this takes place directly after kingdom hearts 2. it'll tell stories of when sora, riku, and kairi visit other worlds. i will also be adding original worlds. here's chapter one. CHAPTER 1 As Sora, Riku, and Kairi read the letter, they didn’t know what to expect. Riku decided to read it out loud. Dear Sora, Riku, and Kairi. Thank you for all of your help in saving the world. I wish that I could repay in anyway. So I decided to do this. First, I have bought you guys a house on Destiny Island. It’s complete with everything you need to live. Also, I have sent you a gummi ship so you can visit your friends in other worlds. I also wish to grant you guys’ one wish. So when you are ready, come and visit us at Disney Castle. I’m really proud of you guys. Oh, and Sora. Donald and Goofy say “hiâ€. Come as soon as possible. King Mickey mouseP.S. you can now call me Mickey. “Wow! One wish.†Kairi said amazed. “So what are we waiting for?†Sora said happily. “Next stop, Disney Castle!†Yelled Riku. The gang packed up and saw their new gummi ship. It was furbished with cool stuff like a DVD player, and a navigation device. They took their positions and were on their way. WHILE THEY’RE ON THEIR WAY, LET’S CHEAK ON THE GANG AT TWILIGHT TOWN. please rate and commet. also pm me any ideas.
until now....
*you pic up* WAZ-UP!!!!!!!!!!!
i didn't have any food all day today, so i'm eating a bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips. mmmm.... chocolatey!!!
there are only 20 of us on. and 19 of us are white users.
speed metal??? edit dang. i acidentally posted it in the wrong place. dang computer. someone move it to the spamzone please.
dress the drag and do the hula
has anyone heard the rumor about walt disney's secret apartment? is there a basketball court on matterhorn? is walt disney frozen and under the pirates of the carribean ride? apartment- yes, the 2ed floor of the fire station at disneyland park of mainstreet USA. his lamp still burns till this day b-ball court- yes, near the top. it's used also as a rec center for those who work on the matterhorn. walt's body- no, he was cremated anyone else have any myths from the disney parks.
you ask a little kid to pull your finger. once he pulls it, and the exact second you fart, a earthquake starts. you'd scare that kid for life.
anyone rember my random stitch vids from yesterday. if you don't or haven't seen them, here's a link to my channel: link anyway, i just finished whatching disney channel and they make a music video named "stitch meets high school musical". sure, it was animation, but that doesn't mater. i did the first vid DAM DISNEY CHANNEL STOLE MY IDEA!!!
Jesus H. Cox MD now start chanting my name so i can have my props
today i just get injuries my dogs scratched my legs i scratched my leg on a brick wall my left thumb hurts like hell i just burned one of my fingers. owwwwwwwwwww
it all started with a penny in the door there was a hatred i had never felt before so now i'll make him pay each and everyday until that moosed haired little nusence is NO MORE!!!
i've been seeing abunch of you fail pics, so which is you fav. you can post pics and gifs here. here's one of my favs.
my sequal to stitch has a jar of dirt. this one is dr.cox's rant form scrubs- my musical (episode 606) cast (by apperance) chicken-mrs. miller stitch- dr.cox boo bear- JD mickey- janitor update: everything comes down to poo is up. happy happy joy joy
to find out, click the link i was sooo bored today. YES THAT'S MY STITCH!!!
i got a DVR last week. if you have one what's in it. the stuff you recorded, not the rest of your fam mine Jeff dunnum: arguing with myself some scrubs episodes scurbs-my musical (my fav) when a strager calls a haunting
*pulls out pistol* who said that, was it the bird??? :guns:
i've been watching alot of showdown of fate parodies lately. so i wanna ask, what's your favorite type of cheese. jk, jk which one is your favorite parody of showdown of fate in kingdom hearts 2. can you also post it???
at my school, it starts at 8:50 am. i woke up this morning and felt comfortable. after about 3 secs. of piece, i thought i'm late!!!. anyway, i picked up my cell phone from the floor and read it. it read: 10:02 am. i sit there staring at it maybe sprout legs and say "haha. got'cha didn't i. i'm just a stupid phone, playing stupid phone games. i'll set it back. hehehehehehehehehe." i sit there, cursing at myself. i missed all of first period. 1st ends at 10:20. i left home at 10:11. i did a 10 minute walk in 7. i got there in time for 3rd period (2ed period). what did i have to eat??? A FREAKING APPLE!!!!! THIS IS ALL TRUE!!!