I don't know if I should "Awww" or laugh at my stupidity.
S0T\/\/ no. 29 -Voting- Entries: DSK Cupcake Sadden Blood Warrior Chaser007 Ghe|tt|o²Xemnas. King_Mickey803 VideoGameNerd246 Pure Beats~ Hissora Spitfire cronoking Pepto Bismolº DisQualified: *Hippie Jesus* - Sig is too large. Sig is not sig.... it's a wallpaper. And I know you didn't make it. ---- Kay, guys, we need to have this voting thread over quick so we can get the next one up and running. I'm going away for spring break next week and I want to get the next one started soon >.< VOTE AWAY!
Iz be chillin' in kansas for spring break
WTF is your avvie o-o
http://youtube.com/watch?v=Go2vNcK_VvI Even if it was like, 3 months ago.
I'm trying to get back in a sig making mood. Cnc?
friday night. I'm at home. Outlining a pic I drew. One pixel a time. >.<
Has a huge fetish for pedophile clowns
Are apple bottom jeans?
FINALLY I get a chance at the scanner x3 Anyways I'm too lazy to photobucket this and I know you all love Deviantart. http://hissora.deviantart.com/art/Diana-Winged-Wonder-79224207 CNC PLOX Mostly on face, that's what I'm struggling with.
Umm... ... ... .. . Why are emotiocons ALMOST ALWAYS yellow? RACIST *******S!
I'm getting a hamster! x3 Name suggestions are loved
Rock Candy is truely sex on a stick
My tongue is bleeding
So, I'm typing up a report of langston hughes, right? And I type down, "his own story" but it comes out as "hissora" WTF MAN! WTF!
Commas are sexier.
In band, we ish playing spiderman
this is why I love techno... http://youtube.com/watch?v=nsCXZczTQXo
I'd do anything for a klondike... ... ..... ....... ......... Just not that.