*This project is now undertaken by Llave, message him if you have any questions, concerns, submissions, et cetera. Happy Worming~* We are going to do a KH-Vids art worm and it is going to be awesome. What do graphics have to do with those gross slimy things? A graphics 'worm' is a collaborative project in which each person makes a piece that blends into the last person’s piece. It creates one large, flowing image, while having each designer's unique style inside of it. If my explanation isn't adequate, you can see some examples here, here, and here. They can be challenging, as you have to really pay attention to detail when blending your piece, and sometimes the person before you left you with something difficult--but that's part of the fun! Push yourself as an artist and rest assured that we'll be happy to help you out with your piece. =] What do I have to do to participate? Simply post here and let us know you'd like to be added to the list--you'll be assigned a place in the worm and, when your turn comes, post your piece and I'll put it up! For blending reasons, it's recommended that you don't begin your piece until after the person before you has gone. Don't worry, you'll be messaged to make sure you know it's your turn! You are expected to watch this thread and to know when it is your turn--try to get your piece up about a week after the person before you. If you need an extension, or want us to skip you, please just let me know! You piece must be 450px in height. Width wise, you have a bit more freedom--a standard size I'd imagine would be around 600px by 450px, but this isn't set in stone--play around! Your piece does not have to focus on Kingdom Hearts, it can be anything you like, so long as it is appropriate and follows KH-Vids's rules. If your piece is particularly challenging to work off of, or if you just want to be nice, it's often customary to provide the person after you with your PSDs and any textures/resources you used. If you want to go again, please allow at least five people to volunteer before you ask to be put in again--it's only fair that everyone gets to go! It's my turn and I'm confused or having trouble! What do? Well, when it is your turn I will both post in this thread and private message you. It's now time to begin your piece! If you've never done a worm before, you might want to check out a quick tutorial I wrote on it. If you have any questions feel free to post here asking. Furthermore, if you're having trouble blending or just getting your piece to look "quite right," you're welcome to message Llave, or post here for feedback or help! When you're all done, you just have to upload your piece and either post it in this thread or send it to Llave through other means. Where can I see the worm? Click here to view the worm! The Line-Up Misty Chevalier Trigger Ventus PSP Aqua Jayn DPWolf Guardian Soul Saxima tummer Krowley Plums Makaze Clawtooth Mixt Sumi Llave Ienzo Dinny adamboy7 Fearless Keyblade Spirit Hayabusa Cat~ muff monkey Amethyst Beau Zelda Saxima 2 Dinny 2 Cat~ 2 Plums 2 Misty 2 Midnight Star Fearless 2 Saxima 3 Ienzo 2 Cat~ 3 Beau 2 Hyuge Llave 2 Misty 3 cstar libregkd Fearless 3 Hyuge 2 Cat~ 4 Dinny 3 Beau 3 Ienzo 3 Llave 3 Hyuge 3 cstar 2 Misty 4 muff monkey 2 Indicates a probationary / pending member (check your PM box!) | Indicates an upcoming participant |Indicates a member that has completed their piece | n Indicates a member on their nth submission
no. 76 [discussion thread; entries due January 6th, 2012] FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 As suggested by Stella Nox Fleuret, this week's theme will celebrate the release of Final Fantasy XIII-2! It came out on December 15th in Japan, and is slated for a January 31st release in North America. Your signature must use a stock from Final Fantasy XIII-2! Happy sigging!
no. 76 [entry thread; entries due January 6th, 2012] FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 As suggested by Stella Nox Fleuret, this week's theme will celebrate the release of Final Fantasy XIII-2! It came out on December 15th in Japan, and is slated for a January 31st release in North America. Your signature must use a stock from Final Fantasy XIII-2! Happy sigging!
Hey everyone! Even more hype comes out for Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance today. We've had a lot of news lately, let's hope it keeps rolling in. =] (view the full image by clicking on the thumbnail) Source(s): Famitsu, Crunchyroll, and our forum member KIRA94000 for letting me know!
Today marks six years since the official opening of KH-Vids.Net by Deathspank in 2005. In this time, the site has had its ups and downs—between being sold twice, losing Deathspank (and other fantastic staff members), a rollercoaster of activity, a number of hacks, the timewarp... we’ve been through a lot. It is truly fantastic to have reached six years of the site going strong. It couldn’t have been done without you, the users, who continuously come to us for all Kingdom Hearts news, videos, audio, and discussion, as well as all the other consistent activity in sections like Graphic Art, the Creativity Corner, Discussion, the Production Studio, the RP Arena, Forum Families, and, yes, even the Spam Zone. On behalf of the entire staff, I would like to extend our gratitude to all of you, for your persistent support of the site. Personally, I would also like to thank our staff team, past and present, for all the hard work they have put into making this site amazing. It’s an honor to work with you all. Now, for the fun stuff! As some may know, for both the anniversary and the holiday season, it is tradition for us to have a number of events and announcements in December. This year is no exception. The first of what is to come, it is my proud duty to unveil KH-Vids 5.0. Major features/changes Dark and Lite flavours—something for everyone! Fixed display issues that came along with our upgrade to 4.1.3. Fixed width, set at 900px. Fluid width options coming shortly, for those who prefer it. Removed rounded borders in many areas, to ease load times. Links are finally a noticeable color! Removed box shadows in many areas, also to ease load times. Gradients are set up to use CSS3 in place of images. Gradients/colors in places have a transparent look to them, allowing the background to show. More noticeable background. More color! Javascript navigation, which is both more customizable & works better. Tested on Firefox, IE, Chrome, and Safari. Moved toplinks below the navigation bar. Transparent body_wrapper. Snazzy post bits. Made posts less massive, to reduce scroll time (previously there was a huge amount of space between the end of the post's text and the signature). And much more that I'm probably forgetting at the moment. =] There is still a lot to be done on the skins—already there are some changes and additions (mostly some sheen and some gloss!) I am working on, but I am comfortable releasing them in their current incarnation. These skins are the new defaults for KH-Vids. They have a similar color scheme to the old skins, which will no longer be updated, and so it was my plan to deactivate all the old skins (except for maybe Isn't It Pretty, since that one is pretty... unique) in favor of these. Additionally, we need to decide whether the dark or the lite skin will be our default, and we thought we would listen to the users for that one--later today, you will see a poll appear in voting for that! For now, I'll just keep it as the lite skin, but based on the results of the poll, that could change. They have been tested by me extensively in Firefox, and revised in Safari, Opera, Chrome, and Internet Explorer. Because they utilize CSS3, if you are an Internet Explorer user, you may be missing out on a lot of the pizzazz. It is recommended that you upgrade your browser to one like Firefox or Chrome, or at the very least, to Internet Explorer 9. If you find any issues with the skins, browser-specific or not, please post it in this thread with the following… Screenshot of the problem Link to page with the problem Your operating system What browser you use Version of the browser … and I will address it as soon as possible. Known bugs/issues Bug #1: Bold words do not stand out enough. Fixed! Bug #2: White drop shadow in Opera. Fixed! Bug #3: Search bar is not positioned correctly in Opera. (Screen) Fixed! Bug #4: Post templates are not added. Fixed! Bug #5: Icons overlap with pagination. (Screen) Fixed! Bug #6: Admin usergroup color doesn't stand out enough. Fixed! Bug #7: Banner does not link to forum index, as with old skins. Fixed! Bug #8: Default user profile customizations are not set up (see poll to choose default skin). Bug #9: Notices have a white drop shadow. Fixed! Bug #10: Advanced search link is no longer under search bar on navigation bar. Bug #11: Similar threads thing looks terrible, Lite skin only. Fixed! Bug #12: Who's online text on Lite skin is unreadable. (Screen) Fixed! Bug #13: Drop down arrows on thread toolbar are hard to see on the Lite skin. Fixed! Bug #14: Bold text has colors that override user-defined ones. Fixed! Bug #15: Line breaks do not show on IE9. Fixed! Bug #16: Mark Forums Read link isn't working. Fixed! Bug #17: You must spread around Reputation etc is hard to read (lite skin). Fixed! Bug #18: Highlight text color needs to be fixed. (Screen) Fixed! Bug #19: Icons overlapping on Subscription page. (Screen) Fixed! Bug #20: Go Advanced page is very small, width-wise. Fixed! Bug #21: Submit and Preview buttons are not flushed to the right side. Fixed! Bug #22: Pin request page is seriously messed up. Fixed! Bug #23: Pagination needs to be scooted down a bit on video portal. (Screen) Fixed! Bug #24: Pin recommendation page is seriously messed up. Fixed! Bug #25: Highlighted text color should be white (lite skin only). (Screen) Fixed! Bug #26: Recipient username thing needs to be white (lite skin only). (Screen) Fixed! Bug #27: Username history needs to be looked at. (Screen) (Screen) Fixed! Bug #28: Border conflicts (dark skin only) (Screen) Fixed! Bug #29: Increase padding for tag box (Screen) Fixed! Bug #30: Compare versions needs to be fixed (dark skin only) (Screen) Fixed! Bug #31: Time on search results text is gray when it should be white (Screen) Fixed! Bug #32: Who Posted? rows are white (dark skin only) (Screen) Fixed! Bug #33: Flood warning text needs to be white (dark skin only) (Screen) Fixed! Bug #34: Private message link on profile needs to be spaced Fixed! Bug #35: Albums are not styled properly Fixed! Bug #36: Code BBCode doesn't display properly on post preview Fixed! Bug #37: Usernote button positioning issues Fixed! Bug #38: Overlap issues when using quotes in visitor messages Fixed! Bug #39: Icon legend is white (dark style only) Fixed!
As you guys may know, Jump Festa is beginning now, the first day being December 17th. Dream Drop Distance is slated to appear with a demo, an eight-minute promotional trailer, and a new world to be confirmed. We've got our first look with these control charts set out by Square near the demos: (view full image...) (view full image...) Here's a summary of what the text says: Additionally, we've got some new details on worlds & character appearances, including a Tron: Legacy world and the appearance of Rhyme from The World Ends With You! There are also 17 new screenshots, which can be viewed over at Andriasang (click here!). Stay tuned as we get more information from Jump Festa, and hopefully footage of the lengthy trailer! Sources: FF-Reunion, Andriasang
Hey guys! Some new scans have shown up showing off two new characters from The World Ends With You in Dream Drop Distance (Joshua and Beat), as well as some more shots of the Pinocchio world. (view full size image) Thanks to SQEX GAL, we also have a translation of the accompanying article, which refers to the Three Musketeers scans that Mike posted yesterday: Source(s): FF-Reunion.net, SQEX GAL, and our member Anti ☢ Sora. What do you guys think? Is leveling up the Dream Eaters going to be enjoyable or gimmicky? Do you think more TWEWY characters will appear?
Okay guys, for my government class I was supposed to watch Black Hawk Down in class, but it didn't really do it for me so I didn't pay much attention, haha. Also I was out the first two days we watched it so I missed pretty much every piece of plot. My teacher gave me a question sheet today to go along with it, so if anyone has seen the movie recently/knows it well then help is appreciated! Why has the US military captured the Somali individual in the car? Describe the living conditions of the US Forces living at the city airport (four things). How long does General Garrison say the mission will last? As the army rangers prepare to get the target, what are some mistakes individuals make because they believe the mission will be so short? What is the code word for the mission to be executed? How are the American forces able to identify the informant's vehicle? Give one example of what is considered to be "bad luck" among the army rangers. Explain how the insurgent militia fighters are alerted that the American forces are on the way to the city. According to the Rules of Engagement, when are US forces permitted to return fire? Please & thanks. :D
no. 75 [voting thread; voting ends December 20th, 2011] MOVIES The movies theme has been suggested many times by many members--I decided to make it a more general one, but still, the idea has had a lot of support! To put things simply, your signature must relate to a movie, most likely in the form of the stock. When you post your entry, please let us know what movie it is from! Happy voting! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are unsure of how to vote then check out this thread here, anyone is welcome to vote but entrants MUST vote. Ammy the Rednose Wolf TitanTX Stella Nox Fleuret Christmas Cat Makaze Noroz adamboy7
no. 75 [discussion thread; entries due December 10th, 2011] MOVIES The movies theme has been suggested many times by many members--I decided to make it a more general one, but still, the idea has had a lot of support! To put things simply, your signature must relate to a movie, most likely in the form of the stock. When you post your entry, please let us know what movie it is from! Happy sigging!
no. 75 [entry thread; entries due December 10th, 2011] MOVIES The movies theme has been suggested many times by many members--I decided to make it a more general one, but still, the idea has had a lot of support! To put things simply, your signature must relate to a movie, most likely in the form of the stock. When you post your entry, please let us know what movie it is from! Happy sigging!
no. 73 [voting thread; votes counted 8 november 2011] FREESTYLE This week we're due up for our Freestyle theme! In this round, anything goes--enter whatever type of signature you'd like! (also ienzo and i are doing such a great job coordinating rite) Happy voting! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are unsure of how to vote then check out this thread here, anyone is welcome to vote but entrants MUST vote. Feenie Bushy Brow Equa Ienzo Droid4Productions miaulement Misty DPWolf Chevalier Roaringflames Laplace Destiny's hand Suzuha Amane Rоxаs Nerdy Ninja Beyond Birthday Jade Trigger
no. 73 [discussion thread; entries due November 1st, 2011] FREESTYLE This week we're due up for our Freestyle theme! In this round, anything goes--enter whatever type of signature you'd like! (also ienzo and i are doing such a great job coordinating rite) Happy sigging!
no. 73 [entry thread; entries due November 1st, 2011] FREESTYLE This week we're due up for our Freestyle theme! In this round, anything goes--enter whatever type of signature you'd like! (also ienzo and i are doing such a great job coordinating rite) Happy sigging!
Why is there no thread on this yet -- OccupyWallSt.org The movement began in New York City, as I believe just a few college students; it has since grown to massive proportions, with thousands involved, and spanning several cities. One of their more popular slogans is "we are the 99th percent," referring to the fact that our current system is benefiting only the top 1%, while the rest of us--99% of the people--suffer. The mainstream media has given the movement a great deal of negative press, even by mostly Liberal newspapers like the New York Times. Any thoughts or opinions on it? I have a looooooooot but it is my bedtime so I will wait until I have more time. c:
no. 71 [voting thread; votes due october 07, 2011] THE WORLD ENDS WITH YOU To celebrate Neku being added to the Dream Drop Distance cast, this week's theme features the video game The World Ends With You. Your signature can use any character from the series; if you'd like, you can make use of the screenshots of Neku in KH3D! Happy sigging! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are unsure of how to vote then check out this thread here, anyone is welcome to vote but entrants MUST vote. €atastrophe Misty Marushi Equa DPWolf Plums
no. 71 [entry thread; entries due september 30, 2011] THE WORLD ENDS WITH YOU To celebrate Neku being added to the Dream Drop Distance cast, this week's theme features the video game The World Ends With You. Your signature can use any character from the series; if you'd like, you can make use of the screenshots of Neku in KH3D! Happy sigging!
no. 71 [discussion thread; entries due september 30, 2011] THE WORLD ENDS WITH YOU To celebrate Neku being added to the Dream Drop Distance cast, this week's theme features the video game The World Ends With You. Your signature can use any character from the series; if you'd like, you can make use of the screenshots of Neku in KH3D! Happy sigging!
With my Government homework. C: I need three people ages 17 to 24 to answer these five questions. You must live in America. Short answers are fine! 1. What are your three most frequently viewed television networks? 2. What type of news do you find the most entertaining? 3. What problems facing our country has the most direct impact on your daily life? 4. What is your main source of information about politics? 5. How do you feel as a young adult that you can make an impact on this country? Please & thank you!
We were hacked earlier today. This one, thankfully, was not to the magnitude of the ones in the past; as those of you who tried to access the forum during this time saw, the site would redirect you to a different page. The redirects have been removed, and problems with the styles & templates are being fixed as we speak. We don't believe we lost any post/thread information, either. If you are having any problems using the normal functions of the site please report it in this thread. Thanks for your patience!