Moment Killer!
a couple weeks ago, our theatre teacher made us do this assignment. get two-three movies, get lines, make your own names, and make a movie. our's were harry potter I and oceans 11. it's due tommorrow. we just finished it this after noon.
hey. i was grounded for a couple of days. what's happened during my absence???
this happens to me all the time. i sleep with the tv on (or else i won't be able to go to sleep). and the tv show that's on while i'm sleeping pops up into my head. not the show, but some lines and scenes. it's crazy it's madnesss it's SPARTA!!!
what kh-vids would be like if it were scrubs. *daydream* 5 min later *comes out* AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! STAY AWAY FROM MY BODY. ESPECIALLY MY ORGANS!!!!!!!!!!
this is a song that made it the cd of high school musical 2. it's atctually a good song it's called Humuhumunukunukuapua'a this is the song that they mention that sharpay quits.
"i came to this country with my entire life savings, 40 million pesos. do you know what 40 million pesos are worth here? do you? i got this hair net!" person who knows where i got it from get's a cookie
some jiggly ball
then i wathced this
just answer what the question says. i have on my legs twice i have a heart problem, so when i was a baby, the cut off a chunk of my left leg to see what's up. years later, they lost the piece, so they decided to take another chunk from my right leg. also they tried taking a chunk of my heart out and i nearly died!!!
today in amine club, there was my friend who's learning japanese wriiting and spelling. anyway, i'm too busy watching death note. so, after we watched our three episodes of the day, we were watching her doing a test online. she sucked! when she got a question wrong, i said "YOU FAILED"!!! at the end, i said "LIKE MOST THREADS ON KH-VIDS.NET IN THE SPAMZONE, YOU FAILED!!!!!"
rikus#1fangirl. i have to tell you i'm sorry to make you feel bad. that's the last thing i wanted to do. i came on this site to make friends and not enemies. i didn't wanna make you feel bad. i'm sorry. please forgive me??? :( :( :( :( :( :(
i use to like this song when i was little. now i listen to it when i'm bored, in a bad mood, or fail a test. this was the theme song from "so weird"
i'm bored right now so let's play a lyric game. anybody can play. here are the rules 1. the year, artists name, song thenyou put 4-6 lines from the song 2. the next person must guess the next 2 lines correctly 3. if they are correct, then then they can continue, but not until the origonal person says so. 4. when you get it right, you can pick another song, and the rules repeat themselves. 2007, Ashley Tisdale, Fabulos (i can't spell that good) iced tea imported from england life guards imported from spain towels inported from turkey and turkey imported from maine.
i'm bored right now so let's play a lyric game. anybody can play. here are the rules 1. the year, artists name, song thenyou put 4-6 lines from the song 2. the next person must guess the next 2 lines correctly 3. if they are correct, then then they can continue, but not until the origonal person says so. 4. when you get it right, you can pick another song, and the rules repeat themselves. 2007, Ashley Tisdale, Fabulos (i can't spell that good) ice cream imported from england life guards imported from spain towels inported from turkey and turkey imported from maine.
i wanna post a vid from scrubs the musical in my sig. i narrowed it down to welcome to sacred heart and everything comes down to poo. which ones should i choose. if you haven't seen the episode (or the show) here's the vids welcome to sacred heart everything comes down to poo please help me!!!
who here has seen the show. i think it's halarious. they just rapped up their thrid season. here is some of my fav scetchs are you smarter than a wetback? mind freak man v wild pungi I i'll post more if you want. try posting some if you want. website:
has anyone seen the show. it's about them showing famous vids that are on the internet (like the wierd numma numma dance and a baby cussing out will fradell) they also do a hand thing. have you submited your entries if you've watched it it's on abc on tuesdays.
since the who usertitle thing has become defalt, i've decided to make the most of it. for everytime i level up, i'll put a new pic that has to go with it KINGS APRENTISE what do you think nevermind, i hate it. it's okay if someone else wants to use it
i want to post a picture without having to put a link. just the picture there. can someone help me with that. and also link text. you know when something reads "click here" and there's a link line under it. can someone tell me how???