*Gives an assortment of welcoming gifts*
*Gives assortment of welcoming gifts*
Hi, there, have fun, follow the rules and act randomtabular in la spam zone
Hi, there. Have fun. Follow the rules. And be randomtabular in la spam zone.
*poofs in*:ninja:*poofs out*,*poofs in again* Hi.
Needs sleep, gtg:sleepy:
I'm out of ideas.
*Eats GenerationVIII*
ROFLOL, your order of fail has been delivered.
len:tired Generation:taking forever to post
HA! HA! Isn't such a smartarse after all...
INDUSTRIAL cream *Throws pie @ Generation* Posts alot in the "what pops into your head when you hear the person above you's user name?" thread.
Cream.... Likes pie.
Because I'm like that....when people are kind to me, I'm kind back. When people show disrespect, I throw it right back in thier face, much like a clown with a pie.
*lets len post first* Posted before me.