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  1. Advent

    IMPORTANT EDIT: Sorry, this isn't a protest, merely a celebration for the success of the protests. God how did I miss that XD...

    Anyway, it seems that Anonymous is more than happy with the outcome of their protests, despite minimal media attention. Something may be in the works though, since at the end of the video description it says "FOLLOW YOUR LOCAL LAWS!!!".
    Thread by: Advent, Feb 28, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Current Events
  2. Advent
    Is there a way to use it to display just the differing values between two dumps? Thanks in advance!
    Thread by: Advent, Feb 24, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  3. Advent
    Here's one of the videos.

    Her tone ruins any seriousness you could've sensed from her review. It's just hilarious.
    Thread by: Advent, Feb 15, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: Gaming
  4. Advent
    Of all youth aged 12 to 17 in 1 survey in 2000, 9.7% had an illicit drug use prior to being questioned. Drug use among teens is at an unfortunate high, and the film Augusta, Gone portrayed this well.
    This film, based on a true story, depicts the story of a Augusta, a high school student who gets addicted to cigarettes to get away from stress and the pressures of getting good grades. This leads to more serious drugs like LSD and marijuana. As the movie progresses, Augusta gets farther and farther from her family as the drugs start to take over. She is eventually taken to a rehab of sorts. She was able to get over the habit and make amends with her family, but it’s rarely that good of a turn out for the family or child.
    There are many places for drug addicts to get over their addictions, but the willingness of people to go usually must be forced upon them by their loved ones. They are the only way for a regular addict to come to their senses and stop while there’s still time. Augusta’s mother was patient and strong for Augusta, and that was a large part of Augusta’s recovery. Had it not been for the support from her family, her future could’ve been much worse than it turned out.
    Thread by: Advent, Feb 15, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Advent

    What are they thinking? This is unbelievable.
    Thread by: Advent, Feb 13, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: Current Events
  6. Advent

    He's a brave but foolish man. Some of the things said are pretty funny.
    Thread by: Advent, Feb 11, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Current Events
  7. Advent

    Ridiculous. What a completely ridiculous law.
    Thread by: Advent, Feb 3, 2008, 31 replies, in forum: Current Events
  8. Advent

    This site did a good job of it!
    Thread by: Advent, Jan 25, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Advent

    Mods, if the links I provide below are against the rules, remove them if you want, but please try not to.

    The group "Anonymous",an internet vandalism group previously responsible for a U.S. national uproar with the threat of detonating dirty bombs in several NFL Stadiums, now turns to the Church of Scientology to sustain its hunger for "lulz".

    In the past few days, Anonymous , or Anon for short, has posted threatening messages on YouTube (using a voice-producing program as opposed to their actual voices), spread propaganda all around the internet, recorded and leaked a Scientology orientation video to the internet, and even hacked the official Scientology website, uncovering secret documents (known as SECRETDOX) cotaining hundreds of PDF pages of information on the inner workings of Scientology, this of course was also leaked to the internet.

    Now, they have planned a vague meeting on February 10th of anyone in London who is interested in dismantling the so-called church at London's Official Church of Scientology, telling whoever comes to "wear a mask of your choosing", further demonstrating their need to remain anonymous. This may also be an omen of bad things for the church, since petitions and such have been conducted before in the open, but as we've seen with Anonymous in the past, they probably have more than a protest in mind.

    EDIT 1 (1/27/08): Anonymous puts out on YouTube video that tries to clarify their true agenda for the media and the general public. Towards the end of the video, they list a large number of scandals and tragediescaused directly or indirectly by Scientology that they want everyone to be aware of, such as the death of Lisa McPherson, and the forced abortions of several members. They again mentioned the meeting for protest outside the London Church of Scientology, but this time, invited everyone around the world to protest on that day in front of the Church of Scientology in their respective areas.

    Important Links

    The ad by Anonymous to meet at London's Church of Scientology (for anyone who didn't know, 10/2/08 means February 10th, not October 2nd)

    Anonymous' first threat video

    Scans of Scientology's Training Manual

    Anonymous' "Call to Action" video

    Anonymos' third video

    Anonymous' "22 Rules" video

    Anonymous' preparation for protest video

    Anonymous' clarification of their views to the press

    Aftermath of the protest,22606,23189665-5006301,00.html


    The official OPERATION PARTY HARD thread

    The Scientology Orientation Video (requires DivX Player)

    DivX Player
    Thread by: Advent, Jan 25, 2008, 35 replies, in forum: Current Events
  10. Advent

    The following site is offensive to homosexuals, do not enter if you are easily offended.

    It's clear this site was written up by a bunch of homophobic monkeys slamming a keyboard, A.K.A., the Westboro Baptist Church.


    I'm not even kidding.

    They're also picketing Heath Ledger's funeral, as I mentioned due to his role in Broke Back Mountain. Classy.

    The site's name is a paradox of the Christian faith- God loves all, so I don't consider these a******* a legitimate church...
    Thread by: Advent, Jan 23, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Discussion
  11. Advent
    In the yearbook, Fatty's name should now be Fatass (yes, I know it's immature, but I couldn't resist).

    205e4100 61746146
    105e4104 00007373

    Ar Max

    0482F640 C460040B
    0400B674 1C78042A

    0A236E4C 61746146
    0A276E4C 00007373
    Thread by: Advent, Jan 23, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  12. Advent
    Just post your favorite moment of KH1. I have to say the Sora-Riku fight was my favorite. Just the sheer challenge and how it progressed the story along made me love it (despite the ulcers it must've given me).
    Thread by: Advent, Jan 16, 2008, 106 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. Advent


    That's it- Indie has ruined rock.
    Thread by: Advent, Jan 6, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Music
  14. Advent,2933,320005,00.html
    Thread by: Advent, Jan 5, 2008, 25 replies, in forum: Current Events
  15. Advent
    I love Futurama, but I was dying to see the next Death Note Dub (I don't like subs *puts on flame shield*).
    Thread by: Advent, Dec 30, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Advent
    1. On the User CP in the rep area, if there's a green box next to the rep I know it's positive rep, but what if the box is blue?

    2. What do the +'s mean next to users' names in the "Currently Viewing this Thread" list?
    Thread by: Advent, Dec 29, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Advent
    I can't even begin to explain how wrong this is. The police really are stupid for doing this- most heterosexual men would be at least a little intrigued by a topless woman, and in a way, it was the police force themselves that forced him to reveal himself...
    Thread by: Advent, Dec 29, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Current Events
  18. Advent
    The way Americans speak and the way British people speak English are very different. America has added a lot of words and slang to the language that was broken as it was. So I ask you- do you consider American to be a sub-language of English?
    Thread by: Advent, Dec 28, 2007, 27 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  19. Advent

    Nobody get excited- if you summon him the game freezes.
    Thread by: Advent, Dec 27, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. Advent

    It's my second .GIF, I'm just wondering how it is.

    EDIT: I noticed that a .GIF similar to it already exists...
    Thread by: Advent, Dec 22, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone