i don't have one, but i'm working on it. so can someone tell me how when i do get one, i know what to do
Hola everyone. happy dia de los muetos. that's day of the dead for all you gringos out there. this is a holiday in the mexican cultue. you go down to graveyards, clean up your dead relitives grave, and have a big fiesta with other families. this holiday lasts for 2 days. the first day is where you celebrate the children that have passed. tommorrow, we celebrate all the children that have passed. in mexico, we make alters with three steps (lower step= hell, middle step= heaven, and upper= heven.) on those steps, we put stuff like pictures, skeleton, ect. it's a verry spirtual holiday. (we also eat suger skulls and chocolate covered grasshoppers)
yes the boy is back in town. we finally got an internet hookup today. i'm so glad to be back!!! tummer73 is back!!!
he will be the person who tells me what's going on while i'm gone. (if you missed my departure thread, i'm moving)
something i noticed in the secret ending. when you go up to see riku up the tower, kairi is on the tv. does anyone know why she's up there??? [i appologize if this has been posted before]
be a mighty king, so enemies beware.
the other day, my mom got us this new beautiful house. i can get my own room and a swimming pool in the back. she said she want's us in there by friday. i don't know when they are going to hook up the phone jack so i can get on the internet. i'm not leaving for good, but i will be gone for sometime. i will however ask one of my friends to keep me posted on what's up. it's gonna suck without khv for a couple of days. *cries*
Mi mucho odio el cancion "solja boy". es mucho molesto lol, you don't know what i just said.
yes, it's almost that time. almost time for halloween. so now, i want to make a contest. basically, you can make a picture, movie, or anything that involves kingdom hearts with halloween. 1. must involve both ideas (halloween and kingdom hearts) 2. nothing higher than pg-13 3. judges cannot enter 4. you can only enter one thing 5. BE ORIGINAL!!! the dead line is october 30. on october 31st, i'll annouce the 3rd,2ed, and 1st place winners. i need two other judges. good luck!!! Judeges 1.tummer73 2.OblivionKey 3.Axel12 entries: luna561: tummer73:5/5 OblivionKey: Axel12:5/5 total:5/5
just wondering.
they say they're perminate. they also said roxas was perma banned -yes i'm bored. sue me-
i'm just pretty bored, so i'm gonna post this.
this is a clip from the death note movie. you'll know what i'm talking about by the end of the clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJwMlNak-8Q
me and one of my friends were talking. she was telling me about like why anime characters wear robes. one reason was that they can see drugs. then i said that's why demyx was running and said "run, run away" in kingdom hearts 2. the police found out about his little ring, and he ran like there's no tomorrow. i come up with the caziest things when i'm bored.
i was looking to see what time death note will be on [adult swim]. anyway, i was looking at the catorgory (horror, romance, ect.) and the catogory it's under is children. LOL!!!!!!
just look.
it took me all morning to do this pic. it was first to be a kairi, pic; but i decided to add sora. NOTE: this is my first time drawing sora. i added some stuff for the heak of it. c.n.c. plz.
at about 4:14 pm today, i was on the last tun to go to my house (i have to walk) then i heard a honk. i turned around to see if they were honking at me. no. while a car was pulling into their driveway, another car was passin in the same way. since i knew my graphing, i knew where they'd colide. car A hit car B's trunk. this has been the first time i've seen a car accident.
i'm not sure if i spelled it right. ^^ that's the play we're doing for class. it's basically the non-musical version of "my fair lady". we've only read half because me theatre teacher takes out all stage directions, types only diologue, and makes up her own. i got the part of bistandard #1. diologue wise, it's a small part. blocking wise, i'm in alomst every scene. we will be ready to perform in i think january. I'M GOING TO HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO WALTZ!!! o_0