Search Results

  1. Misty
    welp I should probably start my homework
    Thread by: Misty, Apr 22, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Misty
    Hey everyone! Looks like we've got a new trailer from Nintendo Direct, which offers a look at English gameplay, and some of Haley Joel Osment's battle cries. Also it has French subtitles which is cool. The Kingdom Hearts goodies begin around the 21:00 minute mark.You can check it out below:


    Thread by: Misty, Apr 22, 2012, 15 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Misty
    no. 82
    [discussion thread; entries due April 25th, 2012]

    For this week, your signature must have something to do with space--some suggestions include using fictional characters that travel through space, space stocks, whatever! If you're unsure of what to use, try posting in our discussion thread. :)

    Happy sigging!
    Thread by: Misty, Apr 18, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Competitions
  4. Misty
    no. 82
    [entry thread; entries due April 25th, 2012]

    For this week, your signature must have something to do with space--some suggestions include using fictional characters that travel through space, space stocks, whatever! If you're unsure of what to use, try posting in our discussion thread. :)

    Happy sigging!
    Thread by: Misty, Apr 18, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Competitions
  5. Misty
    On one of my rambling videos. The output was... you just have to see it
    but he did so on

    i have not been indeed

    that's the

    estimate uh...

    i don't know what it is just the past
    like to use tax cut completely

    pitching slight s

    endurance find studing outstanding it
    slightly period greenwich

    so it's like six or nine some

    what it brings them back but i do
    watching them

    students principal that's all

    pellets in the paula jones

    journey except in the chaps

    penetrate not working speeded graham
    redman and ordered

    aboard shin

    and them

    hopkins specialty

    isn't so wooden spoon


    i know operations

    somewhat weaker


    uses or

    exciting to look stupid

    less than half a billion in the company

    um... site
    Thread by: Misty, Apr 14, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Misty
    Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata recently interviewed series director Tetsuya Nomura on the origins and inspiration behind the Kingdom Hearts series. Though the interview does not reveal much new information, it has some interesting trivia about the series. You can check out a summary of the interview below:
    Soure: Andriasang, Nintendo Japan
    Thread by: Misty, Apr 6, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Misty
    We testin' our stream yo
    Thread by: Misty, Apr 2, 2012, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Misty

    Good evening all!
    We have a new podcast for you all. In this episode, we get excited for Dream Drop Distance and discuss our predictions/overwhelming feelings. This segment features myself, Sabby, Mike, and our special guest, forum member Daxa! There are no spoilers for the game, although we do cry. c': We also finish off our Staff Questions Redux by interviewing our sectional moderator Clawtooth, and asking him the questions you all were kind enough to send in. c:


    If you use a music player other than iTunes, you can subscribe using this feed.

    The song credits are here, if you are interested:
    3D Part of the Podcast

    Intro song
    Artist: Yoko Shimomura
    Title: Dearly Beloved
    Album: Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack

    Background song 1
    Artist: Yoko Shimomura
    Title: Treasured Memories
    Album: Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack

    Background song 2
    Artist: Yoko Shimomura
    Title: A Walk in Andante
    Album: Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack

    Background song 3
    Artist: Yoko Shimomura
    Title: Friends in My Heart
    Album: Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack

    Outro song
    Artist: Yoko Shimomura
    Title: Dearly Beloved - Reprise -
    Album: Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack

    Clawtooth Part of the Podcast

    Intro song
    Artist: N/A
    Title: Dance of the Evanescent
    Album: NieR Gestalt and Replicant Original Soundtrack

    Background song 1
    Artist: N/A
    Title: This Dream
    Album: NieR Gestalt and Replicant Original Soundtrack

    Background song 2
    Artist: N/A
    Title: City of Commerce
    Album: NieR Gestalt and Replicant Original Soundtrack

    Outro song
    Artist: N/A
    Title: Gods Bound by Rules
    Album: NieR Gestalt and Replicant Original Soundtrack

    Have suggestions or questions for the members of the KH-Vids Podcast? Let Sabby know, or bring it to our attention in the posts below! Just be sure to follow the rules and guidelines here.
    Thread by: Misty, Mar 31, 2012, 16 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  9. Misty
    Looks like someone got the game early! We've got our first full video, it appears, of the Dream Drop Distance opening. The quality isn't the best but I'm sure y'all don't mind. You can view it below, uploaded by KH13.


    Thanks to forum member Cloudrunner62 and Dr_Wigglz for the heads up!
    Thread by: Misty, Mar 28, 2012, 23 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Misty
    Hey everyone. As many of you know, we’ve been accepting casual staff applications from Premium Members for a while now. The team has decided to open them up ‘for real’ again—that is to say, we’re seriously looking for new staff members, so we want you to seriously consider applying, even if you have already before. That means, yes, re-apply if you want!

    Thinking of applying but not sure what position you’d like? No worries, we have some job descriptions for you to help you decide:

    • Reporters (News/Editorials): Keep up with the latest in Kingdom Hearts news and write up articles to post on the homepage, regarding updates or rumors. We’re in need of people who can keep up with the flow of news and write well.
    • Media Content Recorders: Record media for the site—clips, music, etc. We need active users with the proper equipment to reliably and flexibly record content for the site.
    • Sectional Moderators: Assigned certain sections of the forum to keep track of. We need active, mature users who can keep an eye on forum developments, clean up spam, and help prevent conflicts between users.
    • Translators: Translate news & other media, likely from Japanese to English. Must work together with the news team, and/or update with news themselves.
    For a more detailed description of the job you may be considering, please check the application form for that particular position. All positions require an application and, should we consider selecting you, an interview. Remember, we’ll come to you if we decide to interview you.

    Please notice that we are using a new system for our applications. The application itself should be rather straightforward. You are welcome to apply for more than one position (e.g. I want to be a Reporter and a Media Content Recorder), just fill out both applications separately (I would fill out both the News Reporter and Media Content applications). If you have any troubles with the system or find any errors, either contact a staff member privately or post in this thread.

    You can apply by clicking HERE.

    Thanks & we look forward to hearing from you,
    The Staff
    Thread by: Misty, Mar 27, 2012, 199 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  11. Misty
    Because apparently the grand tradition of the site is never delete anything ever. Thought y'all might enjoy seeing some of the banners I came across...




    I think the major question on my mind is why did Deathspank like that arrows font so much.
    Thread by: Misty, Mar 23, 2012, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Misty
    Looks like Square is doing a giveaway!
    You can visit the site by clicking here. Be warned, though, that everything is in Japanese, so unless you can read it, I wouldn't get your hopes up. ;o But hey, maybe they'll do something similar for other regions?

    Source: Andriasang
    Thread by: Misty, Mar 22, 2012, 13 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Misty
    (see I warned y'all)

    okay I think that Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead were MADE FOR ME and I am DYING OMG
    favorite episodes yet no doubt omg
    Thread by: Misty, Mar 21, 2012, 78 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Misty
    As some may know, David Gallagher and Haley Joel Osment have been the voices of Riku and Sora (respectively) throughout the Kingdom Hearts series. In addition to the other voices actors we've told you will be returning, we now have Gallagher telling us first hand that he has finished his lines and worked alongside Osment! You can watch the video below:


    As those who watched the video know, Gallagher will also be doing a line for Young Xehanort.

    Thanks to forum member Krowley and greater_bloo for the heads up!
    Thread by: Misty, Mar 21, 2012, 30 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Misty
    This week's issue of Famitsu included the rating for Dream Drop Distance, which will release next week in Japan. Reviewers gave the game 10, 9, 10, and 9 as scores, resulting in the cumulative 38/40--which is quite high! For a point of comparison, Famitsu gave Birth by Sleep a 37/40 and 358/2 Days a 36/40. So really it's just a point or two higher than previous titles, but still, good news!

    Additionally, two scans from the issue have popped up, courtesy of an anonymous 2ch user. You can view them below:
    [advthumb][/advthumb] [advthumb][/advthumb]
    (click each image to enlarge)

    Some more scans have been provided by KH13 user ArikaMiz, which you can view by following this link.

    Sources: Famitsu, Andriasang, KH13
    Thread by: Misty, Mar 21, 2012, 18 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Misty
    Since it seems to be en vogue to reveal how we all sekritly draw KHV members.

    I've been doing these periodically because I wanted to suggest to Plums that we do a Cascadia comic, but unforts I later realized I cannot draw bodies, much less action scenes. So here we are. This are the only ones I have on me currently, most of them are on my Calc notes which are at school. <3

    What? is by far my favorite to draw, I really don't know why haha.

    These are a bit older but it's Chev and Sabby. c:

    120% ego

    Aaaand finally Plums and Stardust.
    Thread by: Misty, Mar 18, 2012, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Misty
    no. 80
    [voting thread; votes due March 25th, 2012]

    Don't believe we've had one of these in some time! For this week, your signature must feature at least one member of Organization XIII (Xion is allowed!). Have fun and...

    Happy sigging!


    If you are unsure of how to vote then check out this thread here, anyone is welcome to vote but entrants MUST vote.




    Kingdom Hearts530






    Boy Wonder
    Thread by: Misty, Mar 17, 2012, 15 replies, in forum: Competitions
  18. Misty
    As you all probably know, Sabby posted yesterday with some of the major details from the latest issue of Famitsu. The interview itself (or, at least, part of it) is now translated and up on the web, thanks to Gematsu and SQEXGAL.

    You can check out what's been translated so far below--we will keep updating this post as more is translated.

    Mike's Note: More from the interview has been added below.
    Sabby Note: Same as above

    Credit to SQEXGAL and Famitsu.
    Thread by: Misty, Mar 15, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Misty
    Hey everyone! Remember our Nostalgia Rep Weekend from last year? We're a week late on being truly annual, but, as promised, we will be hosting it again this year! Basically, for a few days, all of your reputation (given and received) will be made visible to you in your User CP, instead of the most recent fifteen. As always, there is the possibility of the User CP lagging (though we had no such problems last year) so we just wanted to give you guys a heads-up. Either myself or Roxasvsriku will enable all reputation to be viewed on Friday.

    If you'd like to save your results from this year, Slaughtermatic pointed out last year that, when the time comes, you can select Save Page As... from your browser (location varies depending on which you use), name it rep.html (or something along those lines), and have your records saved! This method preserves the links to the threads as well.

    Thanks you guys & hope you enjoy it,
    The KH-Vids.Net Staff
    Thread by: Misty, Mar 15, 2012, 37 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  20. Misty
    Thread by: Misty, Mar 13, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone