He's quite the bipolar bear, ain't he?
It's the forum's very own shade wearin', rumball suckin' jedi. Only he can wear shades in a dark room n' not look daft. Everyone else needs an eye test. Here are the rules~ 1 - Keep it to the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13, after all this is still a part of KHV. 2 - The person in the spotlight does not have to answer all the questions. 3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regulars basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed. 4 - Do not ask to be in the spotlight, we will contact you if you want to be the weeks guest. 5 - No arguing with the guest, keep it clean and don't use it as an attempted to flame the person. 6 - Don't ask too many questions, give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the member under the spotlight is 20. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you're seen askin' too many questions you may be excluded from the followin' weeks vote. 7 - Don't vote for yourself. It's for who you want to question. You can't question yourself, sillybidilly. Don't be selfish. You'll be disqualified n' removed from the followin' week vote. -------------------------------------------------------------- GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
The Wizard Of Oz. Apparently it's quite good. Gotta love the panto. <3
Is it worth it?
Orange is afraid to dive.
I'm basically banned from my mum's laptop now so i'm forced to use my wii. D: Sucks
"You have impressive brests" >:3
Monkey nuts.
CURSE THE TITLE LIMITS! Anywayz, my pickily pickles. EVERYONE IS CRAZY! Christmas makes everyone so moody n' rude! Courtesy goes right through the window n' is ran over by an 18 wheeler. N' the neds! I.WANT.TO.PUNCH.THEIR.HEADS.IN.REPEATEDLY.
I've been tempted to buy this since it seems like a nice community game, but i'm wonderin' if it's worth it. Thoughts?
My entire street is covered in black ice. I literally slid down the road as i tried to stand still n' then i had to walk up one. I had to hold on to a rail to stop myself sliddin' down it. Then i had to walk on the road cause it was too dangerous to walk on the pavement. xD Why'd it have to rain last night? >_>
http://www.nintendo.co.uk/NOE/en_GB/club_nintendo/stars_catalogue_5823.html Why must it cost so muuuuuuch!? D: The Zelda statue if you couldn't guess.
What a load of rubbish! It was terrible. Just TERRIBLE!
He's been here for yonkies n' still hasn't been interro- questioned. Part of the CinxGhettoxJubexTrig gang. Here are the rules~ 1 - Keep it to the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13, after all this is still a part of KHV. 2 - The person in the spotlight does not have to answer all the questions. 3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regulars basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed. 4 - Do not ask to be in the spotlight, we will contact you if you want to be the weeks guest. 5 - No arguing with the guest, keep it clean and don't use it as an attempted to flame the person. 6 - Don't ask too many questions, give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the member under the spotlight is 20. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you're seen askin' too many questions you may be excluded from the followin' weeks vote. 7 - Don't vote for yourself. It's for who you want to question. You can't question yourself, sillybidilly. Don't be selfish. You'll be disqualified n' removed from the followin' week vote. ----------------------------------------------------- ASK AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
[You guys make me think of Brokeback Mountain.]
Or so i was told. A wee auld lady approached the till i was stationed at n' inquired 'bout a bottle of wine. She was confused whether it was red or white wine. As if she couldn't read the label. She handed me the bottle to check it, but i didn't, for it was after 10pm n' it is illegal to sell alcohol after that time. Wuff! She went mental! "HOW THE HELL CAN I EAT MY MEAL WITHOUT WINE!?!?!?" she asked. Now, i don't drink any alcohol so i didn't see what the big deal was. Tryin' to remain pleasant i asked her if she wanted me to place her microwave meal back. She declined but asked me what Riscotta was. I don't prepare the food so how on earth was i meant to know? I just take their cash. 8D She wasn't pleased that i couldn't help her but i did suggest she ask my supervior. By the expression on his face i could tell he didn't know either. I continued to serve folk in the queue which had grown quite long - there's always a rush of folk just after 10pm. She returned 'bout 5 minutes later havin' choosen another meal. She approached me, i smiled n' said somethin' like, "Oh, you made your mind up, that's a very nice meal...". She completely ignored my comment to spark up a conversation n' started rantin' at me. "I had to wait at the very end of the queue even though i have a bus to catch!" she complained. I had to hold my tongue. "Obviously. You left the flippin' queue." There was no way i was gonna hold everyone up just for her. The transaction went through n' i was gettin' her her change. "Give it all in pound coins!" So i gave it to her in pound coins. The queue had grown rapidly again so i wanted to get through it as quickly as possible since a lot of folks have trains to catch. Now, in my work we shouldn't ask customers if then need a bag (Unless the customer is purchasin' several items), they're meant to ask us since we charge - doin' our part to save the environment. xD I noticed she had a food bag that was half full hangin' off her arm, so i didn't ask her if she needed a bag n' handed her the meal (very few staff actually do this n' leave it to the customer to pick up). Oh man, Defcon 1! "DO YOU EXPECT ME TO CARRY THAT IN MY ARMS?! DO YOU!? GIVE ME A BAG!" she exploded. o__o She rambled on for quite a bit but she was difficult to understand. I apologised n' gave her a small bag which she then placed in the bigger bag. "You have a severe attitude problem, you know that!?", "ONLY TO RUDE CUSTOMERS!" I screamed to myself with a smile on my face. He guy behind the auld lady had begun laughin' at this point which set me off. I was tryin' so hard not to laugh. Then it was as though she threatened me. O__O "I'll remember you..." n' she stormed off as i politely said good bye. I told my supervisor what happened since he couldn't hear what she was sayin' to me. We all had a grand chuckle.
Chyeah, bet you wished you had manly names like these.
I'm thinkin' of buyin' my sister a iTunes gift card for Christmas. Here's the thin'. She lives in Hawaii n' i was wonderin' if there was any way i got get her a card over the internet without postin' it to her. Is that possible? Ta much.
Normally i wouldn't even consider creatin' one of these threads askin' for help but i'm kinda bustin' my chops here. lol I'm unsure where to start really. My problem isn't with other folk, far from it. My family life has gotten significantly better over the past months. Still have the occasionally tussle with my brothers but we resolve that fairly quickly. College is goin' great. Made some friends, enjoy the classes n' performin' well, cept for English, but i've always struggled with that. So i'm kinda freakin' out 'bout that n' stressin' over the essays i gotta hand in. So, i terms of home, college n' work life is pretty sweet compared to what it used to be. I find the problem with myself. It's hard to describe but i guess i could say i feel lost or somethin' is missin'. I've had this feelin' for years n' it would crop up every now n' then but it's never been problematic. Once it creeps in my head it's difficult to get rid of it. The funny thin' is i dunno what "it" is, but when i think of "it" i feel kinda empty n' i slow down to the point that i stop what i'm doin' n' i'll sit there tryin' to figure out what's missin'. It's infuriatin' though. It's been years n' i still haven't figured it out. It can leave my fraustrated n' it'll show. I'll act moody 'round the house for a while till i can calm myself down but it doesn't leave a good atmosphere for the others. There's a few other thin's i'm stressin' over. I'm sorta worried 'bout my mum n' her health. I suck at friendships. One went horribly wrong n' the outcome left me shocked n' feelin' like crap n' wishin' i could alienate myself from everyone. I viewed the person kinda like a wee siblin'...aye, you folk should avoid me. I don't feel sad (cept 'bout the friend deal) but instead, empty, even confused (no, not genderly confused. Sorry all you lesi's, i'm straight. xD). I dunno what to do. =/
His name cancer gets worse with each passin' day, his chance of survival looks slim. So to show our respct to him we shall auction off some of his personal belongin's to the highest bidder. First up is his photoshopp'd eyes. A pound! Anyone a pound? A pound, pound, pound! A pound for his eyes.