I haven't seen a post for this, and it's kind of old. But I'm curious about what people think about this. Katyie Perry sings "Hot and Cold" with Elmo on the show and a lot of parents throw a fit about what Katie Perry wore during the taping. Myself, I thought 1-5 year olds, the target audience for the show, would have no idea what they're looking at and it's not a big deal. For countries who don't know, there's a few who don't get the show. It's a kids show from 1-5 teaching kids counting, alphabet, manners and other such things. It's been around 41 years, and has been a massive part of my life while at that tender age. Eventually they removed the song, but it's on Youtube for anyone who's curious: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A__YxbkbmAg Thoughts?
Apologies to staff if there's already a thread. I haven't seen one, and yes, this is a Disney movie. I know it's next week, but I saw a preview of it tonight. I was impressed. I haven't seen a movie on the big screen in ages. I haven't honestly been impressed by any movies coming out and the ones I seem to keep an eye out for have gotten some of the worst reviews I've ever seen. *coughs*LastAibender*coughs* It wasn't as good as Seabiscuit. I didn't expect it to be, that movie was something that could bring in any audience who was looking for a good human interest story that will make you cry and cheer all in one moment. If you haven't seen that by the way, you should if you like those movies. It was a little too "campy" for me about the family and the owner's struggles between her family and the farm. But the rest of it is excellently made to bring in a battle of a farm under massive debt back to glory days and a chestnut racehorse who could do it for them. And all the struggles the one horse has to bring not only the farm, but horse racing back to it's glory days of the triple crown. If you have seen Secretariat run live in the Triple Crown, I'm thrilled for you. Moments like that are a classic treasure that will never be forgotten most likely. People like me who were not even born at the time and either seen it on YouTube like me, or not even have seen it will see the first time the massive achievement this little red horse had accomplished against a rival horse who could have probably won any other year, and a female owner who competes in a male-dominated sport. Words can't describe the final scene and moments of the movie, and if you can tolerate the campiness that comes with it, it's a must see.
This Friday I was working at a law firm office I've been working for a year at. Some of the people don't like me there because I complained about one of the co-workers harassing me to the point where it was humiliating and causing me to be a nervous wreck, but it's been good for a long time after that. Well, some of them have been treating me even more rude than usual the last few weeks. I thought it was nothing until my boss confronted me saying that someone's been taking the stuff that I share my desk with. Candy and popcorn, and everyone apparently blames me. I completely panicked when she told me and insisted I didn't take it. I don't even like that candy. She then questioned me about taking the popcorn, which is microwavable and the candy, large bag is about 1-2 dollars, and the popcorn most three dollars for six bags. She then gave me this massive lecture about not taking stuff from other people. Words can't describe how upset I am that not only is it all over the office and believed, but even my own boss, who I like dearly and has been great. Believes them and is accusing me of stealing them. We work with all high-security stuff, date of births, social security numbers, stuff like that. It's killing me. I need this job badly. I can only earn 200 a week due to my health care and am suffering from minor level skin cancer, and this job lands everything perfectly. It also has given me a massive amount of experience for another job later on. My mom is barely getting enough lately as it is and my dad doesn't give us anything. When I started home, I had a massive panic attack and had to sit down and calm down for several minutes before I could continue. I honestly don't know what to do.
http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/web/07/25/wikileaks.afghanistan/index.html?hpt=T1 My personal opinion: I'm neutral about the war. Iraq is the one that really gets me the wrong way. But I thoroughly question the source, I mean... Wikipedia? Yes, I'm pretty sure that is a wikipedia website. The fact that they allow anyone to post info on it gives me several alarm bells. I know several of my teachers banned us from using wiki on any papers due to the inaccuracy. I think this is some guy trying to get his five minutes of fame and a fortune to boot. Probably also very anti-war. I do like the fact he said they make sure all info is accurate. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt......... It's that simple to keep track of that many articles. Thoughts?
Gulf Oil Spill latest This spill started 40 days ago, so there's no articles about the oil spill starting. An offshore oil rig exploded killing eleven workers 40 days ago. The pipe bringing the drilled oil above water started leaking about right after spilling gallon after gallon of oil. The company who owned the rig, British Petroleum, (BP) estimates a 5,000 barrels of oil a day is being leaked, government estimates 10,000-25,000 barrels a day. It has already hit the U.S. coast and several beaches, fisherman are grounded and the oil is spreading. BP is in charge of the clean-up, while the government is supervising. They have done several things to stop the oil and so far, none have work. This includes top kill, putting a container on top of the pipe leaking and a few others. The main worry for the eastern coast, is that it's going to hit the far Northern U.S. I live in Maine, the Northeastern most tip of the U.S. The vast majority of the economy rotates around the fishing, lobster and tourism (beaches). The concern of it hitting us is pretty high already. Thoughts? Opinions? Questions?
I'm bored so I'm dropping by again. My laptop crashed, another reason why I've been gone for so long. How's everything going? I see they added more shiny stuff while I'm gone. *looks for pony and stallion which seems to have gone lost a while ago*
I got it yesterday from one of my mom's customers. It's a persian, I'll show pics when I load them on my lappy. He's sleeping right now on my chest. :)
Dropped by for a few days from boredom... How's everyone? And cookies for whoever didn't vote for me as whiniest member. :guiltygearXpc37::silence:
Decided to drop by for the night cause I'm bored and I wanted to... *hops off stallion, holding up cloak* anyone got a washing machine?
I always get itchy feet after helping a forum for a while. I move on when needed. This is my longest project ever, and I don't regret it. But the staff have successfully proven themselves, and it's time for me to go on. I will still be on MSN, so I don't have any shout-outs. DON'T IM me saying: "OMFG!!! YOU'RE LEAVING!!! NNNNNNNNNNNNUUUUUU!!!!!" Cause it ticks me off, to be honest. I'll still stay in touch with everyone who I'm friends with. And an apology to the ones who I have pissed off or upset in the past or recently. You know who you are. *puts on dusty cloak and pack* Take care of yourselves, people... *rides off into the sunset on black stallion*
Yes, this is my true story. I decided after reading a story to put out my own story. I will not put some things in, but all of it is pretty much accurate, told from my parents when I was a baby to where I am now. This is dedicated to my mom, who taught me how to fly. And all the guardian angels who kept me in flight and repaired my broken wing. And everyone else who helps people who are "different." Please comment. ~*~ Being Normal: Prologue ~*~ I just graduated college and was like a big boat adrift at sea. I was lost with the rest of my life, the crushing weight of my parents starting to strangle me, but not able to leave yet due to loans and the fact I had no car. I grew up in this town, and was back for the summer to find my place in this big new world, and maybe myself. I sat on the uncomfortable stool with no back to it reading: “Lord of the Rings†at a bookstore to kill time until my shift ended. It’s a small, quiet town where there are more tourists in the peak season of July and August than locals. The owner was this kind man named Richard, he knew I was different, but he didn’t care. He took me in right after I graduated and made me feel like I was at home at the bookstore. Richard approached me when I was sitting there and offered me a book titled: The Short Bus, by Johnathan Mooney. “You can relate to it,†he said, “It’s about a guy who was born dyslexic and severely learning disabled who bought a short yellow bus. (The mark for any child with a disability, even today it’s called the “****** bus†by kids who even ride it.) Who drives around the United States looking for stories like his. He also graduated from Browne with a master.†I slowly put down the other book. Usually it takes a long time for me to get into a book. I guess its part of me. My mind wanders a lot and I get bored easily when focusing on one thing unless it’s really good, when I play video games or read some books, I lose myself in them, not even being aware of what’s around me. I open the first page and lose myself in the story immediately, being swept to where this guy, out of all people out there I have met and read, I finally can relate to. Someone who tried to “be normalâ€. ~*~ I was born to a hospital in New England. My parents didn’t have much, so I guess they didn’t run as many tests as they wanted to. They never noticed I had a hole in my eardrum. Years later, when I look back at it, I see how they might’ve not noticed. Technology back then wasn’t as good as it is today for testing the deaf. Maybe they couldn’t test me, but it was three critical years of hearing that I lost when an infant needs it the most. I was overlooked, not tested for a test that could’ve simply been done in five to ten minutes. When I finally left the hospital as a baby, despite my mom’s protests that something was wrong, I was rushed back within 24 hours, a staff infection attacking my whole body. My mom tells me later in life I nearly died several times during the infection. I finally won over the infection, but it left me with brain damage, and I was diagnosed with a learning disability later on. Not much happened after the infection and my age of three. I developed very slowly. I was a quiet kid, never making any noise. I didn’t talk until I was six; it is kinda hard when you can’t hear anything for the longest time to talk. Least, that’s what I heard. I also had problems walking, later I would develop a walk that made me fall a lot, where instead of walking on the soles of my feet, and I’d walk on the sides of my feet. But that’s later on. When I was three, my parents found out I was deaf. It was a simple thing, actually. I was in a playpen or cradle at the time outside with my parents, and sirens went off by our house. I didn’t react any way, shape or form. A simple test that my parents caught that no one else did for three years finally shown that I was deaf. Testing was done immediately, and it shown what happened since I was born. I had a hole in my eardrum. It took one surgery to fix the problem. With learning to hear, it brought a barrage of sensory overload probably to the child who couldn’t hear her whole life. But it brought on severe handicaps at the same time. I ended up stuttering, not really as bad as some, but I still today stumble over some words that are easy to say. When I was a little kid, I stumbled all the time over simple words, but my mom was there, slowly teaching me how to say them. New words, and sometimes old, are still impossible for me in most cases. I can’t do pronunciation correctly, even with everything they give you. It’s hopeless for me until someone says the word and I mimic it back to them. Anyway, I’m getting off track. The doctors said I’d never be “normal.†That I would never make it in life without a hand holding me throughout the way… They said I needed to go to an institution for the rest of my life. Back then, the institutions were government run, I think they’re not around anymore, but I don’t know. The government put the kids with disabilities who they thought would never make it in their lives. Making it a “break†for the parents who had them, a place where they will take care of these kids for the rest of their lives without parents having to deal with them or worry about them. It was a hell house. I was too young at the time to remember if I even went there with my parents to there. My mom told me about it later, though. Every room had kids wearing helmets, some of them banging their heads violently against the walls over and over again all day long. This is what they considered a “safe living environment†for these kids. My mom refused. She saw something in me that no one else did, a spark, maybe just a little bit of hope in her part, but she didn’t give up, and it kept from going to that place. ~*~ I wonder today, looking back at it, what would’ve happened if I stayed there. Even the special education classes they offered back then and maybe even today severely limits the teaching of these kids. I look back at the other kids who were just as smart, who just needed a chance, who had great gifts that no one saw… But were never given them it. Those kids in the institution, they probably never experienced what I’ve seen. The comfort of reading a book curled up on your bed with cocoa on your side and snow falling out the window on a weekend, or a rainy day the same way. The joy of getting handed your diploma after years of work, tears slowly going down your face as your family watches. Or maybe even just sitting down with your mom and talking about your day, or camping with your dad. I wondr how many times these kids didn’t get to experience this just because they were labeled “unable to go to a normal school.†And that’s where my tale begins.
Has anyone read it? It's awesome, they show so much more than the anime, especially right now in the Japanese translation.
I'll give a cookie to whoever sees what's different with me. :)
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...ndexURL=0&photoDisplayType=2#ebayphotohosting This guy has a lot of games, look at the bid and how many people have bidded on it.
I know the forum has been through hell lately. But me and the staff and spdude got each other on the same page and we're going to have updates soon. We're going to soon have contests and upgrades and new videos. Don't give up, guys... We're almost there. Also, I put competitive with spam zone because we're trying to make the forum smaller considering how big the forum was. There will be more changes later on.
We're going to remove MUGEN since we didn't get any input about it in the last few months on continuing it. This means all work that is on there will be lost. This will happen within 24 hours. So this is your heads up about it.
It's a strictly online comic. This is the birth roots for Winterenmass and hopefully a gaming religion. But personally, what made me post it today was this comic: http://cad-comic.com/comic.php I don't know whether to laugh or feel insulted. :p EDIT: IS NOT FOR CHILDREN!!! Does contain adult humor and violence. You've been warned.
Kudos to Roxas for finding these: http://web.archive.org/web/20060603230118/www.kh-vids.net/forum/ http://web.archive.org/web/20060301082130/http://kh-vids.net/ http://web.archive.org/web/20070225145935/http://kh-vids.net/ http://web.archive.org/web/20060301082130/http://kh-vids.net/ None of the links work, but it shows you what it was like.
Okay, this is complicated... I have a class where part of it where we have to make an online store. With this, my group has no freaking clue about the virtual online game called: "Second Life". The thing is, none of us have any clue what it's about. And what the business setting is like. With this... I turn to you guys asking for help. Again, it's second life. Thanks for your help. :)
Yes, yet another religious controversy. After reading about The Golden Compass reviews, and basically listening to my dad and things on tv. I keep on hearing that some or the reasons that we're ending up with so many natural disasters, shootings, etc... Is because God is "mad" if you will... In a light context, because we're excluding him from our lives and making movies like The Golden Compass. Banning prayer from school, removing "God" from the pledge of Allegiance, etc... Thoughts on this?