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  1. Scarred Nobody
    i heard this song a long time ago, and i finally got a chance to do an amv.
    it basically tells of the girls of kingdom hearts. there's mostly kairi shots in this video. makes sence that she's the main girl.


    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Apr 13, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  2. Scarred Nobody
    one of my friends dressed up as Misa Amane. everyone says she acts like her, and she goes "No i don't!!!". She also said one of my friends dressed up as light.

    just posting this becasue i'm bored.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Apr 5, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Scarred Nobody
    hey guys. sorry for not posting one.
    this months theme is: funny. either do it to a funny song, or a parody.

    1. must use kingdom hearts or death note vids.
    2. MUST BE FUNNY!!!!!
    3.Must be turned in before due date.
    4. can send in up to two vids an entry.
    5. give me a youtube link. the user portal won't work on my computer.
    6. have fun.

    good luck to everyone
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Apr 3, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Playground
  4. Scarred Nobody
    i wanna pull a good prank tomorrow. any ideas???
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 31, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Scarred Nobody
    now is the moment i've been waiting for.


    it has been nine mounths since kairi was pregnate. it was early in the morning. kairi was sitting on the couch, watching tv. she didn't want to be asleep when her water breaks. she's been feeling the kicking. then suddenly, kairi hears a splash.

    "Sora! it's time!" she yells. sora wakes up.they've had a suitcase ready for this moment. the yell was so loud, namine and roxas wake up. while sora got everything ready, roxas and namine gets kairi in the car. roxas and namine were sitting in the back, and sora drove like crazy. they were able to get her there in half an hour.

    they checked her in, and got her in there. kairi was in so much pain. sora was waiting with kairi.

    "i hate you!" kairi yelled at sora.

    "why?" sora asked

    "you did this to me!" she yelled

    "don't take it personal." said the nurse, "all women say that."

    namine took sora's place so he can get some sleep. then, they were coming.

    "where's sora?" asked kairi.

    "i'll call him." said namine."yeah sora, they're coming. yes i'm sure. just get over here." she hung up the phone. "he's down the hall. just pretend your body is like a tube of toothpaste and you're squeezing out all that minty fresh jell; but instead of minty fresh jail, it's two babies."

    kairi took a swing at her. sora came in just in time. he came in and held her hand.

    "okay, the first is coming out." said the doctor.

    kairi let out a scream of pain. sora kissed her. he knew that was the only way to have her quiet. the doctor took out the baby girl.

    "hello angel." said kairi. the doctor then took out the second one and gave it to sora.

    "hey kyrie, i'm your daddy." said sora.

    riku came in to the waiting room. he sat next to roxas and namine. then the door bust open. kairi was in a wheelchair with sora pushing. everyone bust into tears.

    roxas and namine looked at eachother. they both said at the same time, "let's have a baby."

    this is not the end of my series trust me.

    comment please.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 30, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. Scarred Nobody

    Weird Al

    he's probably one of the best singer/songwriters of our time.

    for those of you who don't know who he is, he gets songs and parody's them.

    an example is:
    the saga begins. he got it from american pie, and made it into a song about the first starwars movie.

    other famous ones are

    amish paridise (from gangster paridise)


    eat it (from beat it)
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 26, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: Music
  7. Scarred Nobody
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 25, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Scarred Nobody
    this is two vids i made recently. both tell dark stories.

    vid 1:
    the song is called "in the darkness". it's from an old tv show that's called so wierd. i use to love it. anyway, it tells mostly about sora and riku's struggles in the game, and some stuff with kairi.

    vid 2:
    this is a movie trailer. it's carre (2002). it was a novel by stephen king that i just finished. i really like how it came out.

    please rate and comment (on youtube) on both vids.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 25, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  9. Scarred Nobody

    Omg Halp!!!

    i have to babysit my sister. she's watching freaking song movies. i can't take it. she doesn't even watch them, she sings along. she fast fowards to the songs. i can't take it anymore. it's getting on my last nerve.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 24, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Scarred Nobody
    i was watching a reverse rebirth video, and i saw that repluca riku's voice is the same as light yagami from death note. does anyone else notice that???
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 23, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Scarred Nobody
    Another wierd chapter to my series of stories. This is a 2 parter, so i'll post part one for right now.

    Their night out

    Sora woke up from his slumber. This is the first time in 2 weeks that he could sleep the entire night. all he could think about was little kyrie and angel. he also noticed that kairi got bigger. Kairi was sitting down, crying in the bathroom. he went to see why she was crying.

    "Look at me!", kairi cried,"i'm fat and i'm ugly. i got knocked up and married while i'm still a teenager!" they both knew that it was her crazy hormones talking. He walked her to bed and held her.

    while holding her, his hand moved. Oh my god! is that side boob?he quickly moved his hand. he didn't want her to think he's a perv. she laughed."careful with the side boob big guy. My hormones are going crazy and i could pounce your skinny butt." Sora just laughed.

    "Kairi we shoudln't.", he told her.

    "okay.", she walked towards the kitchen to get some water. Sora was getting his morning coffie."urrg! i got a giant boogie in my nose." kairi was picking at it for a while.

    Sora thought, look at her saying okay with a giant boogie in her nose. i must have her. He put down his coffiee and kissed her. Roxas and Namine walked in. Roxas was about to say something, but kairi lifted her leg. He knew not to get her mad. they left them alone.

    Later that day, sora and kairi talked on the phone. he just exited P.E. and was headed for lunch. they talked some more when he drove to the house for lunch. he had to take her to another sonogram. he wouldn't be able to see his babies this time. he was able to see pictures though.

    "It's a date.", kairi said.

    "Namine will pick you up when your done.", sora told her,"i see you when i get home."

    "I love you", kairi said; giving him a goodbye kiss. tonight was a date night. they haven't gone out since the wedding. She wanted them to feel close again. On his way back to school, he bought a burger. then he went to a store to bye a rose and some chocolates.

    "What!", sora yelled during passing period,"But you can't. Please it's just. She's pregnate. Please. We're 17. hello?hello?" he was talking on his phone. roxas walked by hearing him yell.

    "hey bud, what happened?", Roxas asked

    "terrible man.", sora started,"The resturant i wanted to go to for our date was all booked. kairi's going to kill me." sora sat there with his hands on his head."what am i going to do?"

    Roxas then had an idea."Dude, i have an idea."

    Sora turned,"If it involves marshmellows and mud again, i'm going to kill you."

    Roxas then turned to him. "Don't be stupid. this one's different." Roxas then thought, I can't do nothing in this house.


    i will post part 2 tommorrow. what will happen on this date? will roxas screw it up?

    P.S. i know in the begining i put a scrubs reference in it. i always thought it was funny for some reason.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 21, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Scarred Nobody

    funny puppy

    last week, my cousin accidentally left her hannah montana doll at our house. afew days a go, we got a 10 week old dog. now i'm watching her bite the cr@p out of it.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 20, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Scarred Nobody
    after many weeks of planning, it's done.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 20, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Scarred Nobody
    please don't come out with a video about south park making fun of britney.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 20, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Scarred Nobody
    takes place two nights after my latest one.


    It's midnight on destiny island. sora was finally able to get some sleep after he found out about the news. then he felt a shaking. Kairi woke him up and gave him a list.

    "What's this?", sora asked.

    "It's a list.", Kairi said,"i'm having this wierd craving."

    he read it. it said:
    -peanut butter
    -sea salt ice cream
    -poupo pudding
    -Bell pepper
    -Cooked sirloin

    Sora gasped at the list. he thougt: she's not eating this for one meal is she? half asleep, sora ran to his car. all he could think about is sleep. he was deprived of it for the past two days. All the local stores were closed. He final came across a small grocery store that was up 24/7. he was able to find everything but the sirloin.

    He was afraid to tell her he couldn't find it. Everyone's told him that you should never get a pregnate woman mad. he didn't want to take the chance. He was lucky to find a late night bar-be-que. He got all the stuff. it was 1:32 in the morning.

    Kairi ate all her food for one meal. he couldn't believe she was eating that stuff."Want some?", kairi asked. Sora just went to bed. a little while later, he felt kairi come onto the bed. they both sighed at the roof.

    "Remeber when we were sitting on the deck,", sora started,"talking about leaving this place. did you think we'd be here today."

    kairi giggled,"Nope. we still need to think of names."

    sora thought for a while. "how about......kyrie?"

    "Sounds like a beautiful name.", kairi sighed again,"And we'll name our other girl angel."

    "Kyrie and Angel.", sora said. He held her and she fell asleep. he was so calm with her, he fell asleep.

    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 19, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. Scarred Nobody
    The KH gang is having a two week spring break.they're not waisting any time. it's somewhat based off my fanfics. here's a link to my latest to catch you up to speed.

    1. No excessive cursing
    2. Keep it Pg-13
    3. try to keep it in character (ie. Kiari's preggers)
    4.Can have up to 3 characters.
    5. Can make up your own.

    Riku-The Fifth Element
    tifa-Random Angel

    own characters
    User Name:

    need at least 5 to begin
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 19, 2008, 29 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Scarred Nobody
    this is another sequel to one of my favorite stories that i wrote.
    Sora perposed to kairi, and she accepted. About a week before the wedding, kairi found out she was pregnate. now they are married, and a couple months later.


    It is the middle of March. Kairi has already had all the cavings. Sora's been tired for days. To make things worse, he has school while kairi and Namine graduated early. Today was a special day though. He loaded kairi into their car to drive to the other side of the island. He didn't want to go to school anyway. All the teachers silently judging him.

    "What's wrong honey?", Asked kairi.

    Sora snapped out of a gaze and smiled, "Nothing."

    "Just one more hour.", Kairi said giggling. Today at the hospital they are going to find out the gender of the baby. They've been looking foward to it all week.

    Sora was sipping some coffee while waiting with his lovely wife. The doctor finally called them in. He was releaved to get into his office. All the other patients were judging him too. They were both 17, and everyone gave them dirty looks. Kairi was in for an ultra sound.

    "See there's the heart.", Said the doctor. She was really nice.

    "Wow.", said sora,"that's amazing."

    "So, what's the gender doc.", Asked kairi.

    "You mean genders.", calmly said the doctor. Sora and kairi quickly looked at eachother.

    Namine and Roxas were waiting at the house. Sora and kairi bought a house; and Roxas and Namine were roommates. They heard the car pull up.

    "Welcome home!", Yelled Namine as the couple walked in."Cheak out this rock!" Namine showed kairi the ring.

    "That's amazing!", gasped Kairi,"Where'd you get it?"

    Roxas and Namine looked at eachother. "WERE ENGAGED!!!", yelled the two teens.

    Sora got a soda from the fridge. He sat down next to his wife. she was drinking some water since she wasn't allowed to have caffine.

    "So i'm dying to know.", said Namine,"What's the gender? boy or girl?"

    "We're having girls.", Said Kairi

    Roxas was choking on his drink. "Girls?!?", he yelled, "Atta boy!!!"

    Namine kicked Roxas in the shin. Later that night, sora was looking in the newspaper. he needed to get a job. Kairi turned off the light. Before she feel asleep she told him,"don't worry about the money. just worry about school. we'll think of something." Sora couldn't sleep though. all he did was rub kairi's stomache.

    please tell me what you think
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 19, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. Scarred Nobody

    iPod question

    my dad bought me an ipod. i have a question though? is the small version of the ipod able to watch video on. if so, do i have to get it from itunes, or can i get it from websites.
    ie: ninja warrior podcasts from g4
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 18, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Scarred Nobody
    has anyone read it? about a year ago, i saw the ending of the original movie. i found out that it was a book, so i decided to read it. this is by far, one of my favorite books of all time.

    it's about a girl named carrie white. she's the girl in high school that's always is picked on. then one day, a girl named sue snell, asks her boyfriend to take carrie to the senior prom. at the prom, a girl who wasn't allowed to the dance because of what she did to carrie plays a prank. she spills pig's blood on her after carrie and tommy is crowned king and queen. Carrie is telekenetic (can move things with her mind), so she decides to take revenge on them all.

    i really recommend this book. it's alittle mature though. it talks about nudity and cussing. i really do recomend it though
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 14, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Literature
  20. Scarred Nobody
    i really worked hard on this.

    what hurts the most by rascal flatts

    this is the first time that i did a vid like this.

    please comment
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Mar 7, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio