I got an amazing video card for my comp for X-mas~ *flaunts video card superspecialawesome-ness* Be jealous
Here's the entries for this week! 1-Moodkip-1 2-Ris-2 3-AxelMemerised-3 4-..:::Gh3T7o²|X3Mn45:::..-4 5-Nailpolish <3-5 VOTE YOUR TOP THREE AND WHY NOW! NOTICE! This thread is NOT for discussion on the sotw, signatures in general, or just random things. Voting thread. The spam in voting thread #25 was terrible v.v Please, please, keep this thread nice and clean! =D Thanks~
I got blisters on my feet from playing DDR at the arcade :3 And I FINALLY got 101 combo on Masturi Japan =DD
it's a lion get in the car!
Do all the threads suck neh...
I was being bored and looking up eastereggs for video games and in this one I have *cough*LUnar2:eternalbluecomplete*cough* at the end of the game you can listen to the out takes of the voices, yes? and if you put the second disk in your computer and listen to it, one of the voice actors scolds you for listening on a computer XD Just thought it was funny
disscuss sotw here. :3
Signature of the Week - No. 26 Video Killed The Radio Star !s.u.b.m.i.t.i.o.n. t.h.r.e.a.d.? ~ !d.i.s.c.u.s.i.o.n. b.e.l.o.n.g.s. i.n. d.i.s.c.u.s.i.o.n. t.h.r.e.a.d.? ~ !e.n.t.r.i.e.s. d.u.e. d.e.c.e.m.b.e.r. 2.3.r.d. This week's themes is "Video Killed the Radio Star" Basically, you'll have to make a signature with a some sort of scene from a hit music video that was made BEFORE 2005. I know it might sound a bit plain, but there ARE a lot of videos out there. << Please also include with your entry the artist of the video and the year it came out. If the song came out in 2005 but the video wasn't made until 2006, that's fine, too. Oh, and you might be saying, "What?! A new SotW?! When did this happen!? Hissora has been soooo unactive that I had no clue that this would happen since she's... unactive." Well, yeah, I kinda -cough-slacked-cough- but for good reasons x3 school is tough, yes? There you go. Post away~
That new skin is bright o-o
I JUST finished my friend's christmas gift now I can't find it o-o
4chan died yesterday? It's like a moment of Internet history!
Mmmmmmm, my ding ding dong >D
That place kills people.
This isn't a Wow. thread. :3 THEREFORE IT IS SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME ha.
It's trendy
You're right
I'M HISSORA Yes I am. Nya Nya Nya!
I burnt my hand on the hair straightener cuz I was checking i it was hot and I touched the wrong part o-o
sees you looking at pr0n
What was that one flash game where you had like 5 second long mini games and there were almost 1000 of them? It was sorta like those wario games.... x3