friends." True enough, I suppose. "Well yes," I said, "but it seems that this organization only brings about pain and misery. A lot of times that pain and misery is to US." Ale laughed quickly. "Well we're all here because we can't do better." said Ale, "And while I don't agree with this anymore than you do, we don't seem to have a choice." "There's always a choice." I replied. There was a silence for a while, then Arlene came in, "Hey, Xehanort wants you, Sora." I walked out and went to Xehanort's chamber. I entered the large circular room with lots of stray post it notes and pieces of looseleaf paper from old and new plan ideas. "Are you ready to leave, Sora?" I nodded, "Very well then." he said, "Leave once you're ready." I wanted to leave as soon as I could. Just to get it over with. I got in my car and headed for the hospital. I got a few suspicious looks from pedestrians and other drivers, but I ignored them and continued. I pulled up into the parking lot and parked. I walked up to the counter. "Do you have a patient named Alumari?" The nurse replied, "Last name?" Hm... does Alumari have a last name? I honestly didn't know it. "Oh never mind. There's only one patient by that name in the hospital. And you are?" "I'm his friend Riku." We all have aliases for just in case. This is the perfect time to have it. The nurse walked into the room and came out, "Go right in." she said, "But don't be too long, please. He needs his rest." I walked into the room. I had no idea what to expect.
In the Prologue when Roxas writes a symbol on the table in the Mansion to get to the basement to fight Axel (you know where the floor disappears) what's the symbol he draws? There's the Heartless Symbol and the Nobody Symbol but what would be the third? And the camera angel is just right so Roxas' hand blocks the symbol he draws. It just seems like when the designers planned this out, that it may have had a greater significance... I've just been wondering.
For me it's gotta be that every rap song MUST include the phrase "money in the bank".
I worked pretty hard with the editing on this one because the clips together would normally be about one and one half minutes longer than the song is. Well here: It's also in my sig :D!
This is a FanFic that brings the world of Kingdom Hearts to a more... comic book-ish setting. I got the inspiration from seeing Spider-Man 3 actually :D . The protagonists will be completely made up by me, along with some antagonists (there will be various KH2 villain cameos and appearances). I hope it turns out well. So here goes nothing! Chapter 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *RING!* *RING!* The alarm clock let out two loud sirens quickly awakening him. He sat up in bed, looking out the window of his apartment, looking down at the raging traffic. He let out a sigh. He pulled himself out of bed and tripped on an old sock. His nose was bleeding. He walked into the bathroom to find a paper towel, only to discover he had none. He splashed water on his face and grabbed a piece of toilet paper instead. He combed his hair quickly and walked out of the bathroom. He continued to pull up a new pair of jeans. He reached to open his shirt drawer when he heard the quiet beep of his answering machine. He quickly put a shirt over his head which became wet and blood stained and walked over to the machine. He pressed the button on the center of it and heard the tape play. *BEEP* "Listen," said a female voice, "it's not working. It's been one and one half years and we're still where we started. I need to move along with my life. I wish you the best." *BEEP* He stood there, a tear running down his cheek. But it didn't bother him too much; his life was bad enough already. He rubbed his hand on his face and rid himself of the tear, and in the process got blood on his hand. He went back to his drawer and found a pair of socks which he put on his feet. He looked at the clock; 6:45. Late as usual. A twenty minute drive (in good traffic) to his job which started at 6:50. Then again, the world wouldn't come to an end if a doorman didn't make it to work on time. He went to the closet and threw on his doorman formal jacket. He walked to his car and reached for his pocket- but it was nowhere to be found. His pants were on backwards. He sighed, walked back into his apartment, put his pants on right and walked back out to his car. This streak continued- no gas. He cursed to himself and walked around to his trunk and found his spare container of gas. It was unusually light. He inspected it- there was a leak in the bottom. 50 blocks of running later he found himself at the Corz Hotel. He walked up to the counter and clocked in his time card. 30 minutes late. "Hi Ken." replied the counter attendant. Central City- a beautiful maiden on the outside, an unforgiving temptress on the inside. A city that lures you into its impossible odds of success, and then crushes your hopes and dashed your dreams in an instant. The police force of this city is decent, however the often seem uninspired and lazy. Crime is a serious problem when the police are taking a self-elected vacation, so almost everyone in the city is on constant guard. Ken stood dully at the hotel doors. This really isn't how a twenty-three-year-old should be living. As he leaned against the glass door of the hotel, a loud sound vibrated from the left of him. An entire building had collapsed due to a strange bipedal creature ramming it. It was coming his way. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 coming soon!
I don't know if this has been asked before, but what does Sora's Crown Accessory do?