does anyone else kinda sopport the soraxnaminé couple. does anyone also kinda sopport it or am i just different?
okay, i have anime club on moday, and i don't know what to watch. we show two anime series at the same time. we first watched DNAngel on the big one, then we watched Death-note. we've seen i think the first 4 episodes in each one. next meeting, i need to choose. so which one? DNAngel or Death-note? btw, death-note has subtitles and in japanese and DNAngel is in english.
have something to trade for lunch. i have pizza that i had to heat up.
based off the popular tv show, i decide to make it a rpg. you work at sacred heart hospitol. there's the evil doctor cox, mean kelso, some nurses and some doctors. your job is to get your patiants better. you can be any of the regular characters, a new doctor, or a patiant. application for patiant played by: name: age: sex: description: medical history: what the patiant's problem is application for new doctor played by: name: age: sex: nurse, doctor, or surgen: description: bio you can have up to 4 characters. DOCTORS John Dorion (JD)- tummer73 Patiants all new doctors start as interns INTERNS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- played by:swordser2 name:sam age:18 sex:female doctor description: bio-she was bored and is a princess so she became a doctor as a side job hehe
these are my top 5 friends on kh-vids. these are the people i trust, like, and like to talk to. sorry if i misspell names and leave off some letters. i just identify you guys better this way. here's my top 5: 5.lanihead- my rpg buddy 4.darkheart- i concider you one of my friends 3.hinta- you make me laugh alot, even when your not making jokes 2.very berry- my first friend 1.rikus#1fangirl.- my very very best friend on this site.
i just finished lisenting to a varsity football game with our team verses another team that's in a different city (about an hour away) we won!!! the final score was 28-18. the other team was on a 28 game winning streak since 2004 and we broke the trend.
since i've watched and listen to many comeidans like Dane Cook, George Lopez, and Carlos Mencia; i've decided to post my own comedy act on youtube. please tell me what you think
today was a weird day for me. here's how it went down. i think my bad day was because i had broght a script for my friend today. here's what happened while it was in my backpack i forget my gameboy micro i lost my mp3 player. there was a weird fire at my school we stood in the hot sun for an hour didn't finish the in class assignment the school food sucked so i went to taco bell waited for 15 min. at taco bell three hours after lunch, i gave him the script. then my luck went back to good
hello everyone, i'm back. some people hopfully noticed my absence. my computer hated me for the past week so i couldn't get on the computer. i have however kept in touch with some people here though. do i have some stories to tell you guys.
for all the cat lovers out there.
i made myself a new avatar. tell me about it. yes, that it a real picture of me. i hate my haircut
it's less than 30 min. till my b-day, and i wanna stay up till 12 (my time) what should i do? (yes, i do have school tomorrow. high school sucks)
everybody has those days ONE TWO THREE FOUR everybody makes mistakes everybody has those days everyone knows what what im talking about everybody get's that way everybody makes mistakes everybody has those days everyone knows what what im talking about everybody get's that way yeah
today i got an early b-day present from my relatives. an mp3 player. ^^
you google searched the word google???
]i wrote this a little while ago ENDLESS ABYSS as the darkness began to clear darkness lingered and thrived when the sky began to uncloud black figures entered my mind. As i reached the tallest peak I fell into an endless abyss While in the light, i could fly i went so high i found heven the song set my free when the darkness came i fell from my post it devoured my soul.
hola ?como se llama?
dance? some people will go "i don't dance." anyone know who or where that's from.