Search Results

  1. Misty
    2011 User Awards: Cycles & Polls
    Because there are so many categories in the User Awards, we separate the polls into ‘Cycles’. If we did not do this, the polls would all go up at the same time, and users might find it difficult to vote in every single one. With the cycle system, we avoid this, because it is staggered--each cycle lasts 10 days. (Plus it creates suspense).

    The cycles this year will go as follows:
    Cycle One: General Nominations, Thread Nominations
    Cycle Two: Writing/Video Editing/Art Nominations
    Cycle Three: Best/Worst Member Nominations
    Cycle Four: Miscellaneous Member Nominations, Roleplaying Nominations

    You are currently voting in Cycle Four.
    Thread by: Misty, Aug 29, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: 2011
  2. Misty
    2011 User Awards: Cycles & Polls
    Because there are so many categories in the User Awards, we separate the polls into ‘Cycles’. If we did not do this, the polls would all go up at the same time, and users might find it difficult to vote in every single one. With the cycle system, we avoid this, because it is staggered--each cycle lasts 10 days. (Plus it creates suspense).

    The cycles this year will go as follows:
    Cycle One: General Nominations, Thread Nominations
    Cycle Two: Writing/Video Editing/Art Nominations
    Cycle Three: Best/Worst Member Nominations
    Cycle Four: Miscellaneous Member Nominations, Roleplaying Nominations

    You are currently voting in Cycle Four.
    Thread by: Misty, Aug 29, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: 2011
  3. Misty
    2011 User Awards: Cycles & Polls
    Because there are so many categories in the User Awards, we separate the polls into ‘Cycles’. If we did not do this, the polls would all go up at the same time, and users might find it difficult to vote in every single one. With the cycle system, we avoid this, because it is staggered--each cycle lasts 10 days. (Plus it creates suspense).

    The cycles this year will go as follows:
    Cycle One: General Nominations, Thread Nominations
    Cycle Two: Writing/Video Editing/Art Nominations
    Cycle Three: Best/Worst Member Nominations
    Cycle Four: Miscellaneous Member Nominations, Roleplaying Nominations

    You are currently voting in Cycle Four.
    Thread by: Misty, Aug 29, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: 2011
  4. Misty
    2011 User Awards: Cycles & Polls
    Because there are so many categories in the User Awards, we separate the polls into ‘Cycles’. If we did not do this, the polls would all go up at the same time, and users might find it difficult to vote in every single one. With the cycle system, we avoid this, because it is staggered--each cycle lasts 10 days. (Plus it creates suspense).

    The cycles this year will go as follows:
    Cycle One: General Nominations, Thread Nominations
    Cycle Two: Writing/Video Editing/Art Nominations
    Cycle Three: Best/Worst Member Nominations
    Cycle Four: Miscellaneous Member Nominations, Roleplaying Nominations

    You are currently voting in Cycle Four.
    Thread by: Misty, Aug 29, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: 2011
  5. Misty
    2011 User Awards: Cycles & Polls
    Because there are so many categories in the User Awards, we separate the polls into ‘Cycles’. If we did not do this, the polls would all go up at the same time, and users might find it difficult to vote in every single one. With the cycle system, we avoid this, because it is staggered--each cycle lasts 10 days. (Plus it creates suspense).

    The cycles this year will go as follows:
    Cycle One: General Nominations, Thread Nominations
    Cycle Two: Writing/Video Editing/Art Nominations
    Cycle Three: Best/Worst Member Nominations
    Cycle Four: Miscellaneous Member Nominations, Roleplaying Nominations

    You are currently voting in Cycle Four.
    Thread by: Misty, Aug 29, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: 2011
  6. Misty
    2011 User Awards: Cycles & Polls
    Because there are so many categories in the User Awards, we separate the polls into ‘Cycles’. If we did not do this, the polls would all go up at the same time, and users might find it difficult to vote in every single one. With the cycle system, we avoid this, because it is staggered--each cycle lasts 10 days. (Plus it creates suspense).

    The cycles this year will go as follows:
    Cycle One: General Nominations, Thread Nominations
    Cycle Two: Writing/Video Editing/Art Nominations
    Cycle Three: Best/Worst Member Nominations
    Cycle Four: Miscellaneous Member Nominations, Roleplaying Nominations

    You are currently voting in Cycle Four.
    Thread by: Misty, Aug 29, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: 2011
  7. Misty
    2011 User Awards: Cycles & Polls
    Because there are so many categories in the User Awards, we separate the polls into ‘Cycles’. If we did not do this, the polls would all go up at the same time, and users might find it difficult to vote in every single one. With the cycle system, we avoid this, because it is staggered--each cycle lasts 10 days. (Plus it creates suspense).

    The cycles this year will go as follows:
    Cycle One: General Nominations, Thread Nominations
    Cycle Two: Writing/Video Editing/Art Nominations
    Cycle Three: Best/Worst Member Nominations
    Cycle Four: Miscellaneous Member Nominations, Roleplaying Nominations

    You are currently voting in Cycle Four.
    Thread by: Misty, Aug 29, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: 2011
  8. Misty
    2011 User Awards: Cycles & Polls
    Because there are so many categories in the User Awards, we separate the polls into ‘Cycles’. If we did not do this, the polls would all go up at the same time, and users might find it difficult to vote in every single one. With the cycle system, we avoid this, because it is staggered--each cycle lasts 10 days. (Plus it creates suspense).

    The cycles this year will go as follows:
    Cycle One: General Nominations, Thread Nominations
    Cycle Two: Writing/Video Editing/Art Nominations
    Cycle Three: Best/Worst Member Nominations
    Cycle Four: Miscellaneous Member Nominations, Roleplaying Nominations

    You are currently voting in Cycle Four.
    Thread by: Misty, Aug 29, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: 2011
  9. Misty
    I'm hoping this is a sign of me coming out of my art block. :L This idea hit me at work yesterday. I'm sure it's nothing that's never been done before, but I like it a lot.

    Done in Illustrator.

    Stock: [link]


    Larger version can be found here, shows a lot more detail:

    Any comments/critiques are appreciated! I'm still a pretty big Illustrator newb. ;o
    Thread by: Misty, Aug 23, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Misty

    I'm bored

    and I still have not used my PS3 for playing online with friends, as none of my poopyhead pals have Soul Calibur 4. >:L /toocheaptobuygamespeopleactuallyplay

    So, anyone want to play a match or two with me? I'm pretty terrible, I played a few online matches with random people and lost horribly, so if you're not confident in your skills don't be afraid, because my idea of playing is "I like to hit buttons yes."
    Thread by: Misty, Aug 23, 2011, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Misty
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Hey everyone! Due once again to the diligent work of our Reporter mixt, we have his new Kingdom Hearts II videos available in two formats; the original AVIs, and now MP4s! There is not too much of a difference between them, besides slightly smaller files, but if you don't like AVIs, or your computer doesn't play nice with them, these are for you!

    You can find them here.

    Enjoy the videos & the remainder of your weekends!
    Thread by: Misty, Aug 20, 2011, 23 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. Misty
    Hi guys!

    As some of you may have already noticed, we've added three new Pins to the lineup. They are:

    Name: Wer b teh Podcast?
    Description: Awarded to those who have contributed to the KH-Vids.Net Podcast.

    Name: Friendships Abound
    Description: Awarded to those members who demonstrate true friendliness.

    Name: Everlasting
    Description: For those who have seen the passage of time on KH-Vids.

    Wer b teh Podcast? and Everlasting (everlasting requires 3+ years of membership) can be requested by all members on our Pins List page; for the Friendships Abound pin, you can recommend your friends! Please note that there is a hidden criteria that you must meet for Friendships Abound, just to make it a little bit harder to get!

    Additionally, there have been minor graphical updates to the pre-existing pins, mostly to fix sizing and positioning issues.

    Thread by: Misty, Aug 20, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  13. Misty
    is not complete

    without misty
    Thread by: Misty, Aug 18, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  14. Misty
    Signature of the Week
    no. 69

    [voting thread; votes due august 25, 2011]
    As suggested by ЅкyCɑт, this week's theme will be 'ANTAGONISTS'. Your signature must feature a 'bad guy' from a book, movie, story, video game, etc.

    Happy sigging!



    Bushy Brow





    Thread by: Misty, Aug 18, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: Competitions
  15. Misty
    I am a little nervous, I cannot smile normally at all.
    Thread by: Misty, Aug 16, 2011, 31 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Misty

    Hey guys! Hope you had a splendid weekend~

    As you know, we've been working hard to update our Cutscene Archive. We now have the final part of our new Kingdom Hearts II cutscenes! Thanks to our groovy Reporter mixt, the collection is now complete.

    The updates are:
    - Menu Trailer
    - 100 Acre Wood
    - Atlantica
    - Twilight Town: Second Visit
    - Hollow Bastion: Second Visit + Space Paranoids
    - Hollow Bastion: Third Visit
    - Beast's Castle: Second Visit
    - Land of Dragons: Second Visit
    - Olympus Coliseum: Second Visit
    - Port Royal: Second Visit
    - Agrabah: Second Visit
    - Halloween Town: Second Visit
    - Pride Lands: Second Visit
    - Hollow Bastion: Fourth Visit
    - Showdown of Fate
    - Twilight Town: Third Visit
    - The World That Never Was (Part 1)
    - The World That Never Was (Part 2)
    - The World That Never Was (Part 3) + Ending + Credits
    - The Gathering
    - Birth by Sleep

    You can visit our cutscene archive by clicking HERE--or, be brought right to the new videos HERE.

    Thanks & enjoy!
    Thread by: Misty, Aug 14, 2011, 31 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Misty
    Hey everybody! Got some small (but fun!) news for you. =]

    In order to feature the content and events that we have going on the site and forums more prominently, we have placed an advertisement on the homepage. It randomly cycles through a series of images that, when clicked, bring you to a page with more information.

    New advertisements are being created both by myself and the rest of the staff--we only have a few at the moment, but that will expand in the future!

    You can view it in action by visiting our homepage.

    Thanks & enjoy,
    The Staff
    Thread by: Misty, Aug 13, 2011, 15 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  18. Misty
    It makes me feel as though I am actually achieving something. Every little task I do, get to watch the numbers go up and get closer to my goal.

    Unfortunately, I think I end up putting more effort into the spreadsheet than I do on the actual work.

    Thread by: Misty, Aug 10, 2011, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Misty
    I can't find it. I have to wake up in seven hours for work. I can't sleep in fear.
    Thread by: Misty, Aug 10, 2011, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Misty
    2011 User Awards: Cycles & Polls
    Because there are so many categories in the User Awards, we separate the polls into ‘Cycles’. If we did not do this, the polls would all go up at the same time, and users might find it difficult to vote in every single one. With the cycle system, we avoid this, because it is staggered--each cycle lasts 10 days. (Plus it creates suspense).

    The cycles this year will go as follows:
    Cycle One: General Nominations, Thread Nominations
    Cycle Two: Writing/Video Editing/Art Nominations
    Cycle Three: Best/Worst Member Nominations
    Cycle Four: Miscellaneous Member Nominations, Roleplaying Nominations

    You are currently voting in Cycle Three.
    Thread by: Misty, Aug 8, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: 2011