Welcome to this month's tummer amv contest. it took me a while, but i finally decided on a theme for this month. this month's theme for the vids is: Country. Yes, this time it also has to be an amv, not a parody. now the rules: 1.No heavy cursing. i know some country song have curse words (i got my game on, online). just no excessive amounts. 2.the vid allowed are: Kingdom hearts, final fantisy, and death note 3.Must be your own work 4.All vids must be in on March 30. the results are in on March 30 5.Have fun with it.
this is an amv about sora and kairi's love. my wish by rascal flatts please watch, comment, and enjoy.
i just found out what i beleive to be the most greates fact ever. there is a town in the united states callled.... Mianus. they have a lake, and the local fish is called the brown trout. You can fish brown trout from Mianus.
it took me forever to make this. not only is that it took a long time, but wmm keep freezing on me. so please enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6FkhX-YWBU
my mom found my grades in my room. aperently i'm the one that every thinks that will be the smart one. so until i get my grades up, i can't go on the computer. i might sneak on once or twice, but my brothers and sisters are tattle tails. hopefully it won't be for long. i'm sneaking on from school. shhhhh!!!!!.
only one me that's all i have never been loved rarly been hurt love is a feeling i've never felt wish she could feel how i feel but i'm okay just by myself single that's all i am. something i came up with after a girl turned me down.
really bored http://youtube.com/watch?v=33mtffAVmDo
a fun game to do. this is how it goes -i pick three movies. -from those three movies pic a quote from it -after 10 quotes i'll turn it int a wierd conversation -after that, i'll come up with three more movies to use -wash, rinse, repeat. Movies: "Blades of Glory" "Monty Python and the holy grail" "Final fantisy VII: Advent Children"
i've noticed something. when an anime hits it's third season, it gets kinda boring and don't want to watch it. Yu-gi-oh!. Should have left it at the two seasons. it had to go with that seal of oricalchos cr@p. it was a good anime and still collect cards. Digimon. Enjoyed it very much in the 2ed season. i got really bored with it in the mid. of the 3rd season Pokemon. Got borning during 2ed season. and it's still going??? just let it die, but keep coming out with the cards for the fans. i bet you have to collect 500+ monsters know. what do you guys think.
i've had my glasses for about a week, and for some reason, i can't see that well when i take the off. the thing is before i had glasses, it never happened. oh yeah, and my vice pricniple found my death note that i made for a movie.
it first started out as a story for me. i might post it, but for now, it'll be an rpg. STORY: after kira's death, the poice saved misa from commiting suicide. 9 months later, she had a baby. they decided to move from japan to the united state. Misa Amane becomes a famous pop star. it is 15 years after kira's death, and the boy and his friend finds the death note. a shimigami shows up a while later and explains to them it's real. what they don't know is that the shimigami is light yagami. apperently, the boy killed so much, he became a real devil. you can play as any death note characters that are still alive or creat your own. you can select up to 3 characters. DN CHARACTERS Misa Amane-xXKizunaKeiXx Mastuda- Nate Rivers (near)- PLAYER CHARACTERS Yaven- tummer73 Kasha(Bambi)- ChocoKitten Atria-Demitryx PLAYER CHARACTER APLICATIONS member name: player name: Age: Sex: Description: ex. member name:tummer73 player name:Yaven Age:15 Sex:Male Description: tall, asian, brown hair, red eyes member name:ChocoKitten player name:Kasha Nickname:Bambi(Always perferred) Age:13 Sex:Female Description: She wears a green tight shirt, and green/gray coyheroys, with pink white and black sneakers. She has short brown hair with blonde bangs that cover her eyes, and brown eyes. member name: Demitryx player name: Atria Age: 15 Sex: Female Description: Long dark purple hair but is naturally black haired and bright blue eyes. Her fashion sense is girly but often gothic as well will start when 3 more people come. RULEZ: 1. rated pg-13 2. no yiou/yuri 3. romance allowed, but to a certian point (don't upset the admids) 4. cusing to a certian point (can use *) 5. remeber the rules of the death note. 6. have fun.
this is the second one i made this year. theme: Love, heartbreak, getting back together. RULES 1. must be done by you 2. must be kingdom hearts, final fantisy, and death note. 3. this mounth, must be an amv, not a parody 4. no excesive curisning (although, i don't know any love songs that curse) 5. DUE DATE IS 2-27!!! 6. can submit up to 3 vids. have fun with it
look at how many butt shots i got from kingdom hearts 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DP_bfWnrj_U
the other day i finally got my drivers permit. i tried driving, but i sucked more than paris hilton at a bar. i tried a little while and i did great. driving is sooooo fun!!!
i'm on during school. for like 20 min though.
i wrote this yesterday after i drew a picture i named "kairi's rose". this story is a sequel to a story i wrote eariler that sora perposed to kairi. hope you enjoy it. Sora and Kiari were coming back from the wedding planner. they were able to set the date feb. 16 for their wedding day.Taylor Swifts "Our Song" was on in the car. Kairi was thinking about her future with sora. they did plan the wedding a month away. Could they be able to do it? The next few days flew by. Riku was sora's best man, and Namine was kairi's maid of honor. the day before valintines day, they were looking at dresses. Kairi's stomache was feeling wierd. "What's wrong?", Namine asked "I don't know Namine. i've had these wierd cravings, and feel so....hormonal.", Kairi explained. she looked at her friend. She knew what has happened. how would sora take it? Namine went to look for Roxas. He was in detention yet again. She wanted to ask him because he watches alot of medical shows like [H]ouse and [scrubs]. "Well, those are usually signs of pregantcy.", Roxas started, "Wait a minute, we haven't" "Chill out!", said Namine, "it's not me, it's kairi who is." "it's sora's baby?", asked Roxas. Namine nodded, "Go sora, Go sora, go, go, go Sora." "this isn't the best time.", Namine interupted, "Now don't tell sora, understand?" "Sure.", Roxas told her. He knew the rath of a pregnate woman was worse than the devils. it was Valintines day. Kairi knew that she had to tell sora the truth. Sora gave kairi a rose with a note saying "I LOVE YOU!". She hoped that he wouldn't leave her like other relationships she's seen. She took a deep breath, and told of their baby. After, she waited for him to leave. He grabbed the rose, and put it on the crying girl's lap. he held her against him. "I will never leave you.", He said, "I will always love you no matter what. We are getting married in 2 days. Nothing will be able to break our love. "Thank you.", Kairi said while still crying. The baby and the rose were symbols of love. She had finally found the right man for her. She was ready to start her life with him. Only two days to go. The next day, they decorated the hall. in the center of the main table was the rose she recieved. it was the perfect hall, the perfect night, and the perfect couple. they had a hard time falling asleep, but they needed it. Before kairi entered her slumber, she kissed sora, and felt a kick. plz tell me what you think.
when i got back into country, one of the first songs that i heard was taylor swift's "our song". i made it a tribute to the best couple i've seen. so without further adu, here's the vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4Yupb6M_fU plz comment.
OMG!!! i saw the movie last night and it really creeped me out. i didn't want to scream becuase i didn't want that witch from the movie to come out. throughout it thogh, i was saying "burn the witch" when she appeared. i can't believe the ending though. i should've expecting something like this from the creators of SAW.
who thinks sunday is longer than any ohter day of the week???
my homework that was given at the begining at the week was that i had to research something for w. history. he told us it had to be for at least 5 min. so, i decided to make a video. yes, it's my voice over. WARNING: YOU MIGHT ACTUALLY LEARN SOMETHING!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIu6H3qXFzY