Search Results

  1. Nova
  2. Nova
  3. Nova
  4. Nova
    Likes a person related to Peter Pan.
    Post by: Nova, Jul 11, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  5. Nova
    Bad gamefreak, bad. Stop making Pokeymanz.
    Thread by: Nova, Jul 11, 2010, 80 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Nova
    I might listen to it. Honestly, I don't thin they're as good as they used to be. I used to somewhat enjoy their first 2 albums, but Minutes to Midnight made me start to dislike them. I can't stand them anymore as of last year, but who knows, maybe their new album might be decent. I just can't stand the way they mix their music.
    Post by: Nova, Jul 11, 2010 in forum: Music
  7. Nova
    I laughed so hard throughout that entire movie. Honestly though, what did you guys expect? It's Shayamalan. I have only seen one good, and one decent movie from him. The Sixth Sense and Lady in the Water.

    I actually was expecting it to be worse.
    I was afraid he was going to make Soh-kah, Katara's boyfriend.

    It WAS bad, but it could have been much worse. Okay, well... Maybe just a LITTLE bit worse.
    Post by: Nova, Jul 11, 2010 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Nova
    Pumpkin head!


    Canadian boyfriend loves hockey 8D8

    It took me forever to do this.

    Omg Tootsie you are so pretty 8D​
    Post by: Nova, Jul 11, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  9. Nova
    I agree with demonchick <3
    life would be boring if everyone wasn't strange. I still say that i think Aura did it.
    Post by: Nova, Jul 11, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Nova
  11. Nova
  12. Nova
  13. Nova
  14. Nova
    Is twisted.
    Post by: Nova, Jul 11, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  15. Nova
  16. Nova
  17. Nova
    Profile Post

    Hello :glomp:

    Hello :glomp:
    Profile Post by Nova for Dman23, Jul 11, 2010
  18. Nova
    Profile Post

    Added ^^

    Added ^^
    Profile Post by Nova for Xephos, Jul 11, 2010
  19. Nova
    So, I was looking back at old pics of me, and I found this.


    And this. Her name was Paisley Cupcake. :3

    I have too much fun in the bathroom.

    Interesting day :lolface:

    Cute :3

    And... I hope we're not too similar XD

    You have pretty eyes.

    Cute. And cool shirt.

    (Did anyone notice I made my pics go smaller to bigger? And my text bigger to smaller? I tried :lolface:) o;
    Post by: Nova, Jul 11, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  20. Nova
    OH LAWDY! :c
    Post by: Nova, Jul 11, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone