EDIT, again.......... Is the kindest person on the site
Made me edit my post):
no, if it was intentional I would have slipped **** into it or something stronger than mere "sex". Is a wee' nooblet.
That was purposely. HJUUUYYYYYYTGGGHY^%$ESX ?ïçæåäôû -~=ÇÆÍÕÜ /"=ÏÎÝ? /"=ÎÍ /"=ÏÎÖ? /"==ÎÖ? //+<ÇÆÄÃÂÁÀÀÈÑÙÚÔÌÄÄÂÁÈÑÙÚÛÌÅÅ "=ÏÎÖÜ "+>ÇÆÍ!ÙÓËÌÍØ- ôëããååî?ÿýûúòèààèèéòóôôôôëëêêùùññß.` sex íäãêò ki&&%rf ò I banged my head, YAY for keyboards!
^ALOT <timeless vhas a pet jelly-fish called squishy?
Lieks RPG's
Always sounds so cheerful and kind.
Is using windows?
Is not known around these parts, yet.
*cough*pirates*cough* TUROK(I condemn that game to hell!!!) is owned by disney, Ahhhhhh......
I have also ran out of ideas?lend me a brain so I may ponder on the name "len"
Yeah, I didn't have my hands in correctly on this thing and thought I was gonna' fall out D: http://www.youtube.com/watch?oRpVAn7Vijg . Also the vid decieves you about the hieght of 200+ft!!!
*Gnaws at shiki's arm*(I liked your old name better but whatever)
YAY, I was right(for once):D
Something.....................er..........hmmmmm......GRAH!!!*Bites ArchAwsomeMan*
The Arch Bishop Of Canturbury W O_O
Sephiroth's killer move, "Dark Heartless Angel"
Guerrilla's in da' mist?o_0