Your avatar is how i imagine you to look in real life. .__.
Are together. It's true love, baby! Can't beat that!
A weird man is in my house...right outside my door...i need the loo...but i'm in my pj's...wantin' to go to bed...but i can't...there's a man outside my door...talkin'...with my mum...
[But i was too busy savin' the world to notice. That out of date chocolate bar could've killed a man dammit!]
So much better than those tatty Sun chips.
Who are you? I ain't got a scooby what your previous username was.
They see ALL!
Looks like he's surfin' on a cross. xD
We've had no rain today. =D I love the rain but it messed everythin' up. >__>
See? At least this is slightly more believable. O:3
A 400 year ol' tradition celebrated on the 5th of November... Is bein' moved to the 6th of November in Glasgow cause there's a football game between Celtic n' Man U on the 5th. HOW SAD IS THAT?! Movin' a tradition rather than a damn football game.
Mufasa died. D:
Why must they ruin a classic by addin' in a new song!? RAAAAAAAAAWR!
It's so darn good. How could it be a lie?
When they walk into a door it just looks silly.
He looks cereal.
The life guard screamed "WHALE!" n' hurled harpoons at me.
That explains a lot.
Beat asked me 'bout it. I remembered i started the 3rd chapter...several times. I had no motivation to finish it. So i'll show you guys what i did in this chapter. Aye, there are TONNES of mistakes etc. ignore 'em. There are a lot of scenes missin' (like Sammy's clothes are stolen n' she must find Coco in the nip, n' you meet Coco's love) so ignore the fact that parts are missin'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 3. Madi - I play my ReDead in attack mode, and it’s special ability allows me to suck 1000 of your health points. Tootsie - Damn! Madi - Your life is mine! Tootsie - Not yet! I activate the magic card , Xaldin’s Love. It creates an impenetrable shield around me and my monsters, blocking your attack. A small leaf veil lowered down in front of Tootsie, hindering Madi’s ‘attack’. Tootsie - Now it’s my turn. I summon Cin, The prudent Owl! A small carved, wooden owl descended between the two opponents, dangling on some fishing wire. The number 1500 popped from the side of the table, wobbling from one end to the other. Tootsie - But wait! I’m not done. Along with my monster I play the spell card Owl’s Rain! With this card it’ll boost my monsters attack points by 7501! Madi shrieked as she held an overdramatic pose to match it. Madi - IT’S OVER 9000!!! Tootsie - Cin, attack Madi’s ReDead! The wooden owl, Cin, flew over the cardboard cut out of the ReDead, yogurt raining from the heavens, splattering over it. Tootsie - Now I activate my monsters special ability. It allows my monster to attack again, this time attacking your life points! Cin flew over Madi. A large dollop of yogurt landed on her, coating her body. The number 0 popped up in front of Madi, dancing from side to side. Tootsie - I win, now give me it! Madi - N-no…you can’t have it…it wasn’t meant to end this way… Tootsie - A bet is a bet! I want it now!!! Madi - Well, can I have at least one? Tootsie - No. You lost. Madi - Please, just one! I did put up a hard fight… Tootsie - Then, you will give me it? Madi - Yes. Tootsie put her hand into the pocket of her tunic, pulling out one of her many tootsies rolls. She reluctantly tossed it over to Madi who wasted no time to tear off the wrapper and wolfed it down. Tootsie - Now, can I have it? Madi - NO! It’s mine! Muhahahahaha! Madi thrust her chair away and smacked the contents on the table at Tootsie. She ran towards the door, but Tootsie had already leaped over the table. Tootsie wrapped her arms around Madi’s legs causing Madi to fall to the ground hard, creating a loud thud as her head landed first. Tootsie - GIMME!!! Tootsie snarled as she crawled up Madi’s body. Madi squirmed as Tootsie rummaged through her tunic. Madi - NO! DON’T TOUCH THERE! Tootsie - Then gimme it! Madi - N-never! Madi laughed as Tootsie prodded her sides. Madi’s face quickly turned red, almost going purple. Coco flew circles around Sammy, leaving a purple trail as she zoomed round. The prospect of them visiting Kokiri Village filled her tiny body with excitement - she just couldn‘t contain herself. Coco lapping around was beginning to pester Sammy - her face tensing. Sammy brandished her arm at Coco, aiming to swat her away. Coco heeded her warning and settled down. Coco - I’m sorry, Sammy. It’s just…exciting to see home again. I just want to…squeee! Coco squeezed her eyes shut, her tiny body dancing from side to side. Sammy ignored her childish performance as she steadily continued down the path to Kokiri village - poker-faced. Coco was taken aback by Sammy’s unenthusiastic response. Coco - Was it something I said? Coco’s high spirit plummeted. She floated in the same spot as she wondered what could be wrong. Coco - Maybe it was something I did. Was I snoring too loud again? I was sleeping under her ear last night…or maybe…Oh no! I ate the last Goron roll for breakfast…again. It was intended for her… Coco hurried over to Sammy, her eyes starting to swell. Coco - Sammy! Coco latched onto Sammy’s back. She pilled her head into Sammy’s tunic, spluttering all that she had done. Coco - OH SAMMY! I’M SO SORRY! I didn’t know you wanted the last Goron roll…I couldn’t help it…I’m so weak! The Goron rolls…they call to me. Coco looked up at the tail of Sammy’s hat, hoping to see a sympathetic look from her. She never did. She just stood there, her gaze fixated at the path ahead that lead through the dense forest into Kokiri village. Sammy - I-I can’t go back…they think I killed the Great Soush Tree. How can I face them? Coco - Sammy…ah! A violent tremor shook the area around Coco. Coco - EARTHQUAKE! EAAAAAAAAARTHQUAAAAAAKE!!!! Her body shook as she held on for dear life, clutching onto Sammy’s tunic even hard than before, her eyes nailed shut, too scared to face the worst. The quake stopped. Coco hesitantly opened her eyes - snapping them shut before they opened fully. Coco - Is it safe now? A thunderous roar ran through Coco’s ears. Coco - IT’S THOR! WE HAVE ANGERED HIM! HE WILL CRUSH US ALL WITH MJOLNIR, AND MAKE US INTO FÃ…RIKÃ…L!! Coco released her grip of Sammy, flailing her arms as she panicked frantically. Coco - WE’RE GONNA BE THE APPAETIZER! Coco’s heart rate spun out of control, her breathing becoming abnormally fast as she hyperventilated. Coco - OH GREAT THOR! WE’RE SORRY TO HAVE ANGRERED YOU! SHOW MERCY ON US! She lowered herself to the ground, bowing her head - grovelling for forgiveness. Sammy’s sour expression changed was becoming exceedingly difficult to keep. Her lips quivered as she tried to contain her amusement towards her other half. It was too much for her. Tears strolled down her cheeks as she laughed wildly while holding her sides that felt as though they were going to split. Coco - THIS IS NO LAUGHING MATTER! GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES AND BEG FOR FORGIVENESS! NAAAAAO! Sammy - Coco, it’s not Thor that made that sound… Another thunderous roar spooked Coco. Coco - SAMMY, DON’T! YOU’LL ANGER HIM MORE! OH GREAT THOR, DON’T LISTEN TO MY SIMPLE-MINDED FRIEND! SHE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT SHE IS TALKING ABOUT!! Sammy - Oy! She walked over to her melodramatic half; bending onto her knees beside her as she scooped Coco into the palm of her hands. Sammy - Listen… Coco listened as Sammy drew her in towards her stomach. Coco clasped her hands over her ears as a booming growl came from her stomach. Coco - You mean…? Sammy - Yes. Coco - But how? Sammy - It has been a few days… Coco - But why did you eat Thor? Sammy - What?! No! I haven’t ate in days, you idiot*** Someone ate the last Goron roll… Coco - I-I…I was just helping you. Hero’s need to stick to a strict dietary list, and Goron rolls aren’t on the list. Sammy - It doesn’t matter. We’re back now. I can get something to eat here. I just hope we don’t run into Tootsie. Coco - Yes. I don’t want to have to Fairy fight DPWolf again…even though I would destroy her ass. Within thirty minutes of walking they reached their home, Kokiri Village. Coco - It feels nice to be back in the village. Sammy - Yeah… Coco - Cheer up! We’ll get to see our friends again. Sammy smiled and nodded in agreement. The wandered through the village. Nothing much had change. Cupcake was still posing as Omegaxis painted yet another portrait for her collection. Sammy - You think she’ll try to sell them again? She had a Winter sale in Spring. Coco - She was selling them? I got two for my Christmas. And’ when I ‘lost’ them, I found three new ones by my house. Sammy - I’ve never seen your house. What’s it like? Coco never got the chance to answer as Cupcake saw them entering the village. Cupcake - Look, Omegaxis, it’s Coco and Sammy! Hey, do you guys want a- Sammy/Coco - NO! They ran away as fast as they could. If Cupcake had finished that sentence they both knew they wouldn’t be allowed to leave until they accepted several portraits. Cupcake could be very persuasive when required - violence being her main use of persuasion. Cupcake sighed as she watched Coco and Sammy run off. Omegaxis - Darn. You almost had those two. Cupcake - Get back to work! She tossed one of her cupcakes that laid on a wooden plate beside her at Omegaxis, hitting him square on the forehead. She fix herself back into position and perked out her lips. Coco and Sammy had ran away without paying attention to where they were headed. They slowed down to a walk. Cupcake had more important issues to attend to like making her portrait quota then pursue them. Coco - That was close. We should be safe. Sammy - …for now. Why is she so obsessive over those portraits? Coco - You don’t know?! It started just over a year ago. Remember the Great Soush tree had those monthly portrait competitions? Sammy - Yeah, but I don’t know why he discontinued it…NO! It was because of Cupcake?! Coco sighed and nodded. Coco - She won it one month. No one else had entered so the decision was unanimous. Not even the Great Soush tree could foresee what was to come. She became obsessed with her looks - spending hours, sometime days gaping at herself through a mirror. Many Kokiri went to check on her but she never answered. The attention made her feel like a celebrity - so she acted. First it was just a large pair of glasses and scarf to conceal her identity. Sammy - I remember that. She went around in huge pink flamingo glasses and a brightly pokey-dot scarf over her mouth. She would scream “HI!†at anyone in sight within a 200 metre radius. Coco - Yeah. Then came the autographs. The very thought sent shivers down their spines. Coco - That was when no one would except her autograph, so she used super glue to stick them to everyone. Sammy - It hurt like hell to pull them off. Coco - I wouldn’t be able to fly if she stuck one on me. I was lucky. Sammy - Not as lucky as Tootsie. Sammy giggled. Coco looked at her in interest. Sammy - Well, Cupcake always admired “The Great Tootsieâ€. She would do anything to please her. One time, Tootsie yelled at her for climbing through her window one night as she dressed for bed…just to give her an autograph. Cupcake had to wear a cushion on her ass for a week. It shattered her heart. She wanted so badly to make it up to Tootsie, so she gave her an overdose of autographs - covering her entire body in them. It took Tootsie a month to be rid of them all, finding the odd one or two in places she never knew existed. Coco - That’s…too horrible, even if it happened to Tootsie. Sammy wasn’t listening. She had that devious look in her eyes. Coco remembered it well from when she first met Sammy. Coco - Uh, Sammy…you hav- An ear-splitting shriek cut Coco off and broke Sammy from her fantasizing. They looked for the shrieks origin. Another shriek caused them to jump. Sammy - It’s coming from Tootsie’s house! Coco - C’mon!! Coco flew at speed to Tootsie’s hut coming to a halt at the front door. Coco - Ready, Sammy? Sammy…? Sammy hadn’t budged - her grin spread wider across her face, her eyes looked more devious than ever. Coco - S-Sammy…what are yo- Sammy - A few more minutes. She pressed her hands over her hips. Another shriek startled Coco. Sammy leaned backwards as she laughed manically. Coco - SAMMY! YOU’RE MEANT TO HELP SAVE HYRULE! NOT WATCH AS OTHERS ARE IN DANGER!!! Coco charged towards Sammy’s face. Luckily Sammy was a master of dodge rolling, otherwise she would’ve had a face full of Coco. Sammy ran on all fours up to the door before picking herself up. Sammy - Awww, c’mon. It’s just Tootsie. The village would be better off without her anyway. Coco - What if it isn’t Tootsie in trouble? Hmmm? Sammy folded her arms and closed her eyes as she contemplated this. Sammy - Oh crap! She withdrew her sword and shield and with one mighty kick she broke the door off it’s hinges. Sammy - I’M HERE TO SAVE YOU FROM THE FOUL BEAST!!! Coco - Uh, Sammy… Sammy stormed the hut in stride. Sammy - (Yes! This is my moment to shine!! I will be the one the village admires and they shall make me their king!!!) Sammy fell into one of her fantasies and failed to notice the yogurt on the floor, causing her to slip and fall face first to the floor, dropping her sword and shield. The vibration of her fall caused the large wooden Cin owl to fall on her head. Sammy - Ow… She glumly lifted her battered head and sat her chin on the floor for support. The strong smell of earth overpowered her nose. Not far in front of her were a pair of grubby feet. Sammy - It’s Madi! She’s the only one that walks about in bare feet. Sammy bound to her feet gathering her weapon. Madi - Sammy, help meee! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! Sammy - Release her, foul beast. Tootsie’s elfish ears perked. Tootsie - Foul beast?! BRAAAAGH! Sammy grab the back Tootsie’s hair not realising it was her, placing her Kokiri sword up against her throat. Sammy - Prepare to be vanquished! Coco - Sammy…that’s Tootsie. Sammy - Huh? Tootsie’s face glowed a fiery red. Tears watered down her face - sacred for her life, but she burned in fury. Tootsie - FOUL BEAST!?!?! Sammy moved her head to the side of Tootsie’s angling for a better view, slightly lowering her weapon. She looked at Tootsie before she looked at Coco again. She pressed her sword closer to Tootsie’s neck. Sammy - It could be a monster that copied Tootsie’s appearance. Tootsie - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I’m the real Tootsie, please!! Madi - Sammy, she is the real Tootsie. Madi wiped the saliva on her tunic away as best as she could, leaving a few patches of residue. Sammy - Why were you fighting? Tootsie - SHE WON’T GIVE ME MY DEATH NOTE SHE PROMISED! GRRRRRRR!!! Madi - Ok, just relax, I’ll give you it. DPWolf - Tootsie, I got you those Sora/Riku yaoi stories you wanted… DPWolf came through her fairy hole in the front door carrying a large pile of yaoi. She saw Coco floating not too far from the door to the left of her, then looking forward to see Sammy and Tootsie. DPWolf - What’s going on here? She spotted Sammy with her sword held to Tootsie’s face. Without warning, DPWolf tossed her yaoi aside and howled, rushing at full speed to attack Sammy. DPWolf - You dare harm my Tootsie?!?! Sammy - No, it’s fine now!! STOP! Sammy removed her sword from Tootsie’s neck, tensioned her body and shut her eyes. Nothing happened. Sammy - (W-what happened?) She opened her eyes expecting to see DPWolf hovering in front of her eyes, waiting to poke them out, but it was the back of Tootsie’s head that sat direct in view. Sammy could see through the corner of her eye the surprise in Madi’s face - her eyes opened wide and her jaw dipping, stretching her skin on her face. She looked to the other side where Coco was now floating with a guilty look on her face. Sammy shifted her body from behind Tootsie’s to investigate. Sammy understood Madi’s surprise, for she felt the same. DPWolf’s was implanted into Tootsie’s stomach - her arms risen and bent at the elbow, her eyes pale and unresponsive. Coco managed to beat DPWolf and saved Sammy by pushing Tootsie in DPWolf’s path. Sammy turned to her other half, mouthing “Thank you†to her. Madi cautiously made her way over to the frozen Tootsie and DPWolf. She checked for any sign of life as she surveyed the damage. She stared into Tootsie’s lifeless face. She wasn’t thinking. Using her finger to poke at Tootsie’s head. It wasn’t a surprise to Coco and Sammy when Tootsie fell as stiff as a board. Madi - Opps! Ummm…ummm…what should we do with the bodies? Coco - They’re not dead. Sammy - I’m with Madi on this one. We should take the bodies and leave them in the Lost Woods. Let the wolves deal with them. Coco - They’re not dead!! Coco pointed to Tootsie’s stomach with DPWolf unconsciously embedded into it - slowly rising up and down with Tootsie’s light breathing. Sammy - It’s the gas building up. It’s meant to do that. Coco gave Sammy a scold that could kill a Deku Baba. Sammy - sorry. Madi, we have things to do, we’ll leave them to you. Madi - What do you want me to do with them? Coco - Stay with them till they wake up. If we catch you escaping we’ll hunt you down! Madi - I guess I’ll get my Death Note out…OH! Yaoi! Madi picked up a copy of Tootsie’s Sora/Riku yaoi books. It was unlikely she would be leaving any time soon. Having finished their task with Tootsie Sammy had only one thing on her mind. Sammy - Can we go see Fayth now? Coco - Have we done everything else? Sammy - I think so… Coco - Ok then. Sammy - YAAAAAY! Sammy thrust her arms above her head. It was unlucky that Coco happened to floating next to her arm. An overwhelming smell of body odour consumed her nose. The surroundings blurred, her head beginning to feel lighter. She tried to escape but the odour’s damage was already done. Her body fell to the ground as though the odour ate away at her strength. Sammy - COCO! Coco - I-it- was a surprise attack… Sammy - What happened!? Sammy reached out to pick Coco up. Coco - LOWER YOUR ARMS! Coco crawled amongst the tall grass in means to escape a second round of Sammy’s odour. Coco - When was the last time you washed, woman? Sammy - Ummm…3days… Coco glared at her. Sammy - 4.…5...since the day we started our journey? Coco - WHAT!? Well no wonder you smell as foul as a ReDead. They would think you were one of their own. Sammy - I don’t smell THAT bad. Coco - I think you killed my left nostril. You really need to bathe. Come! We’ll wash you in the waterfall. Keep your arms down!! Sammy - Right… Reaching the waterfall was no easy task since the only way to reach it was to climb a rock faced cliff and having no use of her arms made it seem almost impossible. It was with the encouraging words from Coco, “It’s good for your glutes!†that pushed Sammy to the top. (fill) Sammy - The entrance to the Lost Woods is behind the Tootsie’s house, up on the ledge. Coco -Wait, lets check to see if they’re awake yet. Sammy - ..but Faaayth! Coco - Just to see if they are awake. Sammy - Fine! (checks on them) Sammy leaped enthusiastically onto the ledges and vines leading up to the Lost Woods entrance. Coco - Someone is happy to Fayth… Sammy’s started to go red in the face. Sammy - Well, I haven’t seen her in a while…and she’s my best friend… Coco - Just a friend? Sammy face was even brighter now. Sammy - Y-yes! Coco - Then why are you blushing so much? Sammy - Ahh! I-I’m not! She throw her hands over her face to cover her embarrassment. Sammy - I’m just hot. That’s all. Coco - Hot flush? Sammy - N-NO! Coco - You can’t fool me. Sammy - What about you and your man- err sailor fairy? Coco - Spike? Coco’s eyes sparkled as she held her tiny arms up against her chest. Coco - We shall get married and sail the sea’s together! Sammy - Fairies sailing the sea? Hah! You’ll get eaten by monsters. Coco - Spike has spent most of his life out at sea! He is a master! The conversation continued as they passed through an enormous log - the entrance to the Lost Woods. They came out to a small open area with three enormous log tunnels, much like the one they entered, leading in different directions. Coco hesitated for a moment. Sammy - What’s wrong? Coco - Haven’t you heard what happens when two girls wander alone in a forest? Sammy - No… Coco - They die of something occult inside the forest. Sammy - Pfft! Don’t be so paranoid, Coco. Coco - But the tales of Kokiri children that have died in these woods! Or the ones that are lost within it’s maze that turn into Skull kids! Sammy - We won’t get lost. Umm, which way do you think Fayth headed? Coco - Ummm…lets take the left path! Sammy - I’m not so sure. Can’t you hear the…music. Coco had passed through the left tunnel before Sammy could tell her. Sammy followed her small friend through the log tunnel. To her surprise she found herself back in Kokiri forest. Sammy - You took the wrong path. Coco - I’ll get it this time! Coco whizzed through the log leaving Sammy behind. Sammy stood there with her arms crossed, her head slightly leaning to the side. Not but a few seconds later did Coco reappear in front of Sammy. Sammy - Hello. Coco - I’ve figured which is the correct path, follow me! She took hold of Sammy’s pinkie and pulled her through the entrance. Coco - It’s this one. Sammy - Yeah, you figured that out by going through the two wrong tunnels. Coco - I learn from my mistakes, Sammy. As should you. Sammy - Hmp! Coco lead Sammy through the last tunnel, coming out at a fenced ledged area that dropped several feet to a small garden like patch. An old, moss covered tree sat directly in front of a set of ladders that lead down the ledge. Hanging from the outmost branch was a wooden target. Coco - I bet you can’t hit the centre of that target. Sammy - Heh. Sammy pulled out her Fairy Slingshot, took aim and pelted the centre of the target with three pellets, fired at a remarkable speed. Sammy nonchalantly placed her slingshot back into her tunic pocket. She stood there with a smug smile on herself, waiting to hear what Coco had to say. Coco - … Mysterious voice - Cool! Ur great!!! U scored three perfect bull’z-eyez!! Sammy - Who…? Their attention turned to the top of the tree when they heard a rustle sound. A small Deku shrub surfaced and bopped to the end of the branch that the target hung from. Deku Shrub - Meh name is Wisdom Form Guy, and I want to give a cool present to such an awesome person! Plz take it! Wisdom Form Guy fired an object out of his mouth towards Sammy. Coco - IT’S GONNA HIT US!! Sammy hastily brought out her slingshot and fired at her target in a single motion. A deku pellet flew into Wisdom Form Guy’s mouth, smashing into the back of his throat. He flailed around desperately trying to dislodge the seed from his throat. His feet lost grip of the mossy branch and he fell head first into a group of bushes below. Coco - HAH! Don’t try and mess with us again. Sammy - What did he fire? Sammy walked over to the object just in front of the fence that guarded the edge of the ledge. Sammy - It’s a bag for Deku seeds…bigger than my previous one. I see no harm in taking it, besides, it’s already full and I have no money to buy more seeds. Before she attached the bag to her belt she looked over to Coco for her approval. Coco waved it off and began to head towards another tunnel. Sammy removed her old bullet bag and replaced it with the larger one, running to follow Coco. Rustling came from the bushes beneath the large tree, Wisdom Form Guy popping his leafy head out, spitting out the Deku seed. Wisdom Form Guy - K, so I see u guiz later, k? With her sensitive ears, Sammy listened to the music that echoed through the woods. Despite Coco’s objection she used it as a guide to direct them out of the maze. Coco - It could be a trap, you know. Sammy - Shhhh! I’m trying to listen… Coco - We should just follow my instinct.. The Great Soush Tree did say to listen to my words of wisdom. Sammy - He didn’t say I had to listen to your sense of direction…now shush! Coco - Don’t blame me if you transform into a Skull kid. Familiar voice - You should learn to trust in your other half as she trusts in you, Coco. Hoot! They looked up at a nearby tree to see Cin starring at them. Cin - Haven’t you heard what happens when two girls wander alone in a forest? Sammy - They met the Big Bad Wolf? Heh… Coco - THEY DIE OF SOMETHING OCCULT INSIDE THE FOREST!! Cin - Yes! You best keep an extra eye out for these ghastly beasts. Cin’s eyes wandered in separate directions as he twisted his head 180 degrees. It was too much for Sammy to stomach, turning away and squinting her eyes. Sammy - I don’t think I’ll ever get use to that. Cin - You will one day. Listen to this! Hoot hoot…After going through the Lost Woods, you will come upon the Sacred Forest Meadow. That is a place where few people have ever walked. I see you have already heard the mysterious tune. Hoo hoo hoo! If you are courageous, you will make it through the forest just fine... Just follow your ears and listen to the sounds coming from the forest! Why do you think you were born with freakishly large ears? Hoot hoot! Sammy - At least I don’t have ridiculous sized eyebrows! Cin - Not yet you don’t, but time will tell. Hoot hoo! With a stroke of his wings a powerful gust collided with Sammy and Coco, hitting Coco into Sammy’s shoulder, and with a few more strokes he was well above the tree’s and no his way. Sammy - I wonder where he goes… Coco - He probably just pretends to have other business and just follows us. Hey! I want to show you something. I saw it before we bumped into Cin. Sammy - what is it? Coco - A tunnel… Sammy - You’re just gonna get us lost! Coco - No no, it’s a different tunnel…it’s made of stone! Sammy - Hmmm? Coco - I’ll show you. It’s just over here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh